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Fizz Build Guide by Thror

AP Carry fish fish fish patch 5.17

AP Carry fish fish fish patch 5.17

Updated on September 14, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Thror Build Guide By Thror 3,807 Views 0 Comments
3,807 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Thror Fizz Build Guide By Thror Updated on September 14, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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tip and facts

or Assassin like Fizz, gold is everything!
You won't be able to win your lane if you won't be able to farm properly since you won't have enough burst damage to take your targets down.
Try to farm as much as you can so you won't get behind, your Seastone Trident and Playful / Trickster is there to help you to do so.
Seastone Trident's passive and active might helping you to last hit minions, while your Playful / Trickster can clear the whole wave.
So remember, you MUST farm or get tons of kills to keep being able to burst targets down.
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Pros / Cons

High burst damage.
High mobility.
Can dodge skillshots.
Can gank bot/top well.
GG if gets snowballed.

Hard to master.
Squishy like most mid laners.
Useless if behind.
His ultimate travels slowly.
Depends on his ultimate.
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or Assassin like Fizz, gold is everything!
You won't be able to win your lane if you won't be able to farm properly since you won't have enough burst damage to take your targets down.
Try to farm as much as you can so you won't get behind, your Seastone Trident and Playful / Trickster is there to help you to do so.
Seastone Trident's passive and active might helping you to last hit minions, while your Playful / Trickster can clear the whole wave.
So remember, you MUST farm or get tons of kills to keep being able to burst targets down.
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abilitys and combo

Mainly, Fizz's combo is to hit someone with Chum the Waters, then jump on him with Playful / Trickster, Active Seastone Trident, auto attack him once, then Urchin Strike your target. at this point you can use Zhonya's Hourglass if need to.
The other option, when you start your combo with Urchin Strike instead of Playful / Trickster:
Hit someone with Chum the Waters, active Seastone Trident, then use Urchin Strike and use your Playful / Trickster to hit them OR escape if they is more there and the rest of you skills are enough to kill him. Remember that doing that without killing someone isn't worth it, so make sure you killing before using Playful / Trickster to escape.

Note: since patch 5.2 half of Urchin Strike's damage (both base and scale) were halved.
Also, Seastone Trident had some changes, For the most part, they swapped the active and passive, as well as removing the Grievous Wounds effects.
However, his ultimate, Chum the Waters got buffed, and now it's increasing Fizz's damage against it's target by 20% for 6 seconds. Means now Fizz is depends on his ultimate's damage more then ever, Try remembering that and play a bit more safe before you get level 6.
Second note: Patch 5.7 came and Seastone Trident got it's old effects once again, only this time it won't apply Grievous Wounds. This change greatly helps AP Fizz to be a bit stronger once again.
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Sorcerer's Shoes is your movement speed item. you probably don't wanna stay without any movement speed and seeing other easily chasing/escaping from you.
about your boots enhancements, get one of those:
Sorcerer's Shoes - Alacrity is probably the one I'll get, 20 extra movement speed, really good one.
Sorcerer's Shoes - Homeguard is something that many people like, since it gives a very nice mobility while being in base or getting back to lane.
Sorcerer's Shoes - Distortion is an option if you have both Flash and Teleport since it will reduce their cooldown + will give them some nice extra effects.

Lich Bane is probably the most popular item on Fizz because Fizz's Urchin Strike applies on-hit effects means your Urchin Strike have more AP scale. Great item as Fizz, even after it's nerf.

Zhonya's Hourglass has an active which allows you to becomes invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds. That's probably enough time for your Playful / Trickster to come off cooldown and escape. Also it gives you 100 ability power and 50 armor which is great stats.

Rabadon's Deathcap gives you the only thing Fizz needs to keep bursting full health targets down: tons of ability power.
Remember that you can't complete your build without this item, however, don't rush it.

Wooglet's Witchcap is exist to replace Rabadon's Deathcap and Zhonya's Hourglass on The Twisted Treeline, and on The Crystal Scar. this item have Rabadon's Deathcap's passive, which gives some extra ability power depended on your current ability power, and it also have Zhonya's Hourglass's active which allows you to becomes invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds.

Luden's Echo is an item that replaces the deleted Deathfire Grasp. It kinda helps you burst down a target with it's passive, and grants you 100 AP for some extra damage and 10% movement speed for some extra mobility.

Void Staff is a very needed item for each magic damage dealer so building magic resist won't be so easy.

Mejai's Soulstealer offers a very simple trade: high risk - high reward.
You can get this item if you getting far ahead and you think that you won't die soon.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter gives you more slow, which is awesome, and it also gives you nice stats of 100 AP and 400 HP, which makes you a bit tanky.

Abyssal Scepter is a good damage item, which grants you some aura magic penetration for you and your teammates, ans some magic resist for you. also it gives you 70 ap as well.
Not the best item you can get, but if you going for full damage build on The Twisted Treeline, you can replace your defensive item with Abyssal Scepter since both Rabadon's Deathcap and Zhonya's Hourglass made into one item there, Wooglet's Witchcap.

Rod of Ages is a nice item to become tanky, but still have tons of damage. you can get that if you getting killed too quickly so you'll become a bit tanky.
If you wanna buy Rod of Ages, get it early because this item needs 10 minutes to stack itself.

Liandry's Torment is working well with Fizz's Seastone Trident because Seastone Trident is a damage over time ability. I won't recommend this since you should burst full health targets quickly, not fight them with over time damage.

Twin Shadows is a good chasing item, which can also help you escape, I won't recommend this since Fizz got really good chase&escape mechanics anyway.
Remember that while playing in The Twisted Treeline or The Crystal Scar, twin shadows will reveal nearby enemy traps( Teemo's Noxious Trap, Shaco's Jack In The Box, etc. however, it WON‘T reveal enemy champions).

Morellonomicon is a great items as both mana sustain and cooldown reduction, also grant 80 ability power as well. Great item if you need some cooldown reduction.
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summoners spells

Recommended Summoner Spells

Flash is an escape as summoner spell, any champion should have that, no matter what skills he have and how he can escape with them, you must have that(well, maybe except Shaco).
Never replace your Flash for no other spell.

Ignite is always a good spell to cast early as combo. also, you don't want to see the enemy flashing away and escaping with 10 hp, right?
Alternate Summoner Spells

Barrier can help you against hard burst champions like Zed, Talon, LeBlanc. the barrier will block a nice amount of damage that will increase your chance to survive.

Heal is very similar to barrier, however it's not recommended since most mid laners have an ignite which counters heal, means you'll get a very low amount of heal.

Cleanse isn't recommended too much, but it's an option if you are playing vs heavy crowd control team. after all, there is no Quicksilver Sash with AP stats, which is kinda bad. also don't forget that this can remove summoner spells debuffs like Exhaust or Ignite.

Exhaust can help you even as a mid laner, since it reduces your target's armor and magic resist, slows him, and reduces his damage output by 40%. Also, a nice fact about this summoner spell is that it can used it both offensive and defensive ways.
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your best skill farming its E Dont use so much your mana will finish very fast
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Team Work

In teamfights use your ult to on enemy ad carry or midlaner
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Thror
Thror Fizz Guide
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