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Shen Build Guide by CrusherNinja

Top CrusherNinja Presents Proudly - 8.12 Top Lane Shen

Top CrusherNinja Presents Proudly - 8.12 Top Lane Shen

Updated on June 13, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CrusherNinja Build Guide By CrusherNinja 6 0 33,751 Views 0 Comments
6 0 33,751 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CrusherNinja Shen Build Guide By CrusherNinja Updated on June 13, 2018
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Grasp of the Undying
Second Wind

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hello everyone i'm ChrusherNinja. It's nice to see you again in season 8 of League. I have decided to make some differences to accomodate with recent season about my guide for Shen, which is my main League of Legends champion.

I'm gonna give you some directions with my build recipe.
I hope it would help you to be a Chrusher Ninja as I would like to tell you.
Please pay attention to directions below and when you have finished to read and used it in game, tell me my wrong directions and faults by making comments with fair words.
Because, not only me but also other authors making enormously effort to give you something helpful.

I have said too much lets get started. :)
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To select this Summoner Spell gives you more map activity and roaming with your ultimate Stand United.

It provides to him making combinating tricks with his Shadow Dash.

Not recommended but it sometimes can useful against using less one of all restorating effects (f.e; HP regenerating or lifestealing) champions.
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Pros / Cons


+ Durable
+ Beneficial Champion in Team
+ High CC
+ Mobile
-With his passive Ki Barrier he has very much durability against enemy top lane player.
-With his Shadow Dash he can taunt his enemies. With his Twilight Assault he can slow enemies.
-With his ultimate Stand United he can protect his teammates even if not being beside them.
-With his Spirit's Refuge you can provide self protecting and your teammates safety from every basic attacks coming to you and your teammates.


- Energy Necessity
- Wants Responsible Teammates.
- Not Having a Fighting Ultimate.
- Leaving Own Lane Frequently.
-His energy is sometimes counted as a pro, sometimes counted as a con.
-If you have responsible teammates when you use your ultimate Stand United you hardly ever complete fight unsuccessful but if not, you will be disappointed by your teammates.
-Not having a fighting ultimate is always a matter when you have reached level 6 and your enemy has opened his/her not global ultimate on 1v1.
-Leaving your own lane frequently makes sense at earlier parts of the game.
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While playing Shen you can use his Stand United on your teammate to dive under turrets to get an important kill or win a fight. Till Shen's focusing time has filled, enemy at the middle of aimed fight would be dealing with your teammates. And you would use his Shadow Dash on your enemy/enemies as soon as appoint immediately.

-Starting a Team Fight-

As both of team's champions positioning and looking for a formation mistake from enemy team before the fight, you would be looking for a positioning mistake too. And your first aim would be catching enemy team's AD carry. As soon as you have find out your assault chance you would move to taunt enemies(especially AD carry) with Shen's Shadow Dash and get your kill at the right time. Not to forget to active his Twilight Assault to gain extra basic attack magical damage and his Spirit's Refuge to protect yourself and teammates from enemies' basic attacks during 1.75 seconds as soon as you make the first move.
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Flash+Shadow Dash Trick [PRACTICE IS NECESSARY]

Usually while we are playing Shen and chasing our enemies even if we use [flash] and Shadow Dash we can't get at our enemies. At this time we can use our [flash] not to past your enemies but onto your enemies during our Shadow Dash's animation. This would be more helpful. I'm going to try to show you with little icons how can you use this fancy trick as much as i can. Riven is going to be a target model of our lesson below.

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Greetings again my friends. I'm CrusherNinja and I tried to transfer all my experience about this awesome guy which is my main champion ( Shen). I wish it would help you in game or within a discussion about Shen in a social group at least. I did make a lot of effort and I wish you don't forget to honor with your comments and upvotes. If I made a mistake during my expression please let me know what it is.


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League of Legends Build Guide Author CrusherNinja
CrusherNinja Shen Guide
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CrusherNinja Presents Proudly - 8.12 Top Lane Shen

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