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Anivia Build Guide by Michaelharding607

Jungle Jungnivia The glide guide

Jungle Jungnivia The glide guide

Updated on February 13, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Michaelharding607 Build Guide By Michaelharding607 4,777 Views 0 Comments
4,777 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Michaelharding607 Anivia Build Guide By Michaelharding607 Updated on February 13, 2013
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Anivia the basics

Anivia is a usual mid champion that excells at controlling the battlefield with the right tactics, and positioning. Commonly you find Anivia builds that focus most on AP completely they are good I give them that but you don't have the survivability that slow champs such as her should have. By using more sustainability in your build you get the most out of Anivia's abilities.
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PROS: Anivia is a high-skill champion your skill with her WILL directly effect the outcome of your score.
One of the best passives.
Great damage and AOE.
Best CC in the game.
CONS:Slow skill shot.
Lowest base health and movement speed in the game.
Is hard to master.
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As all side builds this one was founded with the best intentions to either troll or destroy. Turns out the amounts of CC and the Impassible wall only found in Anivia's skill sets are a great tool for ganking. While in the first part of the jungle you are 80% dependent on your 1st blue as with most jungles. You will find that Anivia doesn't take as much damage from neutral minions as you may have expected. The first eight levels is when you should gank the most because of your early AP ratios and pure base damage. After that you want to shut down their lanes with pokes over walls and continue roaming attempting to steal as much of their jungle as possible in the mean time. (Note: Anivia doesn't have the potentional to solo either dragon or baron so if you like to do that you may want to reconsider trying this.) In teamfight phase you want to do as the regular AP Anivias do and poke with your burst. At the same time though be ready to assist dying teamates with your stuns and slows.
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This build isn't made for competitive play it is made for the fun of it. It is a good change from the usual and very strong at the same time. Have fun with this and enjoy your games.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Michaelharding607
Michaelharding607 Anivia Guide
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Jungnivia The glide guide

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