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Quick Note
Also take note that while you do a lot of damage, with this build you are also extremely squishy and will be taken down very fast by champions who have a lot of burst and CC, like Annie, Syndra, etc. Fortunately, you will also be able to take down squishy targets very fast, mostly once your Muramana and Infinity Edge are completed.
Your early game can be very frustrating if you are playing against a champion who has built-in sustain, like Aatrox. If this ever happens, just play passively until you get your brutalizer. Meanwhile, just farm your lane, don't try to push too much and don't waste your time harassing those champions because as your E got a high cooldown and your damage isn't that high early game, they will just heal back. Plus, you will shove your lane and put yourself at risk for ganks.
If your jungler can camp your lane early it can give you a decent advantage over your opponent and you can then start playing a little bit more agressive (even if you don't have your brutalizer yet)
If your jungler can camp your lane early it can give you a decent advantage over your opponent and you can then start playing a little bit more agressive (even if you don't have your brutalizer yet)
If you manage to destroy your opponent's turret relatively fast, you can start roaming mid a bit or even in the enemy jungle if you are confident enough (or fed), take his red buff, laugh at him, etc.
Of course warding the area is always a must and when you see a threat coming to you, you can easily get away with your E and by spamming your R.
If not, the moment you finish your core items, you should start doing a decent amount of damage and start playing more agressive (if that wasn't already the case).
Of course warding the area is always a must and when you see a threat coming to you, you can easily get away with your E and by spamming your R.
If not, the moment you finish your core items, you should start doing a decent amount of damage and start playing more agressive (if that wasn't already the case).
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