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There's no way you can win against Poppy in 1 v 1. You have to wait for ally teammate gank.
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench bullies Irelia a lot. The only thing you can do is wait for an ally teammate gank.
This is an hard match up for Irelia because you will get zoned hard from your farm, so you have to freeze under tower, You have to dodge his Qs and Es and wait for an ally teammate gank.
Tryndamere is really hard to kill with Irelia. Before 6 you can't trade with him or he will wreck you. After 6 you will have to proc his ultimate and then survive until it finishes.
Kled is really an annoying champ. You have to play on his Skarl's Bar when he's on feet. If it is going to be full, just go back or he'll engage on you.
Gnar can be a problem if he's good at kiting. You have to try to engage him when his E is on CD.
To beat Renekton in 1 v 1 you have to wait for his W. When its on CD you can do a fast trade, and, if his ragebar is low you can even kill him in a long trade.
To beat Fiora you need to keep safe your exposed point and bait his W, than you can use your E and R to easy kill her.
To beat Illaoi you just need to bait his ultimate, gain health back and then engage,
Cho'Gath is hard to kill after level 6. Try to abuse his weekness before he unlocks his ultimate.
Dr. Mundo
To kill Dr. Mundo as Irelia you just need to buy an executioner.
Camille isn't a really hard enemy for Irelia. Just wait for his Q, and when it is on cd you can trade with her.
Gangplank is not really hard, but just annoying. You can farm freely when his Q is on CD and even try to engage him.
Quinn can be or not be a threat. It depends on how much is good he is.
Try to all-in him at level 6. Better with Ignite.
Sion is extremely tanky, to kill him you need conqueror, but not Ignite. You can take off his shield with a Q and one AA, then you can do all the damage you want.
Jax can be a problem only if he's good at using his E, but when its on CD there's nothing to stop you,
Garen is easy to kill with Irelia. Just land your E.
Aatrox is not that hard. You just have to dodge his Q, than engage him.
To win this match up you just need to land your E's skillshot and dodge Viktor's Death Ray (E).
Jayce is a lot squishy, you can all-in him at level 6 and get a sure kill every time.
You have to bully him when he doesn't have stacks. Try to freeze under your tower or in the middle of the lane and, if he gets closer to farm, punish him.
Just wait for his Q's CD and she will be a minion.
Rumble is just an annoying champ, he will deny you some farm at level 1 until he pushes the wave under tower. Then you can punish him when his Q goes off.
To kill Ornn you just have to wait for his W on CD. Then engage him.
Maokai is one of the easiest match up for Irelia. You can zone him from the farm and try to push the first wave and the first minion of the second wave to get a fast level 2 and kill him.
Malphite is one of the easiest match up for Irelia. You can zone him from the farm and try to push the first wave and the first minion of the second wave to get a fast level 2 and kill him.
Galio is one of the easiest match up for Irelia. You can zone him from the farm and try to push the first wave and the first minion of the second wave to get a fast level 2 and kill him.
If Amumu does a good ultimate you can easily all-in the adc or the main target.
Janna's shields increases your AD, so you can easily kill the adc or the main target.
Poppy can deny enemy champs' dashes and help you to reach easily your target.
If Amumu does a good ultimate you can easily all-in the adc or the main target.
Janna's shields increases your AD, so you can easily kill the adc or the main target.
Poppy can deny enemy champs' dashes and help you to reach easily your target.
My In-Game name is "Thoir01" and I currently play in the EUW server. I'm 18 years old and I live in Italy. Before starting to play League of Legends i played many MMORPG like AION, Metin 2 and Black Desert Online or FPS like Destiny, Point Blank and Call of Duty.
My Main role is Top Lane, my secondary role is Jungle. I'm currently Gold 2. In Top Lane I usually play Irelia, Darius or Jax, in Jungle I play Rengar, Lee Sin, Kayn and Shaco.
The Noxian occupation of Ionia produced many heroes, none more unlikely than young Irelia of Navori. Trained in the ancient dances of her province, she adapted her art for war, using the graceful and carefully practised movements to levitate a host of deadly blades. After proving herself as a fighter, she was thrust into the role of resistance leader and figurehead, and to this day remains dedicated to the preservation of her homeland.
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