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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Unkillable in lane, will farm and stack Q, and outscale you, just focus on getting his turret down and relying heavily on the Jungler.
+High Utility
+High Damage
+Not a common pick top so people do not know the match ups
+Can easily turn a gank into a double kill
+Solo Dragons, Can sneak a 20 minute Baron
+Strong with most team comps
+Almost always gets Turret First Blood
-Low mobility
-Very high CD for turrets early game
-Easily killed early game if overextended
You want to try to get to lane ASAP to start placing turrets before your opponent gets the lane, you want to try to get to the third bush for your first turret.
Put the second one here and third here
Then you want to stand in front of the minions here and tank a few hits before backing up so they don't focus and kill your turrets.
Put the second one here and third here
Then you want to stand in front of the minions here and tank a few hits before backing up so they don't focus and kill your turrets.

Very simple runes, just pure AP, in the Top Lane you will not be going against Poke Heavy champs, it's going to mainly be melee champs that can't really get on the inside to hurt you, and if they do you will easily kill them.
Note:This is what works best for me, but everyone has their own playstyle, and I suggest you use whatever works best for you.
Starting Items

This is the best way to start out. Doran's Ring gives you ability power, health and some good sustain for the early game.
This would be the ideal first back, but if you got around 1200 just buy the Codex and Cloth Armor.
Rush Zhonya's, it will make you pretty much ungankable.
Finish your boots for extra mobility and magic penetration.
Late game Full Build

Max your Q first since your turrets are your livelihood, this will lower the cooldown on the turrets and give you a nice damage boost.
Followed by W and then E. Upgrade your R when available at levels 6, 11 and 16.
If the enemy team has a Jungler that doesn't really gank pre 6 (like Warwick) you could go this instead.

Why Teleport Ignite?
With proper vision control and knowing your champions limits you don't need flash, if you poke your enemy laner enough there will not be a threat of ganking because it will just end in you getting a double kill and most likely getting blue buff which will be a big problem for the enemy top laner.
Example of turning a fight here:
If you are on the redside of the map, walk to the enemies blue, it always works better if the enemy jungler is starting red, go into their bush and place a turret, you have time to put 3 down before the blue pops up, when it does tank the first 3 shots and focus the little minions first, after killing the blue buff recall immediately and rebuy two pots and then teleport back to lane.
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