He is the ideal in-lane counter to Singed. He has the cc to lock you down and the turrets can completely push you away from your farm.
Not just Vayne, but most ranged AD top laners can fight Singed with ease. Jayce, Lucian, Gnar, Kalista, etc. But Vayne is a big threat just because of her late game and lane safety.
BY FAR THE HARDEST COUNTER TO SINGED OUTSIDE OF LANE. Even if she is 0/10 she can still trap you and lock you down for her team. Not often played top but even if you don't lane against her, late game she will beat you.
Take a ranged top laner that fully counters Singed, let her out-roam, out vision, and have more map presence than him, then you will have a recipe for the perfect counter to Singed that isn't Anivia. Don't even think about proxying.
His W is similar to Veigar's cage however you need to auto it in order to escape, making it a BIG oops to be caught by. He can also duel you if he has items under his belt to the point where he beats you every time. Proxying can work against him, but it is risky since he can still pressure you with his ult.
DO NOT PROXY AGAINST HIM. He will get free stacks if you do and will likely out sustain you if he has enough mana and plays his trades right. And oh god his slow, be sure to build slow resist and/or tenacity. Phase rush is a good rune to run against him.
Dr. Mundo
His main strengths are in the early game where his Q just beats you. Try not to fight him if you don't have your ult.
A matchup as old as time. He is ranged and has mushrooms. Do not proxy against him after 6 unless you have Oracle Lens or you know he didn't shroom the bushes.
He is similar to Vayne in the sense that he is unkillable in lane if played correctly. Except now, he has a shield and enough movement to outplay you.
Its really hard to build against her since she usually goes Grasp and Sunderrer which means she can shred you with ease. Trading is impossible due to her passive and her spacing potential. Your best shot at surviving her all in is to try and fling her out of her ult zone to cancel it.
If he goes Wit's end, you don't win. He is faster, can slow you, out sustains you, and steals your stats. Never ult before him so he can't steal as many stats.
Can and will fight you early; will likely win. His poke and teamfight potential make him a strong counter. Your lucky he isn't played often. Similar to Mundo, a merc treads is a great 1st buy.
Hard to fight since you can't run around him unless his passives are down. Bait out his dash and mind the slow on his ult. He can lock you down hard if he lands it so be careful.
Get close -> get rooted
Try running -> she dashes to root you
Catch her offguard -> She ults herself and uses zhonya's.
Very annoying to fight so just W her and let your team do the rest.
She can run you down with her passive and can play around your fling with her W. Bramble is a worthwhile buy against her in the lane. Anathema's Chains is also good against her if you want to match her splitpush all game. In short, the trademark duelist will almost always beat the champ who is known for his weak dueling power.
Her ball can really end you at all stages of the game. She is just a big meany so buy merc treads, some other MR, and just play the game.
His ult is VERY dangerous and usually builds anti-tank items so he packs a punch.
If it's a good gangplank, you lose. They know that you are all melee and will tell you how much they know that. One strategy I use is proxying since once he places barrels down you can just start running while they charge.
Karma top is like Swain but better. She has CC and can Kite you better than most ranged top laners. She won't die if she buys spirit visage, ever.
Jarvan IV
His ult is a Yorick cage that you can't even escape from without flashing. Very un-fun just buy Zhonya's.
Very hard poke lane and he is covered in buttery lighting making him hard to catch. He can CC you in a teamfight giving his team time to engage on you.
USE PHASE RUSH OR FLEET. Outduels you at all stages of the game, especially if he has ghost. Proxying is somewhat safe if his ghost and flash are down.
He will do what he can to stop you from doing Singed things, and he can do a lot. He taunts you, knocks you up, and can counter-engage you very well.
His cage can spell your end, especially if he is fed enough to burst you down.
Go flash or bait him into missing the cage all together.
Think of old stridebreaker darius and kled fits the description. It's only safe to really trade against him if he misses his hook.
You will lose all short trades in lane unless you can fling him before he goes invisible.
Will touch you real bad if you let him. His passive and E make him a very formidable foe in the early game. Don't even think about flanking his team, trust me. Deadman's plate is a strong option against him.
