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Janna Build Guide by vocka

Support Janna Support Build

Support Janna Support Build

Updated on July 20, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author vocka Build Guide By vocka 2,892 Views 2 Comments
2,892 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author vocka Janna Build Guide By vocka Updated on July 20, 2013
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Hi everyone! I'm vicky, glad you found my Janna Support Guide. Hope u will enjoy it!
Here i'll describe what (in my opinion) is a good and effective way to support with Janna.
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Pros & Cons

+ With Eye of the Storm she can shield herself and alied champions and it also boosts AD damage.
+ She's a great escaper.
+ Her shield Eye of the Storm can protect turrets.
+ She can interrupt ultimates with Howling Gale and her ultimate Monsoon.

- She has high cooldowns.
- She's out of mana very fast.
- When failing your ultimate Monsoon, you can save enemy champions by pushing them out of the teamfight.
- She's a difficult champion to play, she needs alot of practise.
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Ability Explanation

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Increases the movement speed of all allied champions by 3%. This bonus is lost while Janna is dead. (To me one of the best passives in this game.)

Janna summons a mighty whirlwind. She can activate the spell again to release the storm. On release the storm will fly in the direction it was cast, dealing magic damage to enemies and knocking them into the air. The damage done, knock up duration and distance traveled by the whirlwind increase for each second it channels to a maximum of 3.

When to use it:

When not to use it:

Janna summons an air elemental that increases her movement speed and enables her to pass through units.
MOVEMENT SPEED BONUS: 4% / 7% / 10% / 13% / 16%
ACTIVE: Janna launches her elemental to deal magic damage and slow an enemy's movement speed for 3 seconds. The passive is not active while the ability is on cooldown.

When to use it:

When not to use it:

Janna conjures a defensive gale that shields her target from incoming damage for up to 5 seconds. While the shield holds, the target will also gain an attack damage bonus. This ability can target turrets.

When to use it:

When not to use it:

Janna knocks surrounding enemies back and channels healing winds, restoring health to nearby allies each half second, for 4 seconds.

When to use it:

When not to use it:

In other words, a great support. She's fast, and has a lot of ability to protect herself -but more important- protect her carry.
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

You need armor early game due to laning against an AD carry.

Again armor to laning against AD carry

Will gives you sustain for agressive supporters like Sona and it will help you against AP nukes later.

You will need these because you let the whole farm to your AD carry. It will help you for warding.

You will be mana hungry escpecially early game so if you don't like my magic resist glyph, I recommend you to pick this Glyph.
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Summoner Spells

Other options:
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Counters / Synergies

Great Duo With

She Counters

They Counter her
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Gameplay & Warding Of The Map

The most important job for a support is to help and protect your carry.

- Create vision by placing wards and camping in bushes.
- Nuke enemy champions so its easier for your carry to farm.
- Be as annoying as you can be.
- Shield your carry in fights. He/She will get an AD buff and a protective shield. (Do not shield yourself in teamfights)
- Dont waste mana by playing agressive, save your mana for shielding and protecting your carry.
- If there's no other option than to die for your carry to save him/her, do it. But only if there's no other way, since also supporters shouldn't be feeders. Especially not Janna.

For more details on warding see: Warding Helper
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