I like playing against Aatrox as Gwen, because you can dodge his Q's quite easily. You should try to go for all-ins against him, you'll win.
Ghost-Ignite + Doran's Blade
[Outdated matchups] Ahri is broken, Passive just heals too much, Q is too short CD with quite low mana, W gives her movement speed to kite, if she saves E for when you're in her face you can't do anything, and her R is the most broken ability I've ever seen in the game. Must ban for me, if you don't, do your best to dodge her E if she doesn't use it for nothing, and scale.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield
Akali is great only in the early game if she doesn't get kills. HARD PING if she goes for roams, and just survive lane, don't try to kill her in the early game, you just can't, scale and you'll destroy her team.
Flash-TP + Doran's Ring.
You'll never win against Akshan. You can ban him, but then Ahri will be open, so make a choice. If the game ever goes through, buy Armguard whenever you can, and survive so you can outscale him.
Flash-TP + Doran's Shield
Your E is really important here, as well as your W. You need to dodge her Q with either your W or your E, and escape her ultimate with E or stay safe in your W. You can jump her wall with E.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Doran's Shield
I don't even know, I didn't face Annie in like 3 seasons. Just kill her lvl 1 and you win.
Ghost-Ignite + Corrupting Potion.
Aurelion Sol
ASol hates facing champs with mobility, so you kinda have the advantage. Use your W and E to dodge skillshots, and you should always use E towards him. His only threat is his roaming potential, as you're not really aiming to roam, so try to push and take plates whenever he roams.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield
A Ranged bully that can be really strong if played well. Your W is really strong against him, as if he doesn't come in your zone, he can't damage you. He scales hard tho. When he gets his ultimate, don't get too close to his turret, as he can ult you into it.
Pre-6, you just win, he doesn't deal enough damage to be a threat.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion.
Take whatever you want it's free win.
When she uses W, just use yours and you're free to move. If you are able to react to her R, you should either turn your back or use W if she's outside of your W's range.
Low elo it's free matchup, high elo the cassio just plays melee and win.
One important thing to note is that when you use R, you'll face the way you use your ult, so NEVER use R when she's about to ult you or she can just stunt you for free without you being able to turn away.
Ghost-Tp + Doran's Shield.
He can't kill you if he engages you, so no threat really. The only issue is that his W makes him way too safe for you to kill him, so you'll have to scale. If he trolls and W for whatever reason, you go on him and win.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Cull.
Not much of a threat, just know that he can burst you if you're not careful. If you can build some MR, he will do nothing against you.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade
You can dodge his ult with W, or even with E if you can react to it fast enough. If you can build some MR, he will do nothing against you.
His E is his main threat, once it's down just go and kill him.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade
TAKE LEGEND:TENACITY AGAINST GALIO. The only issue with Galio is that he has hard CC. But still, you can destroy him with your burst. Wait for him to use his abilities in teamfight, then you can go in and kill him fast.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade.
You can use your E to dodge his barrels. Your W is quite strong against him as you can W his Q, but also his barrels. You should try to destroy barrels when fighting him, it will help you a lot. Just avoid getting auto'd when his passive is up.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion.
Garen mid ? People are psychos, you'll probably face one at some point. Play safe, you'll probably lose in 1vs1. Try to outscale him. Play around your Powerspikes to fight him.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Doran's Blade (Because he is really tankish).
Mid Graves is annoying, but Gwen likes this matchup. The only problem with Graves is that he has high mobility with his E and can kite you around. Get Cosmic Drive or Dead Man's Plate then he isn't a threat at all anymore (if he isn't fed).
Flash-Ghost + Doran's Shield.
You can one shot him, but lane isn't fun. Try to find an opportunity to get close to him, avoid his stunt and burst him.
Flash-TP + Doran's Shield.
