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Recommended Items
Runes: Default
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
You won't win lane against this guy, his autos desintegrate your barrels and his playstyle punishes agressive plays, just play back and safe, you beat him late game, hopefully.
I don't really know what to say here but GP goes well with any champions that can speed him up in teamfights (Lulu,Karma, etc) and junglers that can lock down enemies long enough for him to land a barrel during ganks (anyone with hard cc longer than one second)
I don't really know what to say here but GP goes well with any champions that can speed him up in teamfights (Lulu,Karma, etc) and junglers that can lock down enemies long enough for him to land a barrel during ganks (anyone with hard cc longer than one second)
Champion Build Guide
•Incredible teamfighter
•Great splitpusher
•Can do insane amounts of AoE damage
•Doesn't lose duels lategame
•Works with almost any comp
•All the wenches will want your *******
•If you mess up the laning phase you're useless
•Goes OOM in laning phase very quickly
•You're either squishy or deal no damage
•Hard to learn
•The ocean made him very salty
In lane you have two options, if you're against a hard matchup then sit back, farm with q occasionally and poke to try and get them low so that either your jungler can come and you two kill them or they recall and you can farm freely. If youre against someone you can kill a little bit easier then taking Ignite and going balls to the wall at lvl 2 is your best bet, hit Q, hit a Powder Keg combo, hit Q again and all in them, you probably out damage them if you reset your passive. With a lead like that getting kills and farming later on in the laning phase should be EZ. If you're stuck with a harder matchup that can kill you easily, well first of all i feel bad for you, but here's what you have to do: ALWAYS keep a barrel around your backline minions so that you can always disengage. It might be so bad that you can only farm with Q, that's fine, farm under tower and be patient, wait for your jungler to come. Taking exhaust is also an option aganist hard matchups if you want to avoid death, which you should.
ALSO make sure you keep an eye on the minimap in search of skirmishes as your Cannon Barrage can turn the tide for your team more than you think and also get you a sweet assist or even kill if you're lucky (and some free money from First Strike).
Consider starting lvl1 with your E, placing it in the middle bush and connecting a combo on the first minion wave once the frontline minions drop low, this will almost always hit the enemy laner as well, since they will also go for the minions, your barrel + passive at lvl1 deal insane damage with First Strike and will often leave the enemy laner at half health with just those 2 hits. After this you can look for an all in around lvl 2 if youve zoned the enemy properly and taken ignite, its almost a guaranteed first blood.
•I'm gonna be honest, im a greedy SoB and i like starting Long Sword and Refillable Potion almost every game, this allows you to get Essence Reaver a whole 350 gold faster! Thats more than 3 minion waves! A whole minute and a half! Other than that I go Doran's Blade if i know it can guarantee a first blood, (400g is more than 350g) Doran's Shield and Corrupting Potion are kinda wasteful, as they offer nothing after you get your item, but delay it by a lot, take them only if the enemy picked something that you can't play into, or if you're a beginner.
Core items:
• Essence Reaver, Navori Flickerblade and The Collector. Every time, without fail. The stats those items give you are simply too useful on GP, don't think about it too much, just buy them.
Other crit items
• Last Whisper items are also core, but both of them are kinda mediocre without context, Lord Dominik's Regards has been nerfed but the stats are still hella useful and everyone is spamming tanks nowadays so this will be your 4th item most of the time. Take Mortal Reminder as an alternative if the enemy doesnt really have tanks as it just gives more stats than LDR (note: antiheal is kinda useless so unless the enemy has a soraka you wont get a lot of value out of it).
• Stormrazor is currently my favourite 5th crit item, it just gives the best stats and isnt too expensive (note: the on-hit effect is NOT applied on your barrels)
Various other options
•Now that your Mythic is always a crit item, you get a neat array of items to choose as your 6th. Prowler's Claw is a really good stat stick although you can't utilize its passive (you can if you flash but you didn't hear that from me). Serpent's Fang is a good, cheaper alternative, especially if the enemy has shields (Mortal+Serpents is sure to disable all of the enemy supports). And Guardian Angel if they have pesky assassins or you need it for a big Baron or Elder fight.
Defensive options:
•Don't, just don't...
Seeing as GP is basically a farming simulator the first 20 minutes of the game, you should know how to properly farm.
Under tower farming
When up against a hard matchup and in the first few minutes of the game (as in pre 5-minute mark) you wont be able to pick up the casters under tower with just one autoattack and tower shot (trust me) so what you do is place a barrel under all the casters and blow it up with a regular aa. now when the tower shoots them you can pick them up easily!
