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Rammus Build Guide by the guy who did full mana

Jungle π™π˜Όπ™ˆπ™ˆπ™π™Ž ez low elo escape

Jungle π™π˜Όπ™ˆπ™ˆπ™π™Ž ez low elo escape

Updated on March 18, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author the guy who did full mana Build Guide By the guy who did full mana 2,013 Views 0 Comments
2,013 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author the guy who did full mana Rammus Build Guide By the guy who did full mana Updated on March 18, 2023
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Champion Build Guide

π™π˜Όπ™ˆπ™ˆπ™π™Ž ez low elo escape

By the guy who did full mana
General idea when starting
so you are going to have two options when you path in the early game and that is if you are on bot side then you go blue-gromp-red and look for gank
if you are on top side go red-blue gromp and look for gank
rammus is very good on lvl 3 so going ahead and starting a snowball on a lane either it be mid or bot would be preferable if their bot has lot of cc go for reverse clear and go top
mid game
mid game will start for you once you buy either thornmail (if you're ahead) or just bramble vest (if you're behind) so make sure you force fights around objectives for your team so you could get as much gold as possible to start snowballing but i do have to advise against steeling kills just look for a supportive playstyle and getting gold through assists dont be too greedy
late game
just focus on getting your build finished and taking objectives
the two most important items are thornmail and iceborn once you get those you can stomp out any low elo team, but if you're having trouble with a specific match up try taking other items abyssal mask and force of nature are good choices if they have a hevy ap team since this build focuses mostly on armor
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League of Legends Build Guide Author the guy who did full mana
the guy who did full mana Rammus Guide
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π™π˜Όπ™ˆπ™ˆπ™π™Ž ez low elo escape

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