Don't think irelia is unplayable, get the mindset that you can beat her in 1vs1, and just think of her strengths : when she has full stacks she's godlike, and Vampiric Scepter is one of her Power Spikes. BotRK is her next Power Spike. You can definitely beat her once you get Riftmaker, as you can dodge her E with yours, and dodge her R if she goes for a long range one, as you can just press W. When she uses W, use your Q right on her and you will deal true damage and her W will be useless. If you really struggle against this champ, just try to play her and you'll understand the champ better.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Ring
You should win against Jayce, but it still isn't easy. Play safe early game, you really have to wait for your level 3. Always fight when your W is up. Whenever he goes Melee form, punish him as he's stronger against you in Ranged form.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion.
In Midlane, Kai'sa is broken. she'll build Muramana early on to get an early Q evolve (Around level 8), then build full AP. To beat her, aim to scale, then you can either try to teamfight with hard engage so that her poke is useless, or you can split and you will attract at least 2 people on you.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Doran's Shield
Unkillable in lane. She can stunt you with her W, and her E gives her MS. Outscale her, and as she's the strongest when helping her team, you should try to split.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Doran's Shield.
If someone picks Karthus mid, consider this a win. You can W everything, and you can easily burst him, it's one of the best champ you can face in lane.
Ghost-Ignite + Corrupting Potion.
Shut him down early on, it will make things easier. You can burst him later on, and you should survive his damage with the right build.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade.
Ok honestly, if the kata is playing aggressive in lane against you, she's bad. You'll win every fight, just remember : don't position on her daggers, it's her main source of damage. The only way she can do something is by roaming, and if she does, you can easily push mid and get plates. You burst her hard. Remember to look at her build to see if she goes full AP, full AD or Hybrid.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade.
You should destroy her from level 1 to 6, so just abuse her being weak early : go hard on her level 1, crash the 3rd wave into her turret, do a cheater recall if you want, and then freeze your wave near your turret.
Ghost-Ignite + Corrupting Potion.
Kennen has insane Teamfight, so he'll do just fine as you scale. He can poke you a lot early game, and is pretty unchasable. Try to call for a gank before lvl6 if your jungle has strong CC.
Flash-TP + Doran's Shield
The champ is too mobile, you're never going to catch her. You can use W to dodge her E. You scale better than her, but she dominates early game way too hard.
Flash-TP + Doran's Shield
Lee Sin
Lee sin has always been strong in this game, so don't worry if you lose it's just champ diff.
If you wanna try to win, just dodge his Q's, ping his roams, and scale. Don't try to fight him as he is too strong for you to handle 1vs1.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Doran's Ring.
She's better than you in laning phase, stronger in early skirmishes, and better in teamfights. SPLIT YOUR WAY TO NEXUS, you win by avoiding her.
Ghost-TP + Cull.
Any ADC Mid is strong against Gwen, as they can just poke you early when you can't do anything. Your W will be important in this matchup.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield
Press W to counter her, gg.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion.
If he goes AP, he can win. If he goes tank, you win 100%. You can only W his Q's, so do it when you think it's worth trading the mana. He is good in teamfights because of his ult, you can either try to split to counter it if your team is willing to stay away from fights, or just zone the enemy backline and create chaos in the fight.
Flash-TP + Doran's Shield.
You can dodge his Q's with your E, so if he is too close to you and uses Q, just E towards him and fight. You can absolutely destroy him early, but if he has a jungler at level6, you're in trouble. You're better in teamfights than him, he is better in skirmishes.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion
W to dodge every spell, E to dodge every spell. She is not quite killable because of her W so try to bait her near your turret.
Flash-TP + Doran's Shield
Nunu & Willump
He big snowball and roams, gl, your teammates will die and it's gonna be your fault.
Flash-TP + Cull
She is not really mobile, try to abuse that. She has a decent early game, and once you will teamfight, she'll probably carry more than you. I would try to kill her in lane, but split my way to win in this matchup.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion.
