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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Duelist's Dance (PASSIVE)
Fiora Passive Ability
Champion spotlight
This is my first guide on Mobafire, and it's logical, that i will make guide for my main champ: Fiora.
This guide includes 4 builds:
-Tanky Fiora
-Classical Fiora (AD)
-Jungle Fiora
You can also use more defensive rune, and more agressive items, if you want to change my build. You can use Seal runes (Armor or AD/level), Glyph runes (Magic Resist/AD/lvl) and in last item: Thornmail or another Bloodthirstier
The first option is more tanky one, and more defensive, the second is bit more agressive.
Keep reading, if you want to play Fiora and have fun .......
When I play Fiora, i'm acctually looking for few things:
-Attack damage
-Life steal (cause of her passive)
-Enough healt, to stay in teamfights till the end
-Fun play
If I wan't to play like this, I need to be passive in early game, and farm a lot, to get cash. When you get bloodthirstier, you can start playing more agressive, cause of bigger damage and life steal.
-Attack damage
-Life steal (cause of her passive)
-Enough healt, to stay in teamfights till the end
-Fun play
If I wan't to play like this, I need to be passive in early game, and farm a lot, to get cash. When you get bloodthirstier, you can start playing more agressive, cause of bigger damage and life steal.
In this chapter I will explain Fiora's skills, how to use them, and why i build them in this sequence.
PASSIVE: Fiora heals herself, each time she deals dmg. That's why it's so important, to have lifesteal (Vampiric Scepter in early, and Bloodthirstier in late game).
- Fiora's Q in my opinion is one of the best skills in the whole game. You can cast this spell 2 times. You can pull to your enemy, and you can also catch your enemy if he is runing away, and beetwen you and him, there are minions.
You simply use your Q first time, to pull to the minion, and second time, to pull to your enemy.
I will add video about this when I will be able to make it ^^
- Fiora's W has really the best passive in this fcking world. It gives you 15 additional attack damage at lvl 1, and each upgrade, gives you 5 more AD. You must maximize it first, cause of it's passive. It's active, works like Pantheon's passive, but you can't block turret attack. You only can block non-turret BASIC attacks, and you return damage to the attacker.
You can also use this, against ranged players in early game, when they push your lane. You simply press your W, to parry his attack, and this will be considered, like she is attacking you, and turret will start to attack her.
- Fiora's E gives player additional attack speed. This is good for farm in late game. When you farm, and kill minions, you also get some movement speed, which is also good for escaping.
- Fiora's ulti is one of the best ultis in the whole game. It's very annoying for enemys, and very useful for your team. In case of low like enemys: They deff the turret. Tank in your team dive in, attack 1 of enemys, attract turrets attacks on him ...
This are Fiora's abilitys and their use. Keep reading
PASSIVE: Fiora heals herself, each time she deals dmg. That's why it's so important, to have lifesteal (Vampiric Scepter in early, and Bloodthirstier in late game).
You simply use your Q first time, to pull to the minion, and second time, to pull to your enemy.
I will add video about this when I will be able to make it ^^
You can also use this, against ranged players in early game, when they push your lane. You simply press your W, to parry his attack, and this will be considered, like she is attacking you, and turret will start to attack her.
You can easily pull yourself with your Q, use it again, shut your E up, use your ulti, baaaam, PENTAKILL!
Easy. The best ulti for me in whole game. While you are using ulti, you can not be attacked by enemys!This are Fiora's abilitys and their use. Keep reading
In this chapter, you can read, which summoners spells I prefer, why, and which spells are also alternatives.
Smite: If you jungle, you must have this spell. It's also good for stealing baron and dragon later in game, and killing pets, such as Annie's gorilla :)
1st Priority Summoner Spells
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2nd Priority Summoner Spells
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space Other summoner spells are not necesary for Fiora, and I don't prefer them. You also don't need heal, cause of Fiora's passive. It's stupid if you use heal. |
Tanky Fiora gameplay:
First of all, I have to explain my decision about runes and masteries.
If we play tanky Fiora, we need deffensive masteries, so I ussualy use 21-9-0 for tanky version.
Tanky Fiora needs damage also, so I use:
Offensive: You need
In defensive masteries, you need armor, magic resistance, healt per level, and additional healt. So it's logical, that you use
Quintessence runes MUST BE armor penetration!
Oh, you don't know what that is? Let me tell you. Flat Armor Penetration: Flat armor penetration is applied directly to your attacks and physical abilities. These attacks will deal damage as
though your target has less armor than he really does
, but will never bring an opponent below 0 armor. For example, if a target has 20 armor and you have 5 armor penetration, you would deal damage as though the target had 15 armor. If you had 50 armor penetration against the same target, you would deal damage as though he had 0 armor.I hope you understand ... (P.S. I copyed the explanation from LeagueOfLegends official site).
