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Taric Build Guide by zharg1

Support Healbot Taric Guide 7.14

Support Healbot Taric Guide 7.14

Updated on July 24, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zharg1 Build Guide By zharg1 7,029 Views 1 Comments
7,029 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zharg1 Taric Build Guide By zharg1 Updated on July 24, 2017
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When most people see this rune page they think it's kinda troll/odd but the reason I take both Scaling HP and Scaling AP is because Taric got one of the best (if not the best) lategame peel.
Since they changed his Q to 100% Ap Ratio at max rank you want a lot of AP to work with your Q and 28 AP really buff that Q when you also have a lot of % Heal Shield power. Scaling HP works really well with both Q and W, Q now got a 5% Max HP Ratio at 5 Charges and that's quiet a lot when you have around 3000 HP. W Shield also Scales with Max HP so when you have a Max HP Shield that gets buffed with % Heal Shield power it gets really big. 2 Armor Quintessence because my Zeals are HP Per Level.

In lane you will need armor so running 2 Armor quint gives you more than enough armor because of your W as well that gives you armor. In my Marks I got full Attack damage because if you hit a stun on your opponent you can easly burst them down with your passives Extra Attackspeed + AD from runes and that's also the reason
I take 1 Attack speed Quintessence. Taric passive double your attackspeed so from 1 Quint you basically get 9% Attackspeed and this helps you with rotation and DPS.

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Champselect. What works well with Taric.

For laning phase champions: Draven, Jhin, Lucian.
These 3 works really well with Taric in laning phase because they have a lot of burst damage early on and you can kill the enemy botlane really early and snowball easly after that.

With Draven you want to get level 2 first so draven can get his W speedup and you get Q for passive. If you hit a stun on the enemy they are pretty much dead or atleast summoners because of Dravens early damage together with your passive damage.

With Jhin (one of my favorite lanes) you can easly kill the enemy because Jhin chain CC when you hit your stun on them which makes it so easy for you to get Passive stacks on them for damage, together with Jhin 4th shot, your stun + Passive and Jhin W you can 100-0 an enchanter like Nami, Sona, Lulu. You wanna play really aggro in this lane even against champs like Thresh because you will have more damage than the enemies and you will win the fight.

With Lucian it's also an easly lane since he got a Dash and together with your E you can do some nice combos for example you using E and Lucian dash onto the enemy to make your stun connect and after that you win the trade automaticly and you can easly snowball with the early damage. All these 3 are good since they snowball easly with the early damage and you can end games really quickly if you get a nice laning phase and you get early items to protect your adc.

Lategame champs: Kalista, Cait, Tristana, Twitch, (Vayne, but she's really bad atm) ((You always want to have knights vow with any of these champs in lategame so they can heal you during a fight so you won't die))

All these champs have an insane synergy in lategame with Taric because if your crazy protection with Heals and Shields and these 5 champs got insane damage lategame and they only need to survive for a few seconds to kill all enemies.

With Kalista you can 2v5 in lategame as long as you're not CC'd and they focus Kalista because she won't be able to die as long as you can get free autos on someone in the enemy team and together with Kalista kite, your heals, and preferably Knights vow on her it will be so hard for them to kill you quickly, laning phase can be easy if you hit a good stun and Kalista get some free autos off for her Rend while you protect her from any CC in early fights.

With Caitlyn you just wanna farm in early game unless enemies decide to engage on you 2v2 and you can turn on them because of Caitlyn range and her traps together with your stun. In lategame all you wanna do is to use ult as soon as they engage and protect her until your ult hits because after that she can easly kill them with her headshot bonus damage and crits.

Tristana is basically just like Caitlyn, you can just farm and get really strong into the lategame or you can try to 2v2 after level 6 when both of you get a nice powerspike for 2v2 fights. Tristana got a lot of burst if she gets a few autos with her E and then R to finish the deal so if you hit a stun on a squishy target you can kill someone fast, for lategame it's just like Caitlyn you ult when they engage or Tristana is in danger and after that you use everyone so she stays alive for your ult and she can kill them.

