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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
Now, a good starting set is the Prospector's Ring and Boots. Then move up to Ionian Boots of Lucidity. After you get your second tier boots, get Eve's best friend, Sheen. At this point, you will start to feel Eve's strength. But what really is the source of mass killing is the combo of Blackfire Torch and Lich Bane. Blackfire Torch gives you the Cooldown Reduction, Ability Power, and Health you need to round out Eve. However, it is the Lich Bane that will turn you into pure death. You will be doing about 300 Magic Damage every 2 seconds along with about 250 AP added to each of your other attacks. This damage flow is near constant due to Hate Spike and Mana is never really a problem with Eve.
You can choose just about any other items to supplement these. Here are a few specifics.
Quick Note: I do not make use of Deathfire Grasp because it is not necessary once you have the Lich Bane. It is not worth the cost to something that Ravage will do with a long cooldown. Spend the money on one of the above.
You can choose just about any other items to supplement these. Here are a few specifics.
This is a good sustainability item for any encounters that last more then the requisite 3-5 seconds of curbstomping. | More AP and punching power on your abilities vs. MR counters. | Yet another way to get more AP and MR counter, even more fun then Void Staff during team ganks. |
Survivability and sustainability. You can wander the battlefield for quite some time with this. | Go from insane burst to ragequit-inducing, old-style Eve. |
Quick Note: I do not make use of Deathfire Grasp because it is not necessary once you have the Lich Bane. It is not worth the cost to something that Ravage will do with a long cooldown. Spend the money on one of the above.
Most of your encounters will end up like so: Ravage to initiate, followed by constant Hate Spike. You will use the Dark Frenzy active in order to either brake a CC panic response to your sudden attack or to catch up to a fleeing enemy to finish the job.
When your ultimate Agony's Embrace is up, use it instead to initiate, followed by Ravage, and then Hate Spikes.
This Evelynn build is instant death to the squishy, death by chasing for those with a medium build, and maybe up to 10 seconds on a tank. Turrets mean nothing if your ultimate is up. Once you get the Lich Bane everything else is just fun running around killing the unsuspecting, which is what playing Eve's original version was like. You can even scare individuals who think they can grab an unoccupied turret due to your stealth not being revealed on uncaptured or team turrets. So bring back the old times and have fun!
When your ultimate Agony's Embrace is up, use it instead to initiate, followed by Ravage, and then Hate Spikes.
This Evelynn build is instant death to the squishy, death by chasing for those with a medium build, and maybe up to 10 seconds on a tank. Turrets mean nothing if your ultimate is up. Once you get the Lich Bane everything else is just fun running around killing the unsuspecting, which is what playing Eve's original version was like. You can even scare individuals who think they can grab an unoccupied turret due to your stealth not being revealed on uncaptured or team turrets. So bring back the old times and have fun!
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