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Zilean Build Guide by Chemich

Top Good Guy Zilean.

Top Good Guy Zilean.

Updated on February 14, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chemich Build Guide By Chemich 1,845 Views 0 Comments
1,845 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Chemich Zilean Build Guide By Chemich Updated on February 14, 2013
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Straightforward Zilean.

Zilean is a champion known for his great AP scaling, his survivability; and that awesome ult which can turn around a teamfight at the click of a mouse. For better or worse this build was meant to give any new Zilean player an edge in Normal / Competitive play, it's a great way to start learning how to play him without dying constantly just to get a kill.

Many will argue the movement speed is unneeded, and more magic penetration should be built. Honestly that's what the Void Staff and Magic Pen Marks do on their own JUST FINE.

I've noticed with or without there's no real difference (even against tanks.) Zilean's AP Scaling allows him to deal insane burst, while pushing a lane. No need for extra magic pen, escaping and entering teamfights is a must for a Zilean player. That's why I capitalize on Movement Speed. Go in; go out, position well and you won't lose.

Out of my 5 games played with this build I've noticed maybe ONE or TWO problems.
1) You'll find yourself running out of mana very quickly before Athene's Holy Grail has been bought, luckily with proper mana management skills you won't have that big of an issue with it. The point in the "Improved Recall" mastery helps alot with this, allows you to get items fast, get back in your lane and maintain the Zilean "Rape" Train.

2) Though you get health buffs, he's not exactly unkillable before his ult. Keep in mind he's still a bit squishy, so maintain positioning at every second of the game. Beware of MIA's, keep your map awareness to a high, and position well and you should not have a problem.

Is this the perfect Zilean build? Not by a long shot, but it does work quite well for common players.

I've provided alternate item builds for you as well (in case if some things just aren't working out somehow.
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Pros / Cons

- Survivability
- Great AP scaling, with great burst.
- Second wind! (Ultimate)
- Easy to manage while being new to Zilean.

- Not exactly the biggest bruiser
- May enter teamfights too early / quickly
- If knocked up / snared / stunned Zilean becomes near useless. His ult is a must in teamfights.
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Creeping / Jungling

Keep in mind Zilean's time bomb does AOE damage, don't target minions with your Time-Bomb (EVER!) Waste of mana, waste of time, waste of cooldown!

If there's an enemy champ nearby just keep plugging the foe with bombs until they recall, or die!

Also this isn't a Zilean Jungle build, though around 10-12 you could jungle Blue pretty easily if you get the opportunity.
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Farming isn't -exactly- a must for this built, though tagging that big minion will definitely help towards your gold score it's not that big of a deal. Your job is to harass, make sure they don't get CS, and call in a gank when they're low enough. This Zilean is best for Solo Top or Laning Bottom.

Can also work well Duo Top, (2v1) due to AP burst and mobility (survivability too.)

The build provided basically works itself out.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chemich
Chemich Zilean Guide
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Good Guy Zilean.

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