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Jinx Build Guide by eddygaming

AD Carry Jinx guide for bronzies (Season 6)

AD Carry Jinx guide for bronzies (Season 6)

Updated on February 21, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author eddygaming Build Guide By eddygaming 2,396 Views 0 Comments
2,396 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author eddygaming Jinx Build Guide By eddygaming Updated on February 21, 2016
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Who am I?

Hi my name is Aaron I am an ADC main on OCE server! (Yes i'm bad cause I'm from oce haha) But if you are here reading my guide about helping bronzie's then you're probably worse, so Shhh!! :D First of all I'd like to say i'm not offering high elo advice that I've just copied from other players or whatever. This is a basic guide from my own experience that got me from bronze to platinum. Enjoy and feel free to drop a comment and an upvote! or dont, I dont give a ****.

Seriously though any questions, shoot em at me. I'll answer everything I can.
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Ok lets write some stuff here.

Why Should you the summoner play Jinx?

Personally I think Jinx is one of the best ADC's to learn the role on. She can snowball super hard and she still does a lot of damage even if you're not doing so well.

Jinx is the kind of champion that feels really good to play. Like when you get that passive you almost feel like going as crazy as jinx. It's a lot of fun.

So anyway I'll give you some tips to get started.

1. Practice using rockets. If you are team fighting you will want to use the rockets to stay as far from the fight as possible. When CSing at the start you can use your rockets to last hit minions safely and also land some free poke on the ADC due to the explosion AOE effect.

2. Practice using minigun. The minigun gives an attack speed boost each time you use it. This peaks after 3 shots. So bearing this in mind the minigun is better in situations where your rockets AOE won't hit more than one target. Example being the enemy support backs and you catch their ADC alone in lane.

3. You are squishy and have no escapes. This applies to most ADC's so don't let it go to your head for a second that you are gonna 1v5 early game. Because you are not. Jinx is a late game champ that needs decent protection from the enemy team. Your positioning is super important. So don't engage fights just sorta wait behind your team for one of them to start a fight.

4. Tower? I thought I just killed a caster minion. Yes towers are easy for jinx to kill. If you are left alone with a tower and a B.F sword you are gonna get that tower down super fast with your miniguns passive. Then you can escape with your other cool movement speed passive.

5. Super mega death rocket! This skill puts the laughter in slaughter when you snipe someone from 2 lanes away. Keep an eye on your team mates lanes. If you see the enemy jungler backing on a ward then line that mofo up and enjoy 300g and usually some funny comments in the chat. Its useful to note that this skill does damage minions baron and dragon. But only the explosion. So it has to hit a champ to stop. But you can steal a baron or dragon with it if you are lucky. Ask wildturtle.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author eddygaming
eddygaming Jinx Guide
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Jinx guide for bronzies (Season 6)

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