He is only strong early game, you just outscale him way too hard. Play safe early. When you fight him, just remember to E behind him. Dodge his Q's in lane, and don't let him go on you with his W.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Doran's Ring
He roams a lot, just try to take plates.
You can dodge his Q's with your W, or even your E. You'll never kill him as his W and E makes him too safe for you.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Cull
Roams a lot, is decent in 1vs1, good in skirmishes, and very good in teamfights. She is probably gonna be more useful than you. You split better tho, try to abuse that.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Doran's Ring
Quinn is hard to lane against, but you can do just fine. Try to save your W for after her E, as she goes out of your W range. If she throws a random Q you can obviously dodge it with your E. If you use your W perfectly, you win after level 6, as you can burst her hard.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Doran's Shield
You just have to respect early game. You HARD outscale him, just wait for your moment.
Also, if you feel like you can for an all-in, do it, as he is just good at short trades.
Ghost-TP + Doran's Blade
Riven is really difficult to play against as Gwen, she has high mobility and your W is quite useless as long as she doesn't use her R max range. Try to scale as best as you can, and if she freezes lane near her turret, you're in big trouble. Don't bother trying to 1v1 her, she'll always win.
Flash-TP + Doran's Ring.
Pain, Pain, Pain. He will burn you. Push wave and burn you again. Burst him when he doesn't have any CD. Good luck scaling, once you can teamfight, his R will be too strong for your team to handle. Split to win.
Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield
All in lvl1. He will scale way harder than you, beat you in sidelanes and oneshot everyone. Win early.
Ghost-Ignite + Corrupting Potion
UWU. She lets you scale, thanks Seraphine ! Now win late game and show her who truly deserves a K/DA skin.
You don't see that many Sett in the Midlane, but if there is one, you're in trouble. Your W is useless against him, he deals 10 times your damage, and he will always have priority. You have to play for late as you outscale him. Always try to avoid his middle W, as it will deal true damage and just destroy you.
Flash-TP + Doran's Ring.
You will hate the Roaming Singed. If you try to fight him, you lose, as he can just flip you and use his W to disable your E. Do your best to farm-up, and take turret plates when he roams.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Cull
Right now he is in the "tiny" matchup, but after next buffs it's gonna be the strongest champ in the entire game, better than Ahri herself. Good luck mates.
Take whatever you want, you lose.
Sylas is a stupid champ, so to beat him, you have to be more stupid than he is. Don't try to think too much, go for all-ins if he uses an ability and his boosted auto, but avoid letting him sustain for free with his W. You will need morello against him.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade.
Cannon minion. Go kill her she noob.
Ghost-Ignite + Corrupting Potion
Is that a midlaner ? Idk. If you face her, press W to dodge her spells, gg. If you use E on hers, you will get damaged, if you're not in your W. Her only real threat are her roams, so ping for those.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion
He roams and deals a TOOOOON of damage. In lane, dodge his W when it returns with your E, dashing a bit towards him, so that you can auto him a bit.
You scale and split better, so either teamfight or split, but remember that he will probably delete at least 1 person in fights.
Ghost-TP + Doran's Blade
Any ADC Mid is strong against Gwen, as they can just poke you early when you can't do anything. Your W will be important in this matchup.
She's just too mobile for you to ever kill her. Good luck.
Flash/Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield
Tryndamere mid is really OP against Gwen, as he is just too strong in melee combat. You should buy Steelcaps and Armguard ASAP.
If he uses ghost, use it too and try to get away. If he keeps going and is still on you, you can also exhaust so that he can't kill you under turret.
Exhaust-Ghost + Doran's Ring.
Twisted Fate
Press W to dodge his Gold Card. His only real threat are his roams, so ping for those. You win pretty much everytime against him.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion
He pokes a lot but that's it. You can dodge his spells with E and W. He has no mobility, so abuse that.
Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield
Cannon Minion early game. Destroy him early by going in HARD. (Don't let him scale please).
