One of the most difficult matchups there is at the moment. WIth his high pickrate consider banning him. His early game gank strength & mobility can nullify your strong 1v1 potential. After he hits 6 he just ults you in teamfights, and as you have no dash you become useless.
Pre 6 You win this matchup. Try and spell shield his W and you can run him down. After 6 He can either R away or burst you with it. With a few kills he tends to snowball out of control
Amumu is very scary. Amazing in teamfights and good early ganks. You can fight him after the first clear and spell shield his Q. Later he becomes a teamfight engage champ to difficult to deal with solo
Difficult to catch out as she either dashes away or heals hard with her E if you dont burst her fast enough. Spell shield her W and you can kill her proc the fear when she uses E. Try and end the game fast as she outscales hard.
Considered the easiest matchup for Nocturne. You can run him down in his own jungle during his first clear as this is his weak point. Be careful as he does run Exhaust most of the time and he will beat you if he hits all Qs
Early on Try and spell shield her Q as this is her main damage at the time and a reset on her E. You run her down untill 6. After 6 you don't win the 1v1 and she has one of the best teamfighting ultimates. Spell shielding her R can be done 2 different ways. 1. The initiation. This will block the pull and extra damage. 2. After the pull press W to block the damage. option 1 is better for teamfights. option 2 is if you do end up in the 1v1 situation.
Gets difficult if he finds an early lead. Difficult to catch after 6 as his r pretty much saves him. Outscales you hard
Small learning curve for this matchup. If you spell shield her Cocoon she is done. The tether sticks onto her even if she uses Rappel to go up in the air and she will come down feared.
Same thing as Karthus. Invade early and punish him. Main difference is that after the early game Fiddle will be ganking often with his R and becomes a huge threat mid game in teamfights. Fight as least as possible in the jungle!
A good Gragas will disengage and peel for his carries during teamfights making you pretty much irrelevant . Early game he has some great ganking potential and will E over a wall whenever he sees you.
After his most recent buffs to crit scaling this menace is back from the grave(s). Farms very fast and if he gets a few kills this matchup quickly becomes unplayable. even fighting him early is bad as his Passive gives him enough armor to tank your damage and dashes away if he does end up coming out on the losing side of the 1v1
Hecarim is easy to kill before 6 as he won't have his best engage/disengage available yet. Spellshielding his E when he jumps onto you makes hit close to impossible to lose the 1v1. However, Once he gets Shojin he will be able to outduel you.
Have not played this matchup at the moment. Will be updated once i have.
Pray to god enemy top does not go this champ. You don't want the pain of vs this in a game as his E invalidates you. even if you spell shield the stun he just annihalates you on sides or during teamfights.
Kayn tends to show what form he wants to go in loading screen. Conq= Darkin, First strike/ Dark harvest = Blue. Disrupt him early by looking at the lane he wants to get his form the fastest from. Hitting him with an early Q and E forces him out of the wall before he runs away. Later stages of the as red he just takes over as he wins every fight he takes. As blue kayn pray he doesnt have 7+ kills and just explodes the entire team with a combo.
Just a simple stat check matchup. Spell shielding a Q makes him mis out on a lot of burst and makes you shred him. Once he hits level 6 look at the trail Q leaves if he enters invis so you can stay on him.
Big skill matchup. A good kindred will kite you to shit and make you miserable. Luckily most of these players are Diamond or higher. Teamfighting gets difficult as her Ult can save her or other carries for impending doom
Lee Sin
Be the initiator in this fight. Get your full combo of before he even notices your on him. Early he has to flash or W away. Spellshield his Q if he looks to jump on you. If you get the jump on him after 6 spell shielding his R is the best option but tends to be difficult.
Current lillia is just not fun for you. To much MS to stick onto. Has amazing teamfighting ability with her Ultimate. Make sure that if you want to fight her the ult and e are on cd and you can get a jump on her.
Master Yi
Only reason yi can be a threat if the game last long enough for him to get 3-4 items. Realistically you win every fight vs him and if he catches you just E him and he just runs away at mach 3 once feared.