A good Shaco can really ruin your day. His boxes are insane area denial while his Q and Ult make him really hard to catch. He can stop you from proxying.
There is nothing Sylas wants more than ap, magic resist, armor, regens, movement speed and grievous wounds. Luckily, Singed Ult gives him all of those things.
You deal no damage to her since she can out heal, out push, and out duel your, all with just her Q. Her ult can stop you entirely, and her passive shreds you to bits. Your only saving grace is that she is easy to make mistakes as so you can punish her for making them.
Wit's end enjoyer
You lose most short trades and she can dive you with ease. Your only window of attack is if she overextends while you have ult up.
He is just really hard to out-trade and lane against. His damage and sustain early is stronger than yours and can disengage from your all-in's with Ease. He can do it all. Just do your best to dodge his abilities and create some space between you and him.
He is hard to build against due to his armor pen and W stun. Don't fight him to much until you get ult.
He can stick to you surprisingly well if he lands his stun and has Blade of the Ruined King or Stride Breaker. His ganks are lethal if he has some gold under his belt.
Wit's end enjoyed
Go Merc treads, and try your best. Singed is kind of the only laner top lane Ryze can fight. A lane swap could be in order.
Same deal as Fiora since he can run you down with extreme prejudice. Once you hit 6 is when you can finally start surviving his all in's with your ult.
Wit's end enjoyer
Can kite you almost as well as Vayne can. There is skill in this matchup though since his all-in's are pretty telegraphed.
Just hard to kill in general. Be sure if you are using the precision tree to go Coup de Grace, also build shadowflame.
Do not proxy if he is enemy jg. You will be isolated if you do since you are away from your minions. You are also isolated from your team when you run in to get picks.
Playing the early game against him is simple enough, short trades and dodging skillshots are key. teamfighting is another story however. If he Ults you in a big teamfight, prepare to lose it.
Don't build Rylias against him since his ult can negate its effects. This only applies to olaf top. His all in is equal to that of a Tryndamere with ghost so be carful.
He can catch you with his movement speed. However, you can usually duel him if you have some damage and anti-heal to boot. Put your wards in the river past the push like they have a nunu on their team.
She flies around like a mosquito and just shanks you to death with little counterplay. Her shroud makes it so you can fling her and has the movement speed with her passive to chase and duel you. They can screw up plays sometimes and Singed can punish her hard for it with his W and Fling.
Just a mean, shooting, kiting machine. Get some armor and land some W's.
Super weird to fight as Singed since he is an adc that kites you in stranger ways with his hook. Think of him like a Quinn with no CC and more predictable roams.
Wit's end enjoyer
Play against an Ornn like you would a Mundo. Play around his W and pray he somehow misses his ult.
EASY proxy lane until she hits 6, then it gets a little harder. As weird as it sounds, she does kind of beat you level 3. Late game Kayle Is the bane of every Team comp, so get an Anthema's and pray that her team isn't doing so well.
Wit's end enjoyer
Same deal as Fizz, stay just out of her range and bait out a bad engage to let your team follow up.
Xin Zhao
He is a very aggressive early game JG that has they know how to catch a Singed from long range and all in. Seeing one on the enemy team can be a real boner breaker.
Has the tools to lane, but not to chase. I would recommend proxying since he cant really do much to you unless he ults. Liandry's is a good buy against him if you team doesn't already have a Liandry's user.
He is very, very hard to kill with his passive, Q shield, E slow, and ult. However, he usually won't be killing you either if you buy Force of Nature and Mercs.
If he builds ap, he can fight you early with relative ease in the early to mid game. His only downside is that he favors building armor so you can beat him late game. The match up only gets really hard when he builds bruiser with Divine Sunderer.
He is a serious threat in both top and jg since he can basically stand in your poison and not take damage. His damage reduction and CC make him unkillable to a Singed. You can still body him in teamfights though.
Fleet or Phase Rush are good options to escape his all in's later on in the game. If he spins, you fling.
Wit's end enjoyer
Its a skill lane until he lands his chains on you, then you are kind of screwed unless you have Swiftness boots. Only go for extended trades if you have ult.
