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Recommended Items
Runes: Full Magic Pen Utility Style
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Carnivore (PASSIVE)
Cho'Gath Passive Ability
About Me
Hello everyone,
My nickname is BaLoRi, I am an Educational Content Creator/Streamer part of Fnatic and FNC Network.
This Mobafire profile and the guides I am creating meant to explain my unique playstyle and build theory to my Community and make my Balorians even stronger 🔥
All the guides that I am creating are ONLY for champions that will give you 70%+ win ratio and these are the very same builds that I am using to rank up without trying.
You can find me anywhere:
Live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/BaLoRi
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Lets now start with our OP Cho'Gath Build guide and how to win games easier than ever!
After playing Cho'Gath for ages, being Rank 1 in multiple seasons and while reaching insanely win ratios in Master+ Elo, I created an unique style of playing that won't lose against any champion.
That came after countless of tests and even more research about item, runes, champion skills combos to created the ultimate Build, the one build to rule them all and counter them all, we are calling it the Full Magic Penetration Cho'Gath or simply Cho'God build and here you will learn how and why this is the best way.
In full build, you are not only going to have 5000+ HP or more depends which build option you will choose, but you will also have the ability to one-shot any target, be it a full tank one, ADC or simply a Mage, with a total of 500+ AP and insane bonus damage, burn, ms effects, you will simply be able to melt all but also have something that Cho'Gath as champions needs, Mobility!
Here are some Great examples of our Full Magic Penetration Cho'Gath Season 14 build:
If you wanna learn more about how magic penetration and how it works in the game, then check out our league masterclass that we are explaining everything that you need to know:
Enough with the quick details, lets now start by explaining why and how we are going to fully use our champion to be the strongest and carry always our games!
That came after countless of tests and even more research about item, runes, champion skills combos to created the ultimate Build, the one build to rule them all and counter them all, we are calling it the Full Magic Penetration Cho'Gath or simply Cho'God build and here you will learn how and why this is the best way.
In full build, you are not only going to have 5000+ HP or more depends which build option you will choose, but you will also have the ability to one-shot any target, be it a full tank one, ADC or simply a Mage, with a total of 500+ AP and insane bonus damage, burn, ms effects, you will simply be able to melt all but also have something that Cho'Gath as champions needs, Mobility!
Here are some Great examples of our Full Magic Penetration Cho'Gath Season 14 build:
If you wanna learn more about how magic penetration and how it works in the game, then check out our league masterclass that we are explaining everything that you need to know:
Enough with the quick details, lets now start by explaining why and how we are going to fully use our champion to be the strongest and carry always our games!
Our Rune game will focus on Two things that Cho'Gath needs to carry games, Damamge and Mobility, thats the reason most of the times we will combine Sorcery + Inspiration when we are playing against High Elo players and Sorcery + Domination anywhere else!
Arcane Comet One of the Best Runes you can play with our Cho'Gath Build, you can activate it non stop but also secure hitting with every Q, while laso reducing Arcane Comet cd while damaging the enemy champions!
Nimbus Cloak Bonus movement speed that will help you engage or escape from any fight. We choose this Nimbus Cloak only if we are playing with Ignite or Smite, if you are using Teleport then this rune is not worth and you need to go for Manaflow Band and make you have better mana sustain to spam your skills more!
Transcendence One of the best runes that you can possible choose, ability haste plus %CD for your Q-W-E after each kill or assist, this will let you have your skills back up after securing killing something in teamfights, a very powerful tool, especially since our Q and W will do around 2000 dmg per 3 seconds!
Scorch Bonus burn damage after using your skills every few seconds!
For Secondary now we got two options:
1. Damage option: Domination
Cheap Shot Bonus True damage after your CC, something that will stack up together with Scorch to increase your overall poke damage by a lot!
Ultimate Hunter Bonus R Ability haste. Making your R to have 20 seconds CD, something incredily worth to have and in full late game something that will be game changing.
2. Utility option: Inspiration
Magical Footwear A Free boots that it will also have bonus ms, perfect for wasting less gold and get your powerspikes faster while also having bonus mobility, something that our Cho'Gath needs!
