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He can really zone you out of your game plan. He can push you into tower constantly and harder than other champions, while also having a shield against your long range hooks, as well as having an lethal ultimate. If you're against it, try being patient and getting Tiamat, once you have it, try to use it to take his shield ou before an all-in.
This is an easy match up, because you can dodge her skills easily and go in when her cooldowns are down. Watch out after level 6 though, as she can then easily dodge your ultimate.
She decides what will happen, and you are just forced to make plays elsewhere. She can go in and out faster than you and also push you into tower while also poking you. Her cloud completely renders you with the option to stay and die or E out and survive.
This is my everytime ban.
This is an good match up, but be aware of her passive to don't get stunned and killed with no good reason for it.
Even match up, this is a skill based match up. His ult cancels your ult, but you can try to only use it if he is stunned by your E.
In the lane, dodge his Q and go in for a quick stun, followed by your autos and Q.
It's FIzz, he'll probably dodge everything you throw at him.
He usually starts corrupt potion, so don't go trading like a fish to fish showdown.
Go for trades if he uses his E to clear the wave.
Ask for Ganks if you're pressured, you're not weaker than him.
You can easily dodge her skills and go in. Would probably go merc treads against her, just in case...
Hard to lane against, as he can escape you. He also scales way better than Pyke, so you'll likely be less impactful than him.
This is a calm lane. He can try to poke you, but usually you'll dodge it.
One of the most guaranteed gank=money.
I would go merc treads, just in case.
She is a though match up, generally a losing one. Her skills can hit you from far away and CC you into her.
This lane is an go in and go out constantly if you want to be even or winning.
He is supposed to be tanky, but Pyke rips him a part.
The only thing here is that you can't take his Q damage, but it is quite easy to step away from it.
If he picked Kassadin against you, you should welcome him into Pyke mid with a good and old Stomp!
He is harmless until level 9.
Trading is really good and he will be an easy target.
If this lane isn't going as well as i'm saying, buy a hexdrinker and call for a gank, he will die.
No one likes laning against this cruel genius. You can try to all in if he is low on mana, but at level 6 he will be able to simply stun and burst you.
I wouldn't pick Pyke against him.
It is an ok match up. You can't trade with her passive stacked. But if she's trying to go for you, just use your E to either scape or to stun and escape.
You can try to bait her E to then quickly use your E into her for an unexpected all in.
Just don't stand inside her knifes. This match up will be decided on who can go in, trade and go out winning. Just E out of her Ultimate and that's it.
Awfull lane to be Pyke. She plays with you and there is nothing you can do, she dodges everything and bursts you.
Toe to toe. Don't over commit and go in when she uses her cooldowns. At level 6 mind standing close to walls.
He is a possible counter, but only if the games goes for too long. Else, he is annoying because of his point and click cc, but he lacks damage early on.
He has a huge load of sustain, it will be a hard lane.
You need to land your stun in order to win the trade. You need to rush executioner's again Sylas.
Wait until she wastes her mana to go in safely. Buy hexdrinker in between the first lethality items. Also go merc treads for extra tank and you won't fear her.
Just don't let him poke you and you will win trades. If he is in execute range and you are low, ult on top of yourself if he ults... generally talon players will try to kill you before thinking about escaping.
Just E out of his cage. He runs out of mana quickly, use this moments to your advantage. He scales really hard, so the game can go on a burst duel, beware. Merc treads is a must have in this match up.
Toe to toe. Use your W to evade his Q. If he starts farming way more than you, you'll need executioners (because he runs Conqueror).
Mind his short sword poke.
Basically the same as Yasuo, just easier to dodge his ult.
You have more sustain, but the damage output is basically the same. As long as he doesn't keep poking you, there won't be any trouble trading.
Don't ask for ganks, he will most likely evade it and your jungle will stop following your calls.
After lvl 6 he has a slight advantage if he ults you, once he's in you, the best you can do is use a pot and prepare to imediatly E and W away, don't W on his ult as you will not regen your grey health.
The worst jungler to be against. He cancels you and renders you harmless foi seconds. If someone already banned Akali, ban Rammus.
You will have a hard time hooking her to you. Try to play around her cooldowns and use your mobility to roam and make her team fall behind.
Hook after Hook.
Slow plus your CC.
You can allow him to ult. Besides that, both of you are really strong at 2 v 2 due to your mobility and CC.
Hook after Hook.
Slow plus your CC.
You can allow him to ult. Besides that, both of you are really strong at 2 v 2 due to your mobility and CC.
Your E will follow you after cast, no matter what, so you can flash behind someone if you feel the kill is guaranteed.
If you feel you'll hit your Q, instantly E towards de enemy, that's you "skill only combo", which can include your R if the target is low enough.
As Pyke, everytime your in lane and you see an oportunity for a kill, go for it. Ignore the wave if it's not 20 minions and that would make you fall 2 levels behind.
Even before lvl 6, your W allows you to reach the fight faster than the enemy mid laner, so you'll have a chance of getting the kill and running or even turning in the enemy after the first kill... ok, you may not get the kill and your jungler dies instead,but you'll most likely be able to run away using E through a wall.
Be aware o scuttle crabs fights between junglers and ganks in the side lane, you can follow your jungler and get ult kills, putting you both ahead in gold.
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