GO SWIFTNESS BOOTS. Even though Gwen is really strong against a lot of top laners, the way her kit works can be exploited by a Singed. The match up is similar to Illoai in the sense that with enough movement speed, you can evade her with ease. Bone plating is a good option as well as Aftershock or Fleet.
Rylai's = you win with ult. Until then, you lose.
Dodge the Q's pre 6 and you get to not die. Post 6 is when amumu becomes a problem with both his R and his passive procs.
Dodge the Q or dodge the lane. Easy right? As tempting as it is to buy the Merc Treads against the CC Tanks, its not worth so don't do it. Just buy Swiftness boots and try to dodge his abilities. He will out-sustain you in most lanes.
Her Tenticles are easy to dodge if you have movement speed and you can easily run away in teamfights. Watch out early and DODGE HER E. Rushing Deadman's is a good option but not needed.
Easy to fight just don't trade without fling and you usually will win. Just watch for ganks since he can be DEADLY with a jg to back him up with hard cc.
Just awkward to fight since she zips all around and her ult can really screw you over if you don't know where she will cast it. Stay away from her knives and you should be able to avoid her.
She has a very obvious range to dash in for a trade. You can fling him out of his W zone but his auto attacks still pack a punch. Also you W stops his Stand United so he can't roam. Dodge his dash and fling to disengage, easy right.
His Ult can really catch you with your pants down if you aren't careful. He isn't as hard to catch as you may think however, it just takes patients and taking his flashes.
He is a lot like fizz in the sense that you have to watch out for his key abilities, then make him waste his ult or flash to escape.
Fling right as his ult animation ends.
He can really make you hurt if you don't dodge his abilities, but he also has no cc which makes it hard for him to lock you down without his team.
Annoying, but manageable with patience. Bait out her shield and then just walk around her until it is gone. Also don't get hit by her Q, but thats a given.
If you don't get rooted, she can't really hurt you. Keep track of who she is disguised as you don't fling and ulting Neeko into your team.
In most cases, his is a sitting duck since he has no mobility or quick cc. If he starts getting fed, just build a Force of Nature and run him down. His ult is still scary, even though you have anti-heal so just don't fight him in teamfights for too long.
Q dash and ult are pretty easy to dodge in lane if you have movement speed, he just annoying since he can chase you with now risk at all.
He is the easiest proxy lane ever, there is literally nothing he can do except to chase you and miss cs. If he has a weak JG, it's an EASY lane. However late game Vlad is late game Vlad.
Building boots of swiftness is a good option since you can easily kit him, unless he uses empowered Ram stance.
You win the duel if you are decent at playing league of legends, especially with ghost or other movement speed sources. If someway somehow, a Karthus gets fed or you can't dodge his Q's, just buy Force of Nature.
Master Yi
Anathema's/Zhonya's. I swear to you, he will have a hard time killing you.
Dude don't lose to a Corki. He's slow, squishy, and can't 1v1 you easily. He has no CC, the only thing he has is mid-tier damage and a dash.
Projectiles are slow and your ultimate's anti-heal can stop her team fight heal with ease.
Easy lane and cannot kill you if you have ult. Merc treads into Demonic or Liandry's works well.
Aside from the fact that he can move through walls, there is nothing he can do to catch you before he gets his form. If he ganks you a lot, that's your signal to build a Dead Man's plate later on.
She gets fed, you buy Zhonya's or Randuins and she can't really do much to kill you from there. You W stops her dashes. it is either really hard for Samira to block your W or she just can't parry it at all.
Nunu & Willump
His ganks are super weak against Singed since Nunu drops the snowball when he gets grounded by your W. Fling him away before he can root you or fling him to cancel his Ult.
He is very slow and should play to make you come to him. Don't get baited and build anti-tank.
Kite, Kite, Kite, Kite. Oh, and also go ignite.
While similar counterplay to Master Yi, her outplay potential is far higher and she will shred you.
Renata Glasc
She cannot touch you, period
Easiest matchup ever just sidestep her Q with your passive and don't fight in the wave. Basic stuff.
He gives fast, bombs, and a revive. Its like Christmas morning.
No fast, but can give a big shield and you can use Rootcaller to get a free fling. The staff of flowing water will also give you MS so make sure he builds it. ON TOP OF THAT, he can give you jg buffs to help with your sustain.
