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Mordekaiser Build Guide by Staszko

Jungle junglekaiser and reasons why it doesnt suck as much

Jungle junglekaiser and reasons why it doesnt suck as much

Updated on November 15, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Staszko Build Guide By Staszko 13,864 Views 0 Comments
13,864 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Staszko Mordekaiser Build Guide By Staszko Updated on November 15, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Mordekaiser
    my first build (improved very much)
  • LoL Champion: Mordekaiser
    full tank build
  • LoL Champion: Mordekaiser
    stronger ganks version (harder to kill drake)
  • LoL Champion: Mordekaiser
    full ad mordekaiser
  • LoL Champion: Mordekaiser
    jungle support (like ivern) never tried it


Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Coup de Grace

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
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Champion Build Guide

junglekaiser and reasons why it doesnt suck as much

By Staszko
at the first, I hope my english is good enough to understand me

Mordekaiser was my first main on my current account, but I didn't played him on top.
60-70% of my maestry on him (actually about 100k, didnt played him much since last update in april) was as jungle mordekaiser.
I dont reccomend junglekaiser for ranked games
not because it is weak (ELDER DRAKE CAN CARRY YOUR GAME), but LoL's community is very toxic (low elos mostly) and on both games, when I went junglekaiser on rank, I have been flamed
for "troll pick"
starting from blue side
pick q first, defeat blue(if needed u can solo), take w, kill gromp, then wolves
from red side
ask bot for help with red(no solo chance) TAKE W FIRSTthen E, and kill raptors (with your e and w its the easiest camp)
IMPORTANTif u want to take hunters machete dont do raptors before 4 level
Skill Sequence
morde's W is not that necessery in jg as in lane, but wery useful on early
always take skills depending on enemy team. if enemies has jax or teemo always max e first, because your Q is much less usefull then
Pros / Cons
very big dmg, even in early game
big sustain
some camps can be cleared very fast
elder drake almost always mean win!
has got no mobility, many times it is more safe to stay and fight than trying to escape,
your teammates will probably have to got cc, bcs morde is useless if he cant reach enemy
Team Work
there are many champs that work good with morde: everything they need to have are at least one hard cc and engage. One of best champs that you can pick with morde is amumu, but he is mainly jungler, so its kidna impossible
why these runes?
domination is really good on mordekaiser, especially jg morde
why cheap shot?
as long as ure gonna rush rylais scepter, its really good
why eyeball collection?
well, this one is just my personal prefference. zombie ward is really good also, for controling drakes
why ravenous huter?
it gives u same healing, as gunblade
if u want to take gunblade, u can take relentless hunter
for tank build, these are just best runes I ever tried for it
at the first, I hope my english is good enough to understand me

Mordekaiser was my first main on my current account, but I didn't played him on top.
60-70% of my maestry on him (6 lvl 2 tokens) was as jungle mordekaiser.
Now, after few months I know how to play it and build correctly.
But I have to say you very important things. I dont reccomend junglekaiser for ranked games
not because it is weak (ELDER DRAKE CAN CARRY YOUR GAME), but LoL's community is very toxic (low elos mostly) and on both games, when I went junglekaiser on rank, I have been flamed
for "troll pick"
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Staszko
Staszko Mordekaiser Guide
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junglekaiser and reasons why it doesnt suck as much

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