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Lissandra Build Guide by BIG BRAIN MAN

Middle Full AP Assassin Lissandra Guide + VIDEO (Tips & Tricks)

Middle Full AP Assassin Lissandra Guide + VIDEO (Tips & Tricks)

Updated on August 23, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BIG BRAIN MAN Build Guide By BIG BRAIN MAN 18 3 134,733 Views 0 Comments
18 3 134,733 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BIG BRAIN MAN Lissandra Build Guide By BIG BRAIN MAN Updated on August 23, 2022
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Runes: Electrocute

Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


Flash + TP
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

Full AP Assassin Lissandra Guide + VIDEO (Tips & Tricks)


I've been Diamond for a few seasons. My account is "Cocho" on NA. The account in the picture below isn't mine, but he builds Lissandra like I do, so I chose him and he is obviously a very good Lissandra player. The build and runes is what we both usually take. Lissandra isn't my main, but she has always been my secondary and go-to pick if Kat was banned or picked. I've climbed to Diamond with Lissandra and I hope you like this guide! This build is really good because Riot has buffed Lissandra's AP ratios over and over to the point where she has reached assassin level burst. You kinda play like an assassin in general, so if you do like assassins, then this build is for you!.

You usually want to start Q. You can start W if you're against a melee opponent and you have Aftershock. Level two you can get either W or E. Just depends if you think you can get ganked. Level three, a second point into Q will help you shove. After that you can max either W or E. W gives you a longer root, but E max puts E on a much lower cooldown.

First back you want to try to get that Lost Chapter. But some components and maybe another Doran's Ring or Dark seal is fine too.

Corrupting Potion:

Doran's Ring gives you more AP and mana sustain over time, so I would start that. It's kinda just preference.

Luden's Echo:

You can get a Sorcerer's Shoes with Lost Chapter before this if you need damage to roam. Seeker's Armguard works too if you're against an ad laner. The NEW Hextech Rocketbelt is a item for Lissandra that I wouldn't recommend, you just run into too many mana issues and you are reliant on blue buff. Luden's Tempest is so good.

Horizon Focus:

You might think this sounds weird but you got to realize the activation range for Horizon Focus isnt that long. It's 750 Range. Lissandra's Q range is 725 / 825. So if you hit an extended Q, it will pretty much always proc this item. Lissandra E has a range of 1025.

Sorcerer's Shoes:

I would try to build this as my default boots. Don't build others unless you have no other choice.

Oblivion Orb:

After Luden's Tempest if they have healing, then build it. This item is super cheap. Dont feel like you need to upgrade it right away.

Void staff

Well Luden's Tempest gives pen, so if they make MR, you can make void staff. They often wont though? Needs to be a hefty MR item, not just merc treads.

Rabadon's Deathcap:

Good late game or if you dont like Horizon Focus.

Defensive Items:

Zhonya's Hourglass works well with Lissandra, Banshee's will leave you without enough damage and a bad teamfight. Don't build Banshees unless they are literally full AP.


Liandry's Anguish:

If you're against a bunch of champs who stack health, like Ryze, Bruisers, and such then this item is really good. If they'll make MR and stack health, this item can be better than Luden's Tempest.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BIG BRAIN MAN
BIG BRAIN MAN Lissandra Guide
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Full AP Assassin Lissandra Guide + VIDEO (Tips & Tricks)

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