Singed is inherently a champion that tries to obtain more map pressure than most champions. He does this with proxying, roaming, and goes TP most games. Tell your Kindred to ping you when she invades, follow her in or hold your TP, and just spoon-feed her the marks. It's gg if you are ahead or even in cs with your laner.
In combination with his Q for picks, W for Free escapes, and The fact that Singed can fling people in Thresh's ult to slow them even more makes Thresh a very good synergy when playing aggressive.
A good Singed can give even the most brain dead Pyke some easy gold for his team. Your Q gives a Pyke ample ability to get picks on low hp targets. But for the love of god don't be dumb like me by flinging low Hp targets out of Pyke's ult.
Any support that can support people who are far away synergize pretty well with Singed due to his dive heavy playstyle. Singed also struggles with health sustain so she helps with that too. IN ADDITION TO THAT, Singed is low on hp pretty often so her passive can proc on you more often to give her mobility.
Get a Yummi, walk into enemy base, 10+ cs per minute.
Her shield is just so useful for Singed with its movement speed and short cooldown. Her synergy with Singed is ironic considering how hard she counters him in lane.
One of the few supports who can actually keep up with Singed (Map Pressure wise) due to his E and Passive. A cheeky strategy is to hide his W in the bushes near the tier 2 tower to give Singed sustain when proxying. Also his Ult can let you heal in teamfights if you have your ult active.
Free Engage, true damage from Amumu passive, and forces the enemy to build Tenacity which is good for Singed since his cc isn't affected by tenacity.
Kled blows horn, nobody is safe. Not even you. Two crazy maniacs make one lean mean killing machine.
Her ult can make you a force of reckoning to the enemy team. One of Singed's biggest weaknesses in teamfights is CC burst so have the ability to gain a lot of bonus hp can work wonders.
IF SHE USES HER BLACK SPEAR ON YOU, she can give you a one way ticket to a free engage or teamfight safety, VERY NICE.
You can duo queue bot lane with a Yasuo adc and a singed support and play hyper aggressive. The strat is pretty nutty but risky at the same time. It's VERY good against melee bot lanes like Xin Zhao or Jarvin IV.
You can help rell proc her teather stun easily with your fling and movement speed.
Good utility and speed boost. just be sure to stay in her ball range if you want her utility.
While they don't really have any direct synergies with each other, the combined enemy frustration caused by these two champs noticeably makes the enemy play worse. It's super weird but has happened every time.
He is better off using his W and other ally-based items on the ADC since Singed makes it hard for Taric to use his abilities off you efficiently. Taric is slow and calculated, Singed is fast and erratic. Still fun tough.
Singed is good at keeping enemies in Jargon's Ult range. Teamwork makes the dream work. Buddy
He gives fast, bombs, and a revive. Its like Christmas morning.
No fast, but can give a big shield and you can use Rootcaller to get a free fling. The staff of flowing water will also give you MS so make sure he builds it. ON TOP OF THAT, he can give you jg buffs to help with your sustain.
Singed is inherently a champion that tries to obtain more map pressure than most champions. He does this with proxying, roaming, and goes TP most games. Tell your Kindred to ping you when she invades, follow her in or hold your TP, and just spoon-feed her the marks. It's gg if you are ahead or even in cs with your laner.
In combination with his Q for picks, W for Free escapes, and The fact that Singed can fling people in Thresh's ult to slow them even more makes Thresh a very good synergy when playing aggressive.
A good Singed can give even the most brain dead Pyke some easy gold for his team. Your Q gives a Pyke ample ability to get picks on low hp targets. But for the love of god don't be dumb like me by flinging low Hp targets out of Pyke's ult.
Any support that can support people who are far away synergize pretty well with Singed due to his dive heavy playstyle. Singed also struggles with health sustain so she helps with that too. IN ADDITION TO THAT, Singed is low on hp pretty often so her passive can proc on you more often to give her mobility.
Get a Yummi, walk into enemy base, 10+ cs per minute.
Her shield is just so useful for Singed with its movement speed and short cooldown. Her synergy with Singed is ironic considering how hard she counters him in lane.