Twitch,(my favorite lane) With Twitch you have pressure in early game and lategame. Twitch Taric laning phase is so good because of their synergy with Stealth and Stun. When Twitch goes stealth he can go close an enemy and you can use your stun from his stealth to surprise the enemy and after that it's really easy to get either a kill or summoners spell. If you stun someone squishy and Twitch get max stack on his passive you can kill them prety easy because of you protecting Twitch so he won't die and Twitch damage with max stacks on E and with his ult to catch people.

In midgame what you want to do with Twitch Taric is just walk around the map and try to get picks with the Stealth Stun combo so either Twitch gets fed for lategame or you can grab an objective.

In lategame with Twitchc it's pretty easy, he got insane amount of damage and range so as soon as Twitch use his R out of Stealth you want to ult him and if the enemies flash onto him or use gapcloser you just want to save stun for them and then use all items and heals to save him while he can just 3-4 squishy targets with his ult + your ult. (Vayne is a lategame carry champ she works kinda like Twitch just a lot harder because of her short range)

None ADC synergies: Shaco, Zac, Camille,Fiora, Jarvan. (Short tip why they are good)
Shaco can easly gank with Stealth Stun to grab kills.

You can use Stun when Zac is midair E to stun people before Zac lands so he gets a 100% to hit his E, also you can use R on Zac when he engage to start a fight.

Camille, one of my favorite combos. your Stun works really well with her E because when she fly on the wall you can start your stun so you can easly chain CC and you can stun people from far away without them expecting it,(camille got insane damage with her Q once it has been 1.5 sec so she do true damage and with your shields + heals you can keep her alive for so long so she gets out a ton of true damage to 1 shot enemies).

Fiora is an insane champion with her heals and true damage to kill enemies really fast and with a Taric R and heals + shields you can keep her alive for so long that she will be able to get her ult out and probably kill 3-4 people.

Jarvan works like Zac. You can Stun when he is doing his E Q combo and also Ult him when he's going for the dive on enemy carries.

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How I play laning phase overall.

Always take exhaust because it reduce enemy damage to protect your adc, you never want ignite because you don't have to force to play aggro.

Some adcs hate my style of Taric and I get flamed for it because I play like a Soraka or Janna when I play Taric and that is true. When I play laning phase as Taric I never step up too much to maybe have a chance of getting pressure because most people know that Taric's laning phase is bad so I don't give them a chance of punishing me and that's why I alwyas stand beside or behind my adc unless I have enough confidence that we win the 2v2 fight.

You also want to use the bush to your advantage with denying vision to cancel enemy autoattack or target spell for example. Level 1 you can stand in bush to try and get a level 1 stun and 2 passive autos to poke down enemy adc/support quite a lot but after that you just wanna play safe until you know you win the fight since you scale so much better than basically any other support.

If enemy botlane engage on your adc in early levels you mainly want to try to get to the enemy adc instead of protecting your adc because you will win the 1v1 against any adc as long as you got more than 260 mana for the 4 spells, (PA = Passive auto) E PA PA W PA PA Q PA PA Q PA PA. This will be enough to kill the enemy adc almost every time before level 6 because if you hit your E you automatically can use PA and then exhaust to keep catching up to them and there isn't a lot of supports that can kill an adc 1v1 early on so your adc will probably be fine because if you are still in range with W when you are trying to kill enemy adc you will shield and heal your adc.

How to manage mana in lane with Taric is hard because of the consistant spam of spells during a fight but one thing that you shouldn't do is to use Q as a sustain spell because early levels it's a 40 Heal for 70 mana which is completely garbage. You got relic shield to sustain with HP. You basically never want to use a spell if it's not for a fight because then you need atleast 260 mana before level 6 to use 4 spells.

If you're up against something like Zyra or Caitlyn you can use W to protect your adc from some damage but you don't really need to use W on yourself to block the damage since you got HP Regen and you wanna stay back and then grab a minion with Relic to heal you back up.

Laning phase with Taric can be really hard when you start playing him but the best tool to learn him really well is to play him.

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Teamfighting. How to use W and R etc.

You main focus in teamfights is to protect your adc!

When it comes to teamfighting it's really hard to give a good tip because every teamfight is different depending on champs and how tanky everyone is but in a standard game in this meta it's pretty much always 1 tank that can engage well and if you have a good engage team you always want to have your W on the tank before any fight because you want to be able to ult him when he engage together with maybe an Ahri or another midlaner that can follow up so you want to use R on the tank so he can survive in the enemy backline together with someone in your team that helps with damage.