I dont play blind pick how am i supposed to know the mirror lol
Happy he currently is not played in jungle as he just stat checks you to death. Spell shield only works on his Q but this is spammable from level 1. His lifesteal and attackspeed are just unmatchable.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu has some of the best early ganks in the game with his W. Try and find the side he starts on and mirror his gank. Most of the time you are able to beat him in the 2v2 if you spellshield the W. 1v1 he tends to win if you dont W his chomp. If you spellshield that he does outspeed you if he tries to run
Have not played this matchup. 13.8 has minor buffs for her coming up so expecting it to be updated in a few weeks.
Most of the time people consider this a difficult matchup. My current experience is with cleaver rush into Eclipse he is not a threat at all. Only reason to be scared if you team has 0 AP champs
Rek'sai has a very readable engage tool in her Burrowed form trying to cc you. Make sure that you spell shield it and not her burrowed Q as she will burst you post 6 in combination with her ultimate.
Pretty hard matchup. Fighting him early is already difficult as he is very mobile and his empowered W allows him to ignore your E. Tends be forced to get kills early or he will be useless. Try and fight him in 2v2 or 3v3s with a strong cc ally
Only gets difficult if she has strong melee solo laners who are able to apply her stun easily. in teamfight her ultimate is often thrown from a long distance and is easy to shield. Consider buying cleaver early
one of my favourite matchups as this champs is annoying as hell but you counter him hard. Q follows him in his invis so he is easy to track down, spell shield his box once its active and thether when his q is of cd. After 6 using e early allows you to keep it on the original shaco and make it clear which is which
Careful as she is able to kill drake after it spawns. Make sure you have vision and play around it as free dragons can not be given vs her.
no one plays this champ have not seen him all year
People like playing this champ in higher elo so people in plat and below think they can aswell. Invade after 3 camps and he is a free kill and snowball from there.
Don't try and duel him he out stats you on equal footing. Try and impact the map once you get 6 on the side he is not on.
one of the most annoying champs in the game. early he duels hard if he goes full ad build. Demonic on the AP/Tank build you lose this fight. do not chase udyr to much as he is naturally more mobile and his team will help him eventually.
Very popular champ at the moment. As long as she does not get free kills early on you are able to outfight her. Her Q is very predictable this is the main ability to shield. Once she hits 6 she often tries to chain Q into R. Get hit by the Q and shield the R and she will be forced to run or die trying.
Like other stat check champs you are unable to fight him early. Don't skirmish if you don't know where he is as his bloodtrail makes you an easy target after. Farm till 6 and go for easy ganks.
Same thing as graves. To mobile to fight and to tanky to kill in time. However if you do end up in a unfair fight vs him insta tether him so you can follow his clone if he tries to run
Difficult to match early on as he has the most unique engage angles of of any champ with his E. his CC and acces to healing with Radiant make him a menace in teamfights and difficult to engage.
After receiving a Mid-Scope buff Neeko has joined the jungle once more with these changes. Expect her to get online early and lane gank by turning into a minion. Make sure you know camp timers and know how camps react to taking damage. If not expect to get one shot pas 6 by her combo. You will outscale her and kill her if you spellshield her R.
Great AD/Sup to play with as her perma slow makes it easy to run an enemy down. Her R has a low cooldown and inifinite range. Allowing her to help you with creating picks
Great for starting teamfights. A good ali will jump onto a carry and cc them to a grey screen
Currently one of the best midlaners in the game. Easy to set-up ganks with and an AOE stun completly turns a teamfight in your favor
Can follow up on your ultimate, but he is a very niche champion as his MR is often not needed
Together you make a scary duo. Global slowing ultimate with yours makes it easy to run enemies down. Using your own ultimate to deny vision can allow him to hit a huge barrel in later stages of the game
One of the best teamfighting ultimates in the game. Using Nocturne R first gives Kennen the ability to flank and suprise the enemy with a big ultimate
This little crackheads ultimate makes most teamfights a beatdown. His high mobility makes it possible for the entire team to dive on someone an make an unfair fight even more unfair with Nocturnes vision denial.
Great for locking down single targets in early to mid game. Try and play around here as she needs to be ahead to carry in teamfights
Rock go in, rock go boom boom, rock make you win teamfight
Same as Lissandra only more tilting for enemies. Point and click suppresion is stupid. Be carefulif the enemy has QSS
Sad that he is not as good on other lanes as jungle because his ultimate completly dominates teamfights and helps you lock down a target.
Same thing as Alistar but he has a longer engage range.