Approach Velocity One of the best runes to play if you wanna have extra mobility, after every CC (Q) or CC from your allies, you will have bonus movement speed to engage and reach the enemy champions! Especially if you are playing vs Range match ups then this rune choice is a MUST! Also cause of Nimbus Cloak, the Magical Footwear and Stormsurge you will have INSANE bonus mobility to help you reach any target much easier!!
Personally I feel like the mobility that inspiration giving you is something not comparable on more damage and R CDR, so thats why most of the times, I am using Magical Footwear and Approach Velocity as secondary options, to not only have +10 ms from a Free (-300gold) boots but also gain an insane amount of movement speed even from level 1 while using my Q or E but also have half of that amount of movement speed while moving towards targets that got CCed by my allies!
Now that we finished talking about the runes, lets go to the next important part!
About how to choose our Items and WHY!
Arcane Comet One of the Best Runes you can play with our Cho'Gath Build, you can activate it non stop but also secure hitting with every Q, while laso reducing Arcane Comet cd while damaging the enemy champions!
Nimbus Cloak Bonus movement speed that will help you engage or escape from any fight. We choose this Nimbus Cloak only if we are playing with Ignite or Smite, if you are using Teleport then this rune is not worth and you need to go for Manaflow Band and make you have better mana sustain to spam your skills more!
Transcendence One of the best runes that you can possible choose, ability haste plus %CD for your Q-W-E after each kill or assist, this will let you have your skills back up after securing killing something in teamfights, a very powerful tool, especially since our Q and W will do around 2000 dmg per 3 seconds!
Scorch Bonus burn damage after using your skills every few seconds!
For Secondary now we got two options:
1. Damage option: Domination
Cheap Shot Bonus True damage after your CC, something that will stack up together with Scorch to increase your overall poke damage by a lot!
Ultimate Hunter Bonus R Ability haste. Making your R to have 20 seconds CD, something incredily worth to have and in full late game something that will be game changing.
2. Utility option: Inspiration
Magical Footwear A Free boots that it will also have bonus ms, perfect for wasting less gold and get your powerspikes faster while also having bonus mobility, something that our Cho'Gath needs!
Approach Velocity One of the best runes to play if you wanna have extra mobility, after every CC (Q) or CC from your allies, you will have bonus movement speed to engage and reach the enemy champions! Especially if you are playing vs Range match ups then this rune choice is a MUST! Also cause of Nimbus Cloak, the Magical Footwear and Stormsurge you will have INSANE bonus mobility to help you reach any target much easier!!
Personally I feel like the mobility that inspiration giving you is something not comparable on more damage and R CDR, so thats why most of the times, I am using Magical Footwear and Approach Velocity as secondary options, to not only have +10 ms from a Free (-300gold) boots but also gain an insane amount of movement speed even from level 1 while using my Q or E but also have half of that amount of movement speed while moving towards targets that got CCed by my allies!
Now that we finished talking about the runes, lets go to the next important part!
About how to choose our Items and WHY!
Let’s start with the Items and our Items Strategy. I come up with this build after hundreds of different combinations, to create this final build that can’t lose against ANY CHAMPION!
We will always start with Doran's Ring and of course two pots, this will give you much more mana sustain as well, cause the bonus mana regeneration together with your passive will let you spam your skills a little bit more early than before!
On your first back now, you will focus on buying Dark Seal, Refillable Potion and Amplifying Tome, these cheap items together with the Doran's Ring lvl 1 will give you the powerspike that you need to overpower ANY LANE that you might have against!
Remember, each start item got high gold efficiency, that means while paying for 400 Gold Doran's Ring and 350 Gold Dark Seal you will have 631.5 Gold worth of stats with Doran's Ring and Up to 1329.58 Gold with Dark Seal on Full Stacks!!
As you can see, these two items, will give you stats that worth up to 1,961.08 Gold, almost like having an entire item with literally only 750 Gold!