Sheen farming
I know, you just went back the first time and got sheen and now all you want to do is poke the enemy laner, but its still a long while until you get lvl 13 and you're gonna need to farm in the meantime. So go into the casters, basic attack them all ONCE each and blow them up with a Barrel+Q (NOTE: the barrel might not be lethal if youre extremely low lvl and have no AD items...)
Also on the topic of barrels being lethal, one-shotting caster minions with a barrel requires you to either have an entire Essence Reaver OR have sheen and be lvl 9 (when your Q is rank 5).
Barrels start one shotting FRONTLINE minions when you have ER + Navori AND it crits (with Q obviously).
•Dragon control
•(Hopefully) A fresh lane with all its towers alive
•Two dumb botlaners that will not expect the damage from your barrels
While it is true that pre 13 your teamfight potential is not the best, you don't actually want to afk farm, since you have a big Sheen item it's best to push lane as hard as possible and roam towards objectives (especially if you're mid), if you're top: ward/take herald, contest the enemy buff, skirmish, all the while your laner is farming under tower, hell, you can even TP bot -> take dragon that's how powerful lane prio is, and GP is the best at it.
•Strong Enemies
Enemies who are fed can one shot you in the blink of an eye, and even faster than that if you don't have Remove Scurvy up. These are your targets. Be patient and wait for them to position badly, catch them with a barrel combo or two and wipe them out, if you have crit in your build then flashing onto them for a few regular autos is also an option.
As soon as the enemy sees you splitpushing they're going to try to group up on you and take you out. Always keep an eye on the minimap and make sure you can see at least 4 people on there. If you slip up and see 3 people show up to get your head, do not fear, since you're level 13 you can set up a quick barrel combo and slow all of them down while gaining a ridiculous amount of movement speed yourself. Unless you just snorted a line of cocaine, are actually Fakers son or extremely fed I highly suggest not going in for a 1v3, instead just run for it and try to make your team go for a Baron or Dragon while half the enemy team is chasing you.
•Baron and Dragon
If the enemy tries to be sneaky and take Baron or Dragon while you're not looking be sure you have both warded and as soon as you see them doing this ult them and try to disrupt them by any means possible. GP has the most insane AoE damage late game so you can one shot a whole team at Baron with a single barrel combo.
An important thing to note is that by repeatedly resetting your passive on Epic monsters you can deal THOUSANDS of true damage with just your passive in a matter of seconds, GP is the new king of sneaking Barons as with just a jungler you can clear a Baron at minute 25 in less than 30 seconds.
Perfect Timing vs Magical Footwear i'd say this is about 50/50 realistically you go Stopwatch when you're against something that you NEED to buy Plated Steelcaps in lane or the enemy has a jungler that will try to dive you early, (kayn, lee, yi ,j4), ptherwise go boots as it allows for better economy.
Transcendence + Gathering Storm allows for some crazy scaling but makes you super squishy in lane, not reccomended for newbies or in lanes where the enemy can pick a fight and out trade you easily.
With GP your main focus in lane is farming throwing barrels at your enemy until they're low enough to all in. Parrrley isn't actually that good for poking if you don't have sheen (Believe it or not) so use it to get CS you would otherwise miss. Try not to push your lane and never go in for 1v1's that you aren't sure if you are going to win (especially if you dont have Ignite). Do not go for fights with your team before level 13 and before you have multiple crit items unless it's absolutely necessary. The three most important things to know on GP are:
1) Know how to farm
Knowing how to get as many minions as possible is imperative to learning GP, although killing your opponent in lane and roaming is a semi-reliable source of income; nothing can replace a good ol' CS lead, know when to go in for farm and take poke, know when to go afk farm, know how to freeze the lane and you're on your way to mastering GP!
2) Know your combos
This ones obvious but very much worth mentioning, to be a good Gangplank you need to know how to do, and WHEN to do barrel combos.(the one-part, two-part, three-part etc.)
3) Know your numbers
Like Gangplank says: "Trust nothing to chance" , you can never go in for a fight and just wing it, you need to know how much damage you do and how much damage you can take, if you can kill the enemy in a few combos that you're able to make, great, go for it, if not: just back off from the fight, if your team dies, too bad, just farm under tower and wait for them to come back to life (GP is great at anti sieging so try to disrupt the enemy team at this time). If your team listens to you and backs up, congrats, you've just made a successful shotcall.
Know all this and you can call yourself a good GP player, blast some Alestorm and carry yourself out of Iron 4.
If there is something you would like to be added to the guide be sure to leave a comment and I'll try to reply as soon as possible!
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