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Very difficult lane match up. Must get a kill lead before level 6 or will steam roll
Most aatrox players don't know how to properly use his kit however into a strong aatrox opponent an early lead should be established
Ban Darius every time
Difficult matchup but you should be fine as long as you dont get silenced as you are ranges
Very difficult opponent would recommend dodging
Should be able to deal with most Jax players but you should be aware that you only win the first 10-15 minutes of lane after you lose to him. This should be enough time to develop a lead
You cannot let kayle scale to level 11. Deny cs and zone away from minions before her level 6
You should be able to deal with Kled although you may need assistance from you're jungler
Master Yi
You shouldn't see Yi in the top lane but if you do you should try and gain a lead before his level 6. Make use that you have your ultimate from level 1
Should be a pretty easy match up just kite back and poke out of lane
You're E gives a really nice amount of movement speed as long as you dodge his pull with your shield and respect his gap close and ult you should be able to win
Be careful of basis and don't let him farm his stacks. Try to push for a quick end
Should be a fairly nice matchup
Sett is a scary opponent and you should let him push you in and ask for banks before fighting. Respect the pull and W range but still try to poke put of lane
Camiles ability to jump from the walls is very scary and I do recommend dodging if you see a Camille lock
Dodge this pick every time
Dodge this pick every time
Quinn is one of the few top layers who outranges you. Let her push you in and respect her range and blind
Dodge this pick every time
She's not that scary but you should communicate with your team when they has 6
You're not going to see Akali top but when she does get picked you should be very careful and respecting her dash
Singed is a very strong opponent right now. Avoid chasing him and don't take risky fights
You don't want to get trapped by swains Q root play safe and remember he's a ranged champion who should be respected
Tahm Kench
Don't take prolonged fights and remember he can pull you out from your turret
You won't see syndra in the top lane really but if someone does I would recommend keeping your distance
Sylas shouldn't be too hard to kite but don't let him get on top of you
Dodge this pick
Sion is really easy to kite
I wouldn't recommend playing karma into his pick as he can get on top of you very quickly and can pool to escape from you
This cheeky bugger is so annoying don't recommend playing against him
This champion can trap you and kill you relatively easily so repect his space
F*ck this champion
Volibear is really strong in lane but haven't played enough against the new voli to know how to counter him
You most likely will be able to kite out this champion out.
Goddammed clones but doesn't have the best gap close
Karma lane can be very scary but it's all about respecting champions with dashes and the gap closes. Most top lane champions are melee champions and can be kited effectively and as long as you respect Darius and mordekaiser pulls for example, and any other hard cc champions like swain and garen silence.
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