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Singed Build Guide by Amvill

Top How to become a Professional Singed Enjoyer [READ NOTES] [14.20]

Top How to become a Professional Singed Enjoyer [READ NOTES] [14.20]

Updated on October 21, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Amvill Build Guide By Amvill 55 8 186,811 Views 2 Comments
55 8 186,811 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Amvill Singed Build Guide By Amvill Updated on October 21, 2024
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Runes: Basic

1 2 3 4 5
Summon Aery
Nimbus Cloak

Biscuit Delivery
Approach Velocity

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
Go this if lost
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Ability Order Playing League of Legends

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

How to become a Professional Singed Enjoyer [READ NOTES] [14.20]

By Amvill
Before setting off
Skip this part if you just want the information from this guide.

This guide is sort of just an information dump I've been working on for a good while. I basically just take every new thing I learn about Singed and drop it in here for people to see. Since you are reading this chances are you don't know a lot about Singed, which is normal. If there is anything the league has taught me it's that the best way to learn something is the hard way. I want this guide to be a way to get you started on learning the in's and out's of Singed rather than just telling you. To play singed to the best of his abilities, you should have an open mind and be open to experiment. If you want more info about Singed and his mechanics, I highly recommend checking out Minishcap1 on either Twitch or Youtube. He is a Challenger Singed player who is always explaining his thought process while he is playing. He is often trying new builds or strategies for fun and to carry Tyler1. Some of the information in this guide is from his videos on Youtube. Great guy, check him out if you want to get the juicy Singed goodness.
The mind of Singed
There are some things you have to know before playing Singed. I will mention these points in later parts of the guide to be as informative as possible. First things 1st.....

You have to go into a game with the mindset that you are the weakest champion in the game Lv 1. Once you hit Lv 6 is when you can start playing aggressively when your ult is up. This is because one jungle gank can spell your end unless you are ready. Singed is inherently a scaling champion and wants to gank or get ganks to be super relevant in the top lane. His Teleport ganks are inherently strong due to his cc and movement speed so I run it almost all of my games.
Secondly, don't be afraid to bite the bullet and play safe. Sometimes giving up minion gold for a roam to get your team rolling is what you have to do to win as Singed. It's a cruel truth, but it is what it is. In some matchups, you just have to build tanky and trade some HP for some farm to still be in the game.

Now onto the fun part...
Runes and items are your tools to strategize against your opponents, whether it be early, mid or late game. The runes listed up above have notes that briefly explain their uses and possible strengths. Also, Singed can use lots of different runes in the secondary tree that most champs wouldn't. Runes like approach velocity, cheap shot, and celerity can really be min-maxed by champions like Singed, while others like presence of mind and biscuts are things that fill in gaps in Singed's kit very well. During champ select, picking runes comes down to whatever is most comfortable for since there is rarely a bad option if you know how they work.

Itemization is something a bit simpler for Singed in the early game. In almost every matchup, you should be bying Liandry's 1st for the damage. Riftmaker is good as a second buy for its damage and sustain, but after that, items begin to open up a lot more. At this point, your damage is pretty consistent so you can start adding some more utility to your build. You could go on and on about what the best items are to buy after your core build since there are a ton of items that benefit Singed. However, building what is comfortable is different from building to win the game. I would recomend checking out Minishcap on either twitch or youtube for advice on items. He is far more knowledgable on items, but if I have any advice for you, I'd say to not get too comfortable with one single mid/late game setup.
Goods and not goods
I don't know how well singed can fight 150 different champions both in the lane and outside of it. Mainly because again, the best way to learn is the hard way. However, I am confident in explaining Singed's pros and cons as a champion in order to help you recognize those hard lanes and easy counter picks.

Singed on his own is pretty useless without items, as his whole playstyle revolves around the items he builds. His goal is to apply pressure and disrupt as many enemies as he can, so any champion that prevents him from doing so is a strong counter. Singed has similar weaknesses as champions like Udyr or Garen where ranged match-ups can cause Singed to struggle. Most AD champions that can out DPS him are always a strong counter, not just if they are ranged. This means champions like Irelia and Darius are also strong against him.
As a toplaner that can struggle to 1v1 most toplaners, Singed doesn't always play to win the landing phase by getting a lead from solo kills, he wants to roam around and farm in order to get xp and gold.

There are weaknesses that are attributed to his kit and his playstyle as a team fighting off-tank. He ...
Is weak in the early game
Can feel weak without ult.
Has high mana costs early and mid game
Lacks burst options
Has 0 sustain in his kit outside of his ult hp regen (which is negligable)
Stuggles heavily when getting cc'd/kited
Has no defensive abilites to protect him against burst damage (exept for ult)

Singed is good at a number of things and can be a very good addition to a team. these strengths are...
Disrupting enemies
Sidelane pressure
Damage over time
Roaming with his movement speed items
Great stats with ult
And running very, very fast.

Take those strengths and weaknesses as you will, especially if you want to build around them.
Tips and Mechanics
While Singed is pretty easy in terms of mechanics, he does have a few tricks up his sleeves. One of the most well-known being his W root. If an enemy is flung into you W while it is already on the ground, it will root them for a few seconds. This is really good to use when being flanked or trying to escape from a gank.
Another trick is to basic attack someone after flinging them with your E. This one is tricky to pull off consistently and requires practice to get the hang of. It is a bit hard to explain in text so I will link a video link here on how to perform this tactic in-game. If you want to actually play Singed to the best of his ability, this tech is a must-know.
Given that Singed is unique, he has some fundamental gameplay actions that not only set him apart from the majority but can also be hard to grasp just by playing him. So there are a few topics I've come up with as well as other more experienced Singed players have shared.

The 1st is the basic gameplay patterns Singed has when being used effectively. Singed's 1v1 patterns go sort of like playing tag except you're always it. It goes something like this...
Run in and tag the enemy(s) with your Q
Run away or past them when you know the enemy will throw out a skill shot
(You can just keep running around them if you know they can't win the fight)
Run back in and attempt to get the pick (usually by flinging them away from
their escape and killing them with Q)
Rinse and repeat while dodgeing skillshots until you get the dub on the enemy
To put it into simpler words, Singed is the KING of rotations and just being uncatchable. However, this sort of playstyle only works if you have the items to deal damage and be fast, so what do you do if you don't have those?

Singed's gameplay changes quite a bit when he is playing safe. Instead of going in and out constantly, he plays more like an Urgot or Swain in the sense that he is basically a trap for the enemy team to fall into when over-extending.

Another important aspect of Singed is his R. It has a long cooldown, but it gives singed every stat he could want in one ability. Given that, it sounds like an ability you use at the start of a fight to stat check the opponents and win the fight right?? Well yes, but actually no. This ability can literally be used for anything from safely proxying to winning fights to surviving all in's. This ability should never be off-cooldown for longer than 3 minutes unless you know a fight is coming soon and you need to save it. One of the biggest mistakes a Singed can make is holding his ultimate and not using it; it's a bad habit to get into. It is also why I like to go Ultimate Hunter so much since the ult haste lets you play more aggressively in the mid to late game. Ignoring the potential of your ult is like a Yasuo thinking he doesn't need a wind wall to win a lane. Your R is a fundamental part of Singed's kit, almost as much as his Q.
This is my first guide on mobafire so I don't know how all the BBC code works and might attempt to add some to this guide later if I find the time. I hope you can raise your win rate with what is one of the oldest champs in League of Legends as well as having a great time in the process.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Amvill
Amvill Singed Guide
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How to become a Professional Singed Enjoyer [READ NOTES] [14.20]

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