Semi-global city. Try and roam with him turning every fight into a unfair beatdown post 6
One of the beefiest around. With his ult you can initiate a teamfight. His item passive helps you scale better into later stages of the game insanely OP
Renata Glasc
In combination her ult becomes difficult to dodge for most enemies. Pray she aims this onto the 10-0 draven and he one shots his own support
Good for setting up ganks in toplane. Has a lot of base damage and allows you to get onto squishies later on
For the handful who play her toplane she is great in llater teamfights with her amazing ultimate and you help by triggering her E stun easy.
You are his personal taxi driver in the midgame. A good shen will R you when you cast your ult so he instantly Taunts the enemy once you are on them
Yeah who at riot thought it was a good idea to give him the ability to Q chain someone to death lol. Early on he even lets you gank from weird angles with his lantern. Just hope he lands his hooks and its GG
Twisted Fate
Same as Pantheon. Match his ultimate with yours. His ult is better then Pantheon because the vision you get allows some stupid uncounterable gameplay.
This hellspawn is of course an amazing combo to play with. Even after her mini-rework being pocketed is pretty disgusting and turns fights even more unfair with her double combat summoners
Camille is very good at creating picks during teamfights with her ultimate and unexpected angles from her E. Ganking her early is a good investment as her cc is great.
Very good early champ who you want to help achieve his goal of snowballing beyond counterplay. A good pyke will look to roam often with his ultimate. Make sure you are around to guarantee he gets the kills and free gold.
Great AD/Sup to play with as her perma slow makes it easy to run an enemy down. Her R has a low cooldown and inifinite range. Allowing her to help you with creating picks
Great for starting teamfights. A good ali will jump onto a carry and cc them to a grey screen
Currently one of the best midlaners in the game. Easy to set-up ganks with and an AOE stun completly turns a teamfight in your favor
Can follow up on your ultimate, but he is a very niche champion as his MR is often not needed
Together you make a scary duo. Global slowing ultimate with yours makes it easy to run enemies down. Using your own ultimate to deny vision can allow him to hit a huge barrel in later stages of the game
One of the best teamfighting ultimates in the game. Using Nocturne R first gives Kennen the ability to flank and suprise the enemy with a big ultimate
This little crackheads ultimate makes most teamfights a beatdown. His high mobility makes it possible for the entire team to dive on someone an make an unfair fight even more unfair with Nocturnes vision denial.
Great for locking down single targets in early to mid game. Try and play around here as she needs to be ahead to carry in teamfights
Rock go in, rock go boom boom, rock make you win teamfight
Same as Lissandra only more tilting for enemies. Point and click suppresion is stupid. Be carefulif the enemy has QSS
Sad that he is not as good on other lanes as jungle because his ultimate completly dominates teamfights and helps you lock down a target.
Same thing as Alistar but he has a longer engage range.
Semi-global city. Try and roam with him turning every fight into a unfair beatdown post 6
One of the beefiest around. With his ult you can initiate a teamfight. His item passive helps you scale better into later stages of the game insanely OP
Renata Glasc
In combination her ult becomes difficult to dodge for most enemies. Pray she aims this onto the 10-0 draven and he one shots his own support
Good for setting up ganks in toplane. Has a lot of base damage and allows you to get onto squishies later on
For the handful who play her toplane she is great in llater teamfights with her amazing ultimate and you help by triggering her E stun easy.
You are his personal taxi driver in the midgame. A good shen will R you when you cast your ult so he instantly Taunts the enemy once you are on them
Yeah who at riot thought it was a good idea to give him the ability to Q chain someone to death lol. Early on he even lets you gank from weird angles with his lantern. Just hope he lands his hooks and its GG
Twisted Fate
Same as Pantheon. Match his ultimate with yours. His ult is better then Pantheon because the vision you get allows some stupid uncounterable gameplay.
This hellspawn is of course an amazing combo to play with. Even after her mini-rework being pocketed is pretty disgusting and turns fights even more unfair with her double combat summoners
Camille is very good at creating picks during teamfights with her ultimate and unexpected angles from her E. Ganking her early is a good investment as her cc is great.
Very good early champ who you want to help achieve his goal of snowballing beyond counterplay. A good pyke will look to roam often with his ultimate. Make sure you are around to guarantee he gets the kills and free gold.
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