One of the few supports who can actually keep up with Singed (Map Pressure wise) due to his E and Passive. A cheeky strategy is to hide his W in the bushes near the tier 2 tower to give Singed sustain when proxying. Also his Ult can let you heal in teamfights if you have your ult active.
Free Engage, true damage from Amumu passive, and forces the enemy to build Tenacity which is good for Singed since his cc isn't affected by tenacity.
Kled blows horn, nobody is safe. Not even you. Two crazy maniacs make one lean mean killing machine.
Her ult can make you a force of reckoning to the enemy team. One of Singed's biggest weaknesses in teamfights is CC burst so have the ability to gain a lot of bonus hp can work wonders.
IF SHE USES HER BLACK SPEAR ON YOU, she can give you a one way ticket to a free engage or teamfight safety, VERY NICE.
You can duo queue bot lane with a Yasuo adc and a singed support and play hyper aggressive. The strat is pretty nutty but risky at the same time. It's VERY good against melee bot lanes like Xin Zhao or Jarvin IV.
You can help rell proc her teather stun easily with your fling and movement speed.
Good utility and speed boost. just be sure to stay in her ball range if you want her utility.
While they don't really have any direct synergies with each other, the combined enemy frustration caused by these two champs noticeably makes the enemy play worse. It's super weird but has happened every time.
He is better off using his W and other ally-based items on the ADC since Singed makes it hard for Taric to use his abilities off you efficiently. Taric is slow and calculated, Singed is fast and erratic. Still fun tough.
Singed is good at keeping enemies in Jargon's Ult range. Teamwork makes the dream work. Buddy
Skip this part if you just want the information from this guide.
This guide is sort of just an information dump I've been working on for a good while. I basically just take every new thing I learn about Singed and drop it in here for people to see. Since you are reading this chances are you don't know a lot about Singed, which is normal. If there is anything the league has taught me it's that the best way to learn something is the hard way. I want this guide to be a way to get you started on learning the in's and out's of Singed rather than just telling you. To play singed to the best of his abilities, you should have an open mind and be open to experiment. If you want more info about Singed and his mechanics, I highly recommend checking out Minishcap1 on either Twitch or Youtube. He is a Challenger Singed player who is always explaining his thought process while he is playing. He is often trying new builds or strategies for fun and to carry Tyler1. Some of the information in this guide is from his videos on Youtube. Great guy, check him out if you want to get the juicy Singed goodness.
The mind of Singed
There are some things you have to know before playing Singed. I will mention these points in later parts of the guide to be as informative as possible. First things 1st.....
You have to go into a game with the mindset that you are the weakest champion in the game Lv 1. Once you hit Lv 6 is when you can start playing aggressively when your ult is up. This is because one jungle gank can spell your end unless you are ready. Singed is inherently a scaling champion and wants to gank or get ganks to be super relevant in the top lane. His Teleport ganks are inherently strong due to his cc and movement speed so I run it almost all of my games.
Secondly, don't be afraid to bite the bullet and play safe. Sometimes giving up minion gold for a roam to get your team rolling is what you have to do to win as Singed. It's a cruel truth, but it is what it is. In some matchups, you just have to build tanky and trade some HP for some farm to still be in the game.
Now onto the fun part...
Runes and Items
Runes and items are your tools to strategize against your opponents, whether it be early, mid or late game. The runes listed up above have notes that briefly explain their uses and possible strengths. Also, Singed can use lots of different runes in the secondary tree that most champs wouldn't. Runes like approach velocity, cheap shot, and celerity can really be min-maxed by champions like Singed, while others like presence of mind and biscuts are things that fill in gaps in Singed's kit very well. During champ select, picking runes comes down to whatever is most comfortable for since there is rarely a bad option if you know how they work.
Itemization is something a bit simpler for Singed in the early game. In almost every matchup, you should be bying Liandry's 1st for the damage. Riftmaker is good as a second buy for its damage and sustain, but after that, items begin to open up a lot more. At this point, your damage is pretty consistent so you can start adding some more utility to your build. You could go on and on about what the best items are to buy after your core build since there are a ton of items that benefit Singed. However, building what is comfortable is different from building to win the game. I would recomend checking out Minishcap on either twitch or youtube for advice on items. He is far more knowledgable on items, but if I have any advice for you, I'd say to not get too comfortable with one single mid/late game setup.
