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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability

Malzahar is widely played in high-elo and competitive tournament play. He has a group silence, group HP% AoE, a channel ultimate that has GREAT synergy with other champs such as

Why don't you try him out?
The power of the Void is nigh and Malzahar's words bring madness."

- Great Farmer
- Great Solo
- Great Nuking
- Group Silence
- DoT
- Single Target and Multi-Target Raping.
- He floats.
- Can't touch him.
- Squishy
- Can run out of mana quickly if used wrongly.
- No escaping mechanism
- Slow
For masteries, I would go a standard 9/0/21 caster setup, including improved flash, spell penetration, and CDR. There would be no point in allocating points into Attack, as you aren't an AD DPS. You could try a 0/21/9 build that provides more survivability, but I don't recommend it. A caster should have what a caster haves imo.
There's been a lot of debate on whether allocating points on

![]() Ignite Ignite can help you charge up your voidling counters in a teamfight, which normally lets you get more voidlings out. It also can help you get a first blood at early game ( ![]() ![]() ![]() Flash Best summoner spell in the game. Let's you escape over walls and provides so much survivability that ![]() |
![]() Ghost Helps you run away from enemies, chase down enemies out of range for that last ![]() |
Q > E > E > W > E > R > Q > E > E > Q > W > Q > Q > W > W > R > W > W
Adding a point in


After one point in

At level 4, add a point into

When you reach level 6, you start to shine. You can use a spell combo that will be explained in the Tips and Tricks section.
Near mid game / late game, your Q becomes your major damage dealing / harass tool. With the correct items, your

I would prefer

It all depends on you. If you want more damage into your

I would recommend advanced players who have good team synergy max

I start out with a

This build is mainly focused on rushing a Catalyst The Protector. I strongly recommend you follow build two if you cannot rush one first trip back.
I chose these items for

The main focus of this build is to be able to do consistent damage late game.
You might lack some damage at the point where you get your

First grab a

Rushing a Catalyst The Protector provides great laning capabilities for

Getting a pair of Sorceror's Shoes then provides better harassing and farming.
Having a Catalyst The Protector already, I wouldn't get a

After the

Around mid~late game, the enemies would start to get bulkier. Grabbing a

This build is what I recently found out about. I got inspiration from Reginald's guide on, please check it out as it is way more detailed. As expected from a high elo player. :)
I start out at the pool with a

Basically the main focus of this build is to get three

I always use this build in ranked play, because I can't be 100% to be able to stay in lane and farm up for a Catalyst the Protector. If I'm forced to back, I'll buy

This build is recommended for more aggressive play, as you will deal way more damage, but keep watch on your mana, because it will run out quickly.
The last item is situational.
If you have a good team composition and want more sustain in a teamfight, go for a

If your team needs more damage, go for a

If you want more utility, go for a

I've seen many

Malzahar doesn't need more mana if used correctly. With a

Some people say "Oh, you don't need hp if you're doing good in lane." That's total ********. One gank and you're screwed, some harass and you're screwed. Don't underestimate the enemy laner, as that is what cause people to fail.
Other people say "Oh I build

To sum it up, Catalyst the Protector provides more lane sustain than

I strongly disagree with this method, and to prove my point, no one from high elo ever does this. But if you insist on doing it, go for it.

You should have passive stacks charged up in base. The most important thing of laning is to get farms. Basically just last hit minions at level one. If you feel pressured, for example, if you were laning against a

Besides that, if you had a decent lane and didn't use

Focus on farming! It's the main goal of the laning phase. What I do with Malzahar is to get the most farmed each game, because he just simply is so boss at doing that.
Remember! Don't overpush with

Just farm and harass. Simple. :)

ALWAYS position yourself in a good position before you initiate with your ultimate, because if you don't position yourself well, you WILL die if the enemies are smart.

Remember, in a teamfight, YOU are the squishy. Don't get focused in teamfights, lose, and blame the loss on my build. The purpose of a squishy AP Caster is to kill out the carry.
I have seen many people fail with casters, the reason being overextending. You aren't a tank or a tanky dps so don't charge in. Simple as that.

Q, E, W, R, D / F + D
This spell combo will deal crazy nukes and will shred your enemy into pieces.

Q, E, D, W, R
Remember not to waste the ultimate unless you are sure you can land a kill!
Don't ever facecheck brushes if the enemies are MIA. Use

Note that one of the tips of

Land your

Spam your skills to get your voidling out when attacking a turret. Voidlings focus the only target they can find in an area, and that would be a turret if the minions all got farmed first. Voidlings help push the turret A LOT.

Please give me some tips and reminders for this guide. I really hope to get some feedback to change some things and add some stuff in my guide. Hope this helped you all be a better player. See you all on the Fields of Justice.
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