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Fizz Build Guide by longshotz181

AP Carry Fizz - The Ultimate Trickster - S5 Guide

AP Carry Fizz - The Ultimate Trickster - S5 Guide

Updated on March 7, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author longshotz181 Build Guide By longshotz181 4,150 Views 0 Comments
4,150 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author longshotz181 Fizz Build Guide By longshotz181 Updated on March 7, 2015
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: This guide is not finished yet i just wanted to post what i have done so far. School is preventing my time spent on the guide, i will try to complete it asap. Thanks

plz up vote my guide, it helps alot. Also before you downvote please comment and tell me what you think is wrong. :]

This is my first guide on mobafire and wont be extremely long. I'm new to this guide building thing and hope you guys like my build.

I will be keeping a log of guide changes and updates for u guys below.

3/102015 start of guide D: hopefully
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Pros & Cons

Pros +

Great burst
2 gap closer's ( Urchin Strike Playful / Trickster )
Nimble Fighter helps you catch your tagets
2 slows ( Playful / Trickster Chum the Waters)
very easy to farm with Seastone Trident
powerful throughout the entire game

Cons -

fragile - runes help with that
needs some farm to do good
hes melee (noooo) hard sometimes against ranged
gets focused all the time
no sustain D:
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Greater Seal of Armor Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
Armor and magic resist help SOOOOOO much and ends up
saving me all the time.These runes increase your survivabillity a ton, these are a
must on fizz..

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power
Whats more to say, the AP helps u gain the upper hand early game and crush your opponents. :)

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
This is for all those pesky tanks out there building magic resist. It increases your damage output and helps you melt that magic resist.
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This is a must, helps you escape and make your enemy's **** their pants.


good for finishing off your enemy or can be added to your combo
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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League of Legends Build Guide Author longshotz181
longshotz181 Fizz Guide
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Fizz - The Ultimate Trickster - S5 Guide

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