And also if you end up selling them, you will have back some of the gold, cause start items are TEMP ONES, making them even more gold efficient!!!
The next time you will go and buy Lost Chapter this item will give you bonus ap damage, Ability Haste and literally infinity amount of mana to spam your skills non-stop that together with your Doran's Ring Dark Seal you will have Damage-Unlimited Mana, Health and overall a huge powerspike that will give everything that Cho'Gath Needs to dominate any lane vs any match up possible.
Then we will finish our first item, Luden's Companion this item will give you Ability power, mana, ability haste and a burst effect that you will use non-stop with ease while using your skills on enemy champions or creeps!
For our next item, we will focus on building Void Staff to gain Ability power and the highest % magic penetration in the game, by having these two items, we are already going to do close to true damage against any target and if the target got below 100MR, our damage damage will instantly one-shot them!
Now that we got 2 damage items, we need a mobility item, thats why as 3rd core item we will choose Cosmic Drive, this item will give you pretty much everything that you need at this point of the game, AP, HP, MS, Ability Haste and an extra movement speed effect that will be on the entire duration of the fight from your magic or true damage that you will be doing!
As 4th item, we will be building Liandry's Torment, to have AP, HP, Bonus damage and a %burn effect that will apply after our magic damage, why this item comes after Cosmic Drive ? Its not only to have the burn damage and melt even the high HP targets with ease, but to keep the Cosmic Drive movement speed effect bonus ON for a way longer duration, Liandry's Torment burn effect will be on the target for 3 seconds normally, but cause of our rune Scorch that will activate its magic damage effect 1 second later, you will keep your burn effect for at least 1 more second, making the movement speed effect to also be on for longer, making it one of the best damage - mobility combos that you can have for our Cho'Gath to not only reach the targets easier but also escape if needed and if you combine the Nimbus Cloak, Approach Velocity movement speed bonuses effects on top of that, you can understand that not even high mobile champions won't be able to reach or outrun you at this point of the game!
As final item, we got a variety of options that depends what we got against us, what we need to have as stats, or what we need to carry each game.
You can choose from the Following 6:
So your FULL Cho'Gath BUILD will look like this:
Luden's Companion Void Staff Cosmic Drive Liandry's Torment Sorcerer's Shoes Warmog's Armor plus Elixir of Sorcery
We will always start with Doran's Ring and of course two pots, this will give you much more mana sustain as well, cause the bonus mana regeneration together with your passive will let you spam your skills a little bit more early than before!
On your first back now, you will focus on buying Dark Seal, Refillable Potion and Amplifying Tome, these cheap items together with the Doran's Ring lvl 1 will give you the powerspike that you need to overpower ANY LANE that you might have against!
Remember, each start item got high gold efficiency, that means while paying for 400 Gold Doran's Ring and 350 Gold Dark Seal you will have 631.5 Gold worth of stats with Doran's Ring and Up to 1329.58 Gold with Dark Seal on Full Stacks!!
As you can see, these two items, will give you stats that worth up to 1,961.08 Gold, almost like having an entire item with literally only 750 Gold!
And also if you end up selling them, you will have back some of the gold, cause start items are TEMP ONES, making them even more gold efficient!!!
The next time you will go and buy Lost Chapter this item will give you bonus ap damage, Ability Haste and literally infinity amount of mana to spam your skills non-stop that together with your Doran's Ring Dark Seal you will have Damage-Unlimited Mana, Health and overall a huge powerspike that will give everything that Cho'Gath Needs to dominate any lane vs any match up possible.
Then we will finish our first item, Luden's Companion this item will give you Ability power, mana, ability haste and a burst effect that you will use non-stop with ease while using your skills on enemy champions or creeps!
For our next item, we will focus on building Void Staff to gain Ability power and the highest % magic penetration in the game, by having these two items, we are already going to do close to true damage against any target and if the target got below 100MR, our damage damage will instantly one-shot them!
Now that we got 2 damage items, we need a mobility item, thats why as 3rd core item we will choose Cosmic Drive, this item will give you pretty much everything that you need at this point of the game, AP, HP, MS, Ability Haste and an extra movement speed effect that will be on the entire duration of the fight from your magic or true damage that you will be doing!