After you use R on the tank you mostly want to switch W back to your adc because enemy frontline will try to kill your carries so you want to run to your adc as soon as you press R so your adc also gets the Ult and then it's just to peel for you adc when he/she tries to kill the ones in front of him and this is really easy when you can provide him protection so he won't have to worry about dying with your ultimate and heals shields.

At the time your frontline dies you will probably have been able to clean up the enemies if you have a lategame carry because your frontline and backline will have it much easier to survive.

Zac or Jarvan are great examples of frontline that are good with Taric because when they use their engage you can just ult them with your W and use E at the same time because then you've done yours for the frontline and they should be fine for a while with your ult to kill enemy backline while you just have to focus on your adc now and do everything you can to protect him/her.

W is a weird spell for most people and people that haven't play with a lot of Taric forget about it so the best way to learn how to use it is to play games with him because you won't be able to learn a lot how to use W from here since it's so different from fight to fight.

TLDR: Use W on Tanks so when they engage you can use Ultimate to protect them for a while when they are in enemy backline. When you used R on the Tank you wanna run to your adc so you share the ulitmate with them and after that you have to play it out and make quick actions and try to protect your adc as good as you can.

Ultimate is different from every game because of the comp but if you're engaging you wanna do W R on tank but if you get engaged on you wanna use W on your adc and R so it's 100% that your adc gets the ult because she/he can flash away from you because they get scared if you use W R on Tank and after that your adc will probably die. If you use R on your adc you wanna try to go to your team and stand grouped so you can still share the ult to someone else but remember to not leave your adc completely alone.

How to play teamfights: You wanna do as I said earlier with W R but this is more how to use items and rotations when protecting adc. When you're on your adc to share ult with him/her you always have to watch if enemies are using any special ability to look down your adc or burst him for example Leblanc Q(To proc Passive).

When you see this spell that can burst your adc heavly so he might die you wanna use Face of the Mountain to make sure he survives the burst and it also gives your adc extra time to get your ultimate if it haven't been activated yet.
When you ult has ended and your adc have 2-3 enemies on him/her you wanna stand on top of your adc because it does not only make it easier for you to get a great stun of it also makes it harder for the enemies to autoattack or use spells on your adc.

Your main spell in teamfights are a bit different from time to time but most of the time you wanna use Q as much as possible when it's tanks that is on your adc because they don't have a ton of damage to burst your adc so using Q often will make you out heal their damage.

If there is something like Tryndamere or Renekton and something else that is on your adc you wanna use E more often because this stop them from bursting your adc down and also gives you more time to get more charges on Q instead of just 2 Charges from Q PA PA Q, when you use E as soon as it's up you will probably do it like Q PA PA E PA PA which sets your Q to 4 charges instead of 2 from just Q PA PA.
This makes gives your adc more time to kite and also you get a bigger heal which is a lot better against heavy burst than just small heals often.

W is a spell you can use from time to time. W is a good spell to use if you are starting to run out of mana and you need to use Passive because W only has a 60 mana cost compared to 110 on Q and E will probably be on CD. W scales with max HP so it doesn't give a ton of shield to your adc but it's still good as a small shield and to use for mana saving to get Passive.

Mana management in teamfight is really hard and it's not really something I can help because you use different spells in different order depending on the situations but most of the time you have enough mana for 5-6 Q's when Q is maxed and a few E W during a fight but what you want to do is to save mana most of the time and let your insane amount mana regen help you so there is nothing wrong with using Q to heal your teammates back up from some poke but remember to maybe go forward and attack a minion with PA so you get back to 5 charges on Q because it's really bad to start a fight with 1-2 charges.

When you are running low on mana in the end of a fight you wanna use W and E more often so you get a bigger Q heal instead of using Q only to get those fast intensive heals that are really good for close situations. When your Q is at 5 charges it will be a 600+ heal so it's bad to use other spells to save mana but if your adc is low on HP and someone is attacking him it's better to just use Q only almost to make him live for that extra milliseconds so he/she can get that dash back up and being able to kite again.

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