Goods and not goods
I don't know how well singed can fight 150 different champions both in the lane and outside of it. Mainly because again, the best way to learn is the hard way. However, I am confident in explaining Singed's pros and cons as a champion in order to help you recognize those hard lanes and easy counter picks.
Singed on his own is pretty useless without items, as his whole playstyle revolves around the items he builds. His goal is to apply pressure and disrupt as many enemies as he can, so any champion that prevents him from doing so is a strong counter. Singed has similar weaknesses as champions like Udyr or Garen where ranged match-ups can cause Singed to struggle. Most AD champions that can out DPS him are always a strong counter, not just if they are ranged. This means champions like Irelia and Darius are also strong against him.
As a toplaner that can struggle to 1v1 most toplaners, Singed doesn't always play to win the landing phase by getting a lead from solo kills, he wants to roam around and farm in order to get xp and gold.
There are weaknesses that are attributed to his kit and his playstyle as a team fighting off-tank. He ...
Is weak in the early game
Can feel weak without ult.
Has high mana costs early and mid game
Lacks burst options
Has 0 sustain in his kit outside of his ult hp regen (which is negligable)
Stuggles heavily when getting cc'd/kited
Has no defensive abilites to protect him against burst damage (exept for ult)
Singed is good at a number of things and can be a very good addition to a team. these strengths are...
Disrupting enemies
Sidelane pressure
Damage over time
Roaming with his movement speed items
Great stats with ult
And running very, very fast.
Take those strengths and weaknesses as you will, especially if you want to build around them.
Tips and Mechanics
While Singed is pretty easy in terms of mechanics, he does have a few tricks up his sleeves. One of the most well-known being his W root. If an enemy is flung into you W while it is already on the ground, it will root them for a few seconds. This is really good to use when being flanked or trying to escape from a gank.
Another trick is to basic attack someone after flinging them with your E. This one is tricky to pull off consistently and requires practice to get the hang of. It is a bit hard to explain in text so I will link a video link here on how to perform this tactic in-game. If you want to actually play Singed to the best of his ability, this tech is a must-know.
Given that Singed is unique, he has some fundamental gameplay actions that not only set him apart from the majority but can also be hard to grasp just by playing him. So there are a few topics I've come up with as well as other more experienced Singed players have shared.
The 1st is the basic gameplay patterns Singed has when being used effectively. Singed's 1v1 patterns go sort of like playing tag except you're always it. It goes something like this...
Run in and tag the enemy(s) with your Q
Run away or past them when you know the enemy will throw out a skill shot
(You can just keep running around them if you know they can't win the fight)
Run back in and attempt to get the pick (usually by flinging them away from
their escape and killing them with Q)
Rinse and repeat while dodgeing skillshots until you get the dub on the enemy
To put it into simpler words, Singed is the KING of rotations and just being uncatchable. However, this sort of playstyle only works if you have the items to deal damage and be fast, so what do you do if you don't have those?
Singed's gameplay changes quite a bit when he is playing safe. Instead of going in and out constantly, he plays more like an Urgot or Swain in the sense that he is basically a trap for the enemy team to fall into when over-extending.
Another important aspect of Singed is his R. It has a long cooldown, but it gives singed every stat he could want in one ability. Given that, it sounds like an ability you use at the start of a fight to stat check the opponents and win the fight right?? Well yes, but actually no. This ability can literally be used for anything from safely proxying to winning fights to surviving all in's. This ability should never be off-cooldown for longer than 3 minutes unless you know a fight is coming soon and you need to save it. One of the biggest mistakes a Singed can make is holding his ultimate and not using it; it's a bad habit to get into. It is also why I like to go Ultimate Hunter so much since the ult haste lets you play more aggressively in the mid to late game. Ignoring the potential of your ult is like a Yasuo thinking he doesn't need a wind wall to win a lane. Your R is a fundamental part of Singed's kit, almost as much as his Q.
This is my first guide on mobafire so I don't know how all the BBC code works and might attempt to add some to this guide later if I find the time. I hope you can raise your win rate with what is one of the oldest champs in League of Legends as well as having a great time in the process.
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