As 4th item, we will be building Liandry's Torment, to have AP, HP, Bonus damage and a %burn effect that will apply after our magic damage, why this item comes after Cosmic Drive ? Its not only to have the burn damage and melt even the high HP targets with ease, but to keep the Cosmic Drive movement speed effect bonus ON for a way longer duration, Liandry's Torment burn effect will be on the target for 3 seconds normally, but cause of our rune Scorch that will activate its magic damage effect 1 second later, you will keep your burn effect for at least 1 more second, making the movement speed effect to also be on for longer, making it one of the best damage - mobility combos that you can have for our Cho'Gath to not only reach the targets easier but also escape if needed and if you combine the Nimbus Cloak, Approach Velocity movement speed bonuses effects on top of that, you can understand that not even high mobile champions won't be able to reach or outrun you at this point of the game!
As final item, we got a variety of options that depends what we got against us, what we need to have as stats, or what we need to carry each game.
You can choose from the Following 6:
So your FULL Cho'Gath BUILD will look like this:
Luden's Companion Void Staff Cosmic Drive Liandry's Torment Sorcerer's Shoes Warmog's Armor plus Elixir of Sorcery
Lets talk about the strategy here. To play with Cho'Gath inst only use his PURE Strength as your weapon, like any other WARS, at league you need to use your HEAD as well to win the game.
So lets talk about what you need to focus.
Creeps: The most important thing is to focus on your farm, you need to farm fast and if you can kill all the creeps without missing even one. This way you will take the lead from your enemy champion, dont be afraid to use your skills for last hits even at the 1 level.
Learn how To improve your Farming and Wave Management by watching our League Masterclass:
Stay Alive: To not to die at lane and not have any kills is more worth than to be 3-3 or 4-4 with your enemy Lane champion.
Your build focusing to be the strongest at the MID-Late game, doesn't matter if you cant kill now, focus on farm and you will be able to show your true Strength at the right time of the game.
Hide & Seek Strategy: You will always max your Q, even if you can't hit your enemy you will still max this skill. Rapture is the strongest skill of Cho'Gath even stronger than your ulti.
To make it Easier to hit my enemies, i come up with the Rengar style trick, its simple. just hid at the Bushes and make use of the FOG OF WAR, this way your enemy champion wont hear the Q sound or see your Animation Cast, with just this its almost certain that you will hit him and then kill him with your Combo.
Wanna Rank up even faster? Then Watch our League Masterclass about Ranking up:
Even if you wont kill your enemy, he will start losing focus from this strategy.
They wont be able to go close to cs, and lose EXP-FARM so after doing this a couple of times the game is yours.
So lets talk about what you need to focus.
Creeps: The most important thing is to focus on your farm, you need to farm fast and if you can kill all the creeps without missing even one. This way you will take the lead from your enemy champion, dont be afraid to use your skills for last hits even at the 1 level.
Learn how To improve your Farming and Wave Management by watching our League Masterclass:
Stay Alive: To not to die at lane and not have any kills is more worth than to be 3-3 or 4-4 with your enemy Lane champion.
Your build focusing to be the strongest at the MID-Late game, doesn't matter if you cant kill now, focus on farm and you will be able to show your true Strength at the right time of the game.
Hide & Seek Strategy: You will always max your Q, even if you can't hit your enemy you will still max this skill. Rapture is the strongest skill of Cho'Gath even stronger than your ulti.
To make it Easier to hit my enemies, i come up with the Rengar style trick, its simple. just hid at the Bushes and make use of the FOG OF WAR, this way your enemy champion wont hear the Q sound or see your Animation Cast, with just this its almost certain that you will hit him and then kill him with your Combo.
Wanna Rank up even faster? Then Watch our League Masterclass about Ranking up:
Even if you wont kill your enemy, he will start losing focus from this strategy.
They wont be able to go close to cs, and lose EXP-FARM so after doing this a couple of times the game is yours.
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