Ghost-Ignite + Corrupting Potion.
Your W is a game saver, and your E is also useful to dodge a lot. If he has everything on CD, go on him.
Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield
AAAAH broken champ. Use W and E to dodge some spells but yeah gl winning against her, she'll OS your team every fights.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Doran's Shield
He is strong. That's it.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Doran's Ring
His kit is quite strong, and you can't really kill him if he uses W correctly. If he uses W far away from him, just use W and get closer to him and go kill him if you can. He scales very well too.
Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield
Scale monster, can't interact with him, and you can't roam. Try to be better than him in teamfights, but his champ scales reaaaaally well. Build MR or you won't be able to play at all.
Ignite-TP + Cull
Early game, the matchup is even, but you outscale him. He's just a tiny bit stronger early, so just try to survive and you'll be able to destroy him from lvl 6 (At least in 1vs1).
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade.
You can dodge everything with W and E, but he will be peacefully farming and you won't be able to kill him because he is too far away. If he gets too close, dodge his E and OneShot him.
Ghost-TP + Doran's Shield
Ignite-TP + Doran's Ring
Ignite-TP + Doran's Ring
You can't kill him because he is too mobile. Build seeker's to save your life, and outscale him, you're better in split and teamfights if played properly. Just don't get killed in lane and everything will be fine.
If you struggle against Zed, try to play him a bit and you'll understand his weaknesses. Ofc, you can W his combos if he isn't too close.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Doran's Ring
You can run him down, you'll win. Dodge his spells with W and E.
Ghost-Ignite + Corrupting Potion
The only issue is that he is unkillable. He will just let you scale tho, and you can dodge his double Q. You can split later on to win easier, since zilean is only really strong when paired with another champ.
Ghost/Flash-TP + Cull
A little bully, but lacks mobility and you can dodge everything with W and E (She will only damage you with her autos and W).
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion
Destroy plants.
Ghost-Ignite + Corrupting Potion
Yuumi is the best support for hard carry champs, such as Gwen. Just try to teamfight, you'll be unkillable and destroy the enemy team.
A jungler that has strong CC can help you a lot in lane, because it's the only thing you need to get right on top of your opponent.
Zilean is one of the strongest champ in the game when paired with someone who can actually play the game. The amount of MS he can give you is just ridiculous, and he can even revive you.
Yuumi is the best support for hard carry champs, such as Gwen. Just try to teamfight, you'll be unkillable and destroy the enemy team.
A jungler that has strong CC can help you a lot in lane, because it's the only thing you need to get right on top of your opponent.
Zilean is one of the strongest champ in the game when paired with someone who can actually play the game. The amount of MS he can give you is just ridiculous, and he can even revive you.
Statikk is OP since it came out, and Gwen needs an OP item right now.
Her early game isn't as strong as before, her true damage isn't that big against tanks, and she struggles against a lot of bruisers.
You need to play her mid in order to have better matchups, and scale a bit. You lose the bonus experience of toplane, but it's fine. You'll catch up with statikk farming a lot.
Gwen Mid ?
My friend had the idea to play Gwen, but he only wanted to play Midlane, so I tried my best to make a guide that would help him play a champ that he likes in this role.
Surprisingly, she's actually quite strong Midlane. She can destroy almost every weak early mage, such as veigar. What's so strong about Gwen Mid is her mobility coupled with her W, as she can avoid poke, dodge skillshots easily, and get on top of her enemies. Because of that, you want to abuse your mobility and strong damage against weak early game champs.
When playing top, you will encounter bruisers, such as Riven or Sett. They will almost always win agaist you, they just have the upper hand. But Midlane has a lot of good matchups, and almost every time you can do ok in your games.
YOU SCALE. If you're facing a champ like Lucian, Renekton, or Leblanc, you just have to wait until you're stronger than them, by farming and, most importantly, surviving. SURVIVE. If you die, you lose waves, your opponent gets stronger, and you're screwed.
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