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Udyr Build Guide by bearclawssss

Jungle Godyr Bearclawssss

Jungle Godyr Bearclawssss

Updated on May 11, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bearclawssss Build Guide By bearclawssss 1,329 Views 0 Comments
1,329 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author bearclawssss Udyr Build Guide By bearclawssss Updated on May 11, 2018
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What do I build after the 3 essential items? First off you want to take a look at their team comp. If they are squishy I recommend you go raw damage as you will burst them down fast. If they have a mixture of Tanks, go tank. If they have heavy cc, I recommend you build a QSS and then go tank hybrid.

What champion counter me? The only jungler's I have a hard time fighting against is Shyvana and Jax. I would ban Shyvana over Jax because you can just wait out Jax's E.

What is the most successful way to gank on Udyr? Rushing in from behind with your E active and stunning them.

My team is feeding and I want to win. What do I do? Build a Zz'rot and open the gates :)
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Playing with a team . . .

Play like you don't have a team but a sack of potatos. If you wouldn't fight something by yourself, don't fight at all. I would personally recommend /mute all as you shouldn't need to hear your team *****ing about them getting dumped in lane.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bearclawssss
bearclawssss Udyr Guide
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Godyr Bearclawssss

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