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Cassiopeia Build Guide by gillie

AP Carry Cass Guide - How I got gold 2 after playing for just 1 year

AP Carry Cass Guide - How I got gold 2 after playing for just 1 year

Updated on February 1, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gillie Build Guide By gillie 7,798 Views 2 Comments
7,798 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author gillie Cassiopeia Build Guide By gillie Updated on February 1, 2017
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This is a Cass guide that I have made for myself. If other people get something out of it too then great, but this is simply for me to bookmark on my computer lol

I am ranking up an account on the NA server this season called gillie, where I will be almost entirely playing Cass.

Everything that I do will be from this guide. This is how I got gold 2 only after a year of playing the game.

My boring backstory that you can skip: I started playing in the middle of season 5, was in silver and could not get out, desperately searching to find a main champ that I was good at. Sound familiar? Then the Cass rework came out and I loved it so much that I created a new account and got gold 2 within a couple months of ranked in the middle of season 6 just by playing Cass. I finally decided to write about it and this season I'm gonna try to get plat and also rank up gillie, the account I started out playing the game on.

This can be applied to anyone. I always tell people who are stuck in bronze to pick a champion that they like and can see themselves playing again and again, preferably with a higher skill cap, then create a new account. Just play that champion through level 30. Then watch your elo skyrocket.

Cassio is an AP carry that plays like an AD carry. Everything here is from about 400k mastery points experience that I've had on Cass. Some things may seem weird and off meta but how I play her is the way that I am most comfortable playing her over countless trials and errors.

Last thing, I am not claiming to be King Cobra's or The Blue Cobra's level. I know I'm not that good. I just play Cass how I play Cass am always looking to improve, being still fairly newer to the game than most people.
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Magic pen reds, scaling health yellows, scaling CDR blues, 1 scaling CDR quint and 2 movement speed quints. The rune page doesn't change, ever. 20% CDR is the way to go.

Most of the time you will end up with 35% CDR after items, runes, and masteries. With blue buff it becomes 45%. This is perfect.

Since Cass isn't an early game champ in the first place, don't try to hide it with AP runes. Just embrace it, buy Corrupting Potion, survive, scale, and be aggressive when necessary.
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Masteries never change, either. Makes things more simple, life is better this way.

I like Stormraider's Surge more than Deathfire Touch because of the mobility. I take 12 points in Resolve to alleviate lane pressure. And let me tell you, that -15% summoner spell cooldown is amazing on Cass because she can be Flash reliant.

Let's see, I take Intelligence over Precision because I like that early CDR, but that's just 100% preference. You don't really need any mana regeneration masteries with Corrupting Potion, so the extra damage is pretty lit from Assassin and Merciless .
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Rod of Ages has been my tried and true first item that really never fails me. It's safe and you don't need CDR right away because of your runes and masteries. It synergizes really well with Cass too and takes away a lot of early pressure against you.

Seraph's Embrace is the best item on Cass. Always build this as soon as you can while still remaining gold efficient by waiting for your tear to stack. Try to time it right. I buy this item 2nd.

Void Staff is what I build 3rd item 90% of the time. Usually by this time you see some MR stacking and it is one of the most cost efficient items in the game and you really can't go wrong.

A decent amount of people buy a defensive item on Cass. I am definitely all for that. The reason is that it gives good survivability so that you can dish out more damage and not die. The two tank items that I go with are either Spirit Visage or Frozen Heart. Both give CDR and tank stats, and Frozen Heart even gives some mana to boot. Spirit Visage is usually what I buy 4th item because it just gives great stats, and it is the tank item I build 95% of the time. Building Kindlegem early and sitting on it is great because of the 10% CDR. Buy Frozen Heart instead 4th or 5th item only when the enemy is full AD, but that doesn't happen very often (maybe like 5% of the time if that).

Rabadon's Deathcap is a must have 4th or 5th item.

