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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Surging Tides (PASSIVE)
Nami Passive Ability

This is going to be my first guide I wrote so constructive criticism is welcome, but I don't want all the comments just saying that this guide is horrible and that I should stick to playing champs how they are meant to be played. If you don't like how I did something, or have suggestions to make this guide better then let me know! I am not going to ask you all to upvote this guide. If you like the guide and want to upvote it then go ahead, if not then that is your opinion and I'd like to know what you didn't like about it.
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I actually like ![]() ![]() ![]() |
This is a good spell for closing gaps, but since you have a lot of CC and since your movememnt speed isn't the greatest for chasing I prefer to have ![]() ![]() |

The runes and the masteries are good to have, but you can't do anything in game without the right items. Here I am basically going to go over the reasoning behind choosing the items and when to pick up the items. Right now I am going to forgo the Icons and images and just list them and explain their purpose. Icons may come later.
First off as a jungler you want to start off with the
Hunter's Machete and 5x
Health Potion for sustainability and in the case of no one wanting to help you with blue it also allows you to be able to solo the Blue Camp.
Once you reach around 700-750 gold think about going back and picking up some
Boots and a
Spirit Stone. You actually have enough sustain with your
Ebb and Flow that you can actually stay in the jungle and help gank for quite a while, but try to go back by the time you reach level 6 to pick up some damage.
I like to first finish building my jungle item, in this case
Spirit of the Spectral Wraith and also upgrade to tier 2 boots for that little extra movement speed. But you can also start building your
Rod of Ages if you are going to go that route for your defense, then your
Rabadon's Deathcap. If you do want the Rod then go for it early that way you get the most benefit out of it.
After either of those 2 items go for either the
Morellonomicon or if you didn't go RoA then grab
Zhonya's Hourglass. Zhonya's offers a great AP boost and some defense to help with the team fights that are by now breaking out everywhere. I like the
Morellonomicon for not only the Cooldown reduction that it gives, but also the grievous wounds. The wounds can give you just the right edge you need to stop the enemy carry from gaining a lot of life back from lifesteal effects.
Guardian Angel and
Liandry's Torment are the last items you want to build, and only build the GA if you seem to be dying a lot during team fights and can make a hasty exit once it pops. If the enemy has a lot of champions with burst damage or chase then avoid the GA at all costs. The Liandry's give you that extra bit of Magic pen and with all of your movement impairing spells and abilities you will get the most out of it's passives. The extra health from this item is also great to be more tanky so you can survive longer during fights.
The Notable items I have listed are good options in certain situations ONLY.
Athene's Unholy Grail only if you are being counter-jungled pretty bad or you need to be constantly giving your blue to your AP caster in mid that is having a hard time. The extra mana regen comes in quite handy in a pinch. I would take it over the
Morellonomicon in those situations.
Grab the
Abyssal Mask if you have an AP heavy team and your enemy is buying a lot of MR to counter that. If that is the case then take this over your defensive item.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is a good alternative to the
Rod of Ages for a defensive item if the enemy team has a lot of way to escape and disengage from fights. The slow also pairs nicely with your
Liandry's Torment and the extra health is also a good thing.
First off as a jungler you want to start off with the

Once you reach around 700-750 gold think about going back and picking up some

I like to first finish building my jungle item, in this case

After either of those 2 items go for either the

The Notable items I have listed are good options in certain situations ONLY.

Grab the

I am going to list the route to do with the new Jungle spawn times that are coming in patch 3.8. It is still a pretty standard route.
You want to start with blue first, since they changed the times starting wolves is a moot point and should just be done after you take blue.
After you take Blue, go to wolves, the wraiths, the Red, the Golems, the Wraiths. You should be around level 4 now. If not that is ok I am not quite sure how much the change in experience is going to effect this seeing as the patch has not come out yet. Once you reach level 4 is when you want to start ganking. Go to whichever lane is closest and in need of help first. If both look to be pushed pretty hard then make sure that the enemy jungler isn't lurking around to gank them or counter-gank if need be.
You want to start with blue first, since they changed the times starting wolves is a moot point and should just be done after you take blue.
After you take Blue, go to wolves, the wraiths, the Red, the Golems, the Wraiths. You should be around level 4 now. If not that is ok I am not quite sure how much the change in experience is going to effect this seeing as the patch has not come out yet. Once you reach level 4 is when you want to start ganking. Go to whichever lane is closest and in need of help first. If both look to be pushed pretty hard then make sure that the enemy jungler isn't lurking around to gank them or counter-gank if need be.
Now that we know how to go through the jungle it is time for the complicated stuff, Ganking and holding lanes for your team. Since
Nami doesn't have a whole lot of mobility most of her more helpful ganks are when the lanes have been pushed one way or the other.
If your team is on the losing side of a lane push then you want to start off with either your
Tidal Wave or if you aren't level 6 then you want to try and land
Aqua Prison from behind your opponent, after which you want to use
Tidecaller's Blessing on either yourself or the guy you are helping. This not only gives a bit of movement speed bonus but it has yoru next 3 basic attacks add a slowing effect. Casting
Ebb and Flow also on your ally gives them an additional boost of speed to help chase down your enemy.
If your team is winning the lane then the ganks are a little different. You want to try and
Aqua Prison your enemy under their turrent and then
Ebb and Flow you or your ally in order for it to bounce to your enemy and then back to your team and then dive in there with your ally to get the kill. And remember to cast
Tidecaller's Blessing to get some extra damage output whenever it is off cooldown.
And always remember you job as a jungler is to secure the kills for your team, if you go for a gank make sure you have an escape plan if things turn bad, you don't want to feed the enemy team unnecessarily.

If your team is on the losing side of a lane push then you want to start off with either your

If your team is winning the lane then the ganks are a little different. You want to try and

And always remember you job as a jungler is to secure the kills for your team, if you go for a gank make sure you have an escape plan if things turn bad, you don't want to feed the enemy team unnecessarily.
This Guide is still a work in progress so bear with me right now, but I am trying and will keep this updated as much as possible with more tips and tricks to come. Again constructive criticism is welcome but please keep the flaming to a minimum. This guide was built for fun, and isn't meant to be used for competitive play although it is viable in ranked. If you enjoyed this guide and decided to try to jungle
Nami then tell me what you thought of it and how you did. She is actually one of the more fun champions I have played with in the Jungle and I would like to see more of her being played out of the support role. Also if you tried this guide and have a recording then send me a link to the video and if it is good you might see it on this guide. Thanks to everyone for reading this and also thanks to all the people I have trolled to this day playing and building champs that should never be.

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