Greater Mark of Desolation - You also need armor penetration marks, to get more armorPen.
You will get 9.99 armorPen from Quintessence runes, and 14.94 from mark runes. That means, you have 24.93 armor penetration, and if target has only 10armor, you make dmg, like he has no armor. So your basic attack deals bigger dmg.
Greater Seal of Defense - Seal runes must be armor/level, or only armor. My choice is armor/level, cause you get 9-times 1,41 armor or you get 9-times 2.7 at lvl18. It's big difference, cause you have 12.69 armor in first option, and 24.3 armor with second option. 12 armor is a lot.
These are my explanation and choices about runes and masteries for tanky Fiora.
In next chapter, you can read same thing for classical AD Fiora, and one after that, you can read chapter about Jungle Fiora.
As I explained many times: If you play tanky Fiora, you need healt, and attack damage. So your first choice are items, which gives you both.
You start with
Cloth Armor... The best item for the begining. It gives you 18 armor, which is a lot in early game. With runes, masteries and this item, you have 12,69 armor with runes, +6 with masteries, and +18 with item. That gives you 36.96 armor at lvl 1.
If you have armor/level seals, you have only 25.35 armor at lvl 1, but many more at lvl 18. So ... If you bet on early game, you need classical armor runes, and if you bet on late game, you need armor/level runes. But
If you are on bot, against ad carry, such as caitlyn, graves ..., and you have 25armor, you won't get so big dmg in the begining.
Next, you need
Mercury's Treads. This are best boots for tanky fiora. They give you all you need: 25magic resistance, enhanced movement 2, and Tenacity: 35.
The best. There are no alternatives for this boots with Tanky Fiora.
After Mercurys treads, you are gonna need some armor, life steal, and attack damage. The best item, which gives you all of this is
Wriggle's Lantern. But that's not all. If you click on this item, you can place sight ward, with cooldown 3min. It's UNIQUE PASSIVE is: 20% chance on attack to deal 425 magic damage to a minion/monster
Here is a picture, where to place wards. If you are on bot, you put ward on the lowest yellow
spot, if you are top, you put it on highest yellow spot, and if you are mid, you put in on bot/top in the river.![](/images/spacer.png)
Next item is
Wit's End. It's also one of the best tanky Fiora items. It gives you 40 attack speed and 30 magic resistance. It's UNIQUE Passive: Your attacks deal 42 bonus magic damage and increase your magic resistance by 5 during 5 seconds (stacks up to 4 times).
Wit's End, you need
Madred's Bloodrazor. This gives you 3 things you need:
-25 armor
-40 attack speed
-40 attack damage
UNIQUE Passive: On hit, deals bonus Magic Damage equal to 4% of the target's maximum health, (max. 120 versus monsters).
Very good item for Fiora, cause gives you again, all things you need.
The Bloodthirstier - 60 attack damage, 12 Life Steal, Passive: Gain an additional 1 Physical Damage and 0.2% Lifesteal per kill. Maximum of +40 Damage and 8% Lifesteal. Bonuses are halved upon death.
What else do you want?
Last item is
Guardian Angel. I guess you all kno this item, so I don't need to explain a lot. It gives you 68 Armor, 38 Magic Resistance. UNIQUE Passive: Revives your Champion upon death, restoring 750 Health and 375 Mana. This effect can only occur once every 5 minutes.
Item Sequence
Health Potion
Health Potion
Health Potion
Health Potion
Health Potion
Mercury's Treads
Wriggle's Lantern
Wit's End
Madred's Bloodrazor
Guardian Angel
You start with
If you have armor/level seals, you have only 25.35 armor at lvl 1, but many more at lvl 18. So ... If you bet on early game, you need classical armor runes, and if you bet on late game, you need armor/level runes. But
... games are deciding in late game ...
. The rest of cash, you use for 5 healt potions.If you are on bot, against ad carry, such as caitlyn, graves ..., and you have 25armor, you won't get so big dmg in the begining.
Next, you need
The best. There are no alternatives for this boots with Tanky Fiora.
After Mercurys treads, you are gonna need some armor, life steal, and attack damage. The best item, which gives you all of this is
Here is a picture, where to place wards. If you are on bot, you put ward on the lowest yellow
spot, if you are top, you put it on highest yellow spot, and if you are mid, you put in on bot/top in the river.
Next item is
-25 armor
-40 attack speed
-40 attack damage
UNIQUE Passive: On hit, deals bonus Magic Damage equal to 4% of the target's maximum health, (max. 120 versus monsters).
Very good item for Fiora, cause gives you again, all things you need.
The Bloodthirstier - 60 attack damage, 12 Life Steal, Passive: Gain an additional 1 Physical Damage and 0.2% Lifesteal per kill. Maximum of +40 Damage and 8% Lifesteal. Bonuses are halved upon death.
What else do you want?