For the 6th item slot look at the Notes in the item section. Usually I will buy a Rylai's Crystal Scepter for more control but sometimes I will buy a Zhonya's Hourglass for diving comps and a Quicksilver Sash for heavy cc comps.

Take a moment and notice how I don't build Morellonomicon

In all honesty it works for most people but I don't like it. Why? I don't know. I guess I feel too squishy. I feel like I can spend my gold in better ways. I see online how it doesn't have that high of a winrate and mentally it just gets to me. So I don't build it. Only time I may build it is against healing champs like Mundo, Swain, or Vlad.

Because CDR is so important on Cass, the runes and masteries take care of what you are missing from the otherwise mediocre Morellonomicon
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Take Teleport against long range mages. Take Barrier against Fizz. Take Exhaust every other time. If you feel tempted to take Cleanse, rethink your decision and just buy a Quicksilver Sash instead. Alright, it's not bad against Twisted Fate and Lissandra but I don't like it so I don't use it. Lastly, you don't really need Ghost because of Stormraider's Surge

Let me explain why Exhaust is so good. Back in the day before Cass's most recent rework, you were able to drop Miasma on yourself to get virtually guaranteed empowered E's against assassins. Now, you can't do that. So Exhaust really alleviates the pressure of trying to frantically land Q's on an enemy champion who got past your Miasma.

I take Teleport against long range mages because they are typically the hardest lanes for Cass. Exhaust really isn't gonna do much so just take Teleport to get more lane pressure and farm more.
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Pros / Cons

Instead of listing pros and cons, I'm just gonna name off some of Cass's qualities in general:
-high DPS
-vulnerable without defensive items
-requires high positioning skills and patience
-high skill cap
-good in 1v2s
-not in the greatest spot right now but very viable
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This is where you get the gold you need for skirmishes and teamfights. All this phase is is just farming to get items, not losing your turret, and not dying.
-Ward one side of the river (I prefer bot side) and stay on that side of the minion wave. You can play all sorts of mind games with enemy mid laner this way because they have to decide if they want to focus you or the minion wave, whereas as Cass you have the unique ability to focus on both at the same time.
-If you don't know where the enemy jungler is, pretend he is in the nearest bush.
-Mana management is a learned skill. Make sure to last hit with E and try to have dominant body language while in lane, if that makes any sense.
-You can animation cancel Cass's autos with her E. Keep that in mind when harassing to get more damage off.

Keep one thing in mind: with my setup, you don't have the most laning presence in the world, but you can still be extremely harassing in the right circumstances. I don't play the game to lane, I lane to get gold and outscale so that I can win skirmishes and teamfights to be able to take objectives. This isn't saying I don't win lane. Honestly about half the time I kill the enemy in lane and about 95% of the time I am up on CS. I'll take the CS lead over risking dying, but that's just me. It's just your early game isn't the greatest with this setup, and I'm ok with that because I'm used to it. If you try this and die a lot just go for the standard 10% CDR and AP rune setup and buy Morellonomicon.
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This is where Cass shines, gets ahead, and where she can play more aggro. Skirmishing is my most aggressive part of the game because I'm good at it and because I know her limits. Just always have the thought in the back of your mind to not die. Ever. Her 1v2 is extremely good. Always ult to stun at least one champ and go for the squishiest champion first.
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Biggest thing you want to keep in mind is to keep your distance. Positioning is everything, and if you get caught out early, 95% of the time your team will lose the fight. Stay back, poke with Q, and wait for a good opportunity to go ham with e spams once a q lands. Always try to be the last one to survive. Don't go diving the enemy team because you'll get blown up. Remember Cass is a kiting champion, thus kiting is how she wins teamfights. Save your ult until the right time. Look for outplays with flash. Take down the closest person to you first and work your way down from there.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gillie
gillie Cassiopeia Guide
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Cass Guide - How I got gold 2 after playing for just 1 year

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