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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Runes are very helpful,specially attacking ones for Jayce. Jayce mainly needs attacking rune
to have an early start. Fighters and Tanks like Nasus,Garen etc are very hard to fight with.These runes give u a headstart to feed on everyone. Jayce can ks a lot so no problem on feeding. Runes such as marks are mostly good for Jayce, you can use armor penetration,life steal or attack damage but i prefer ad.Runes should be used mostly to have an advantage against low level summoners so that u can feed on them
to have an early start. Fighters and Tanks like Nasus,Garen etc are very hard to fight with.These runes give u a headstart to feed on everyone. Jayce can ks a lot so no problem on feeding. Runes such as marks are mostly good for Jayce, you can use armor penetration,life steal or attack damage but i prefer ad.Runes should be used mostly to have an advantage against low level summoners so that u can feed on them
Well Muramana is the main item for Jayce which makes him invincible and impossible to kill. Muramana gives u 84 attack damage as well as 3000 mana because of its passive awe. Last Whisper is useful as well because it gives u 35% armor penetration and black cleaver gives u 60 ad and 10 armor penetration, Bloodthirster gives u life steal and attack increasing as more units u kill and guardian angel gives u armor and magic resist.
Jayce needs to build attack and feed early game. He consumes a lot of mana and the perfect item for that is muramana. Jayce needs to farm a lot as mid players usually have the highest exp and level. His melee gives him bonus 5 armor and magic resist so usually mercury stance is useful. To escape u can use a acceleration gate and use a shock blast through the gate to increase range. Jayce is overall OP.Jayce usually has a hard time against nidalee so stay safe if u fight against her. If there are 2 adc make sure to ks, jayce is great at doing that and if its a supp then heal and then dive against the enemies.This video should explain everything.
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