Last item is
This chapter will give you some ideas about classic AD masteries and runes.
Totally logical choices for classic AD Fiora
Summoner's Wrath
- For improved ignite and exhaust (also ghost)
Brute Force
Weapon Expertise
for additional Attack Damage, Attack speed, life steal, armor penetration and Critical Strike Damage.
You only need some armor and magic resistance, so perfect masteries are
Those all totally logical choices, and are very similar to tanky masteries, so you can read more wide explanation there.
Here are many more choices at AD Fiora's runes.
Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Greater Mark of Scaling Attack Damage or Greater Mark of Desolation.
Greater Seal of Scaling Attack Damage), but you can also choose Greater Seal of Defense for additional armor/level. It's you choice again.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist.
Totally logical choices for classic AD Fiora
You only need some armor and magic resistance, so perfect masteries are
Those all totally logical choices, and are very similar to tanky masteries, so you can read more wide explanation there.
Here are many more choices at AD Fiora's runes.
Armor penetration (you can find explanation, what that is, in Tanky Masteries chapter) is very important at AD Fiora also. So you take Greater Quintessence of Desolation for armor penetration.Marks:
are reserves for additional armor penetration/attack damage. Whatever you like. I prefer armor penetration but ... it's your choice. So you take![](/images/spacer.png)
It's your choice. I prefer attack damage/level runes (![](/images/spacer.png)
Glyphs are specialized in Magic Resistance, so you MUST take![](/images/spacer.png)
If we play AD Fiora, we need nice attack damage, big attack speed and enough HP to stay in teamfights till the end.
Doran's Blade gives you all you need, so it's the best first item.
+10 attack damage, +80 healt and +3 life steal. Exactly the things you need.
When you 1st time recall, you must have enough cash to buy at least
Boots and
Dagger (770). If you have 150 more to buy whole
Berserker's Greaves.
When you recall 2nd time you must buy the rest of
Berserker's Greaves and
Vampiric Scepter.
Now you must not buy any potions, cause you already have your Life Steal, which is big enough, to get HP back.
Now you already have life steal, so you can stay on the lane enough time to get 1650 gold for B.F. Sword. Recall when you already have 1650 gold, not before! Buy B.F. and do not waste the rest of gold for pots or elixir's or something. When you recall next time you'll build it into The Bloodthirstier.
Now it's time to get attack speed. You buy
Zeal if you don't have enough money for whole
Phantom Dancer. At next recall you will build it to the end. Np.
Phantom Dancer you buy
Infinity Edge. For more AD (+80) and critical strike chance (+25). As passive you get +50 critical strike damage!
Now it's time to get some more healt. You buy Giant's Bell to build it into
Frozen Mallet after. It gives you +20 Attack damage, +700 Healt and additionaly, basic attacks reduce your target's movement speed by 40% for 2.5sec!
When you have
Frozen Mallet it's time for last item. If you think you already have enough attack damage, you can buy
Guardian Angel. Cause of armor, magic resist and it's passive (Revive your champion) it's one of the best late game items. If you think you need some more attack damage, you buy
Black Cleaver. 55 Attack Damage, 30 Attack speed and reducing target's armor by 15 for 5 seconds it's pretty cool isn't it?
It's your choice!
Instead of
Black Cleaver or
Guardian Angel you can buy another Bloodthirstier for some more life steal and attack damage.
I tried once, late game with 4 bloodthirstiers and I can tell you it's awesome. 2 hits on minion gives you half of HP back.
It's your choice again.
If we play AD Fiora, we need nice attack damage, big attack speed and enough HP to stay in teamfights till the end.
Starting items:
+10 attack damage, +80 healt and +3 life steal. Exactly the things you need.
When you 1st time recall, you must have enough cash to buy at least
When you recall 2nd time you must buy the rest of
Now you must not buy any potions, cause you already have your Life Steal, which is big enough, to get HP back.
Now you already have life steal, so you can stay on the lane enough time to get 1650 gold for B.F. Sword. Recall when you already have 1650 gold, not before! Buy B.F. and do not waste the rest of gold for pots or elixir's or something. When you recall next time you'll build it into The Bloodthirstier.
Now it's time to get attack speed. You buy
Now it's time to get some more healt. You buy Giant's Bell to build it into
When you have
It's your choice!
Other options:
Instead of
I tried once, late game with 4 bloodthirstiers and I can tell you it's awesome. 2 hits on minion gives you half of HP back.
It's your choice again.
Fiora is one of my favourite junglers. When she gets ulti you can't run away, specially if you are using flash/ghost/exhaust. Ignite is also good for "finishing" enemy.
Jungle route looks like that:
Doesn't matter on which side of map you are... You start with
You countinue your jungle route with
You can gank mid after wraits or gank top/bot after golems. When you reach lvl 6 your ganks will be even more effective.
In next days i'll add my own jungle fiora gameplay.
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