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Kha'Zix Build Guide by NightmareBug

Jungle Kha'Zix Jungle Guide | Free Wins

Jungle Kha'Zix Jungle Guide | Free Wins

Updated on June 17, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NightmareBug Build Guide By NightmareBug 22 2 4,644 Views 6 Comments
22 2 4,644 Views 6 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NightmareBug Kha'Zix Build Guide By NightmareBug Updated on June 17, 2019
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Runes: Domination + Sorcery

1 2 3
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
Blue Smite
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Kha'Zix Jungle Guide | Free Wins

By NightmareBug
Kha'Zix Pros & Cons


+Insane damage
+Carry potential
+Can easy one-shot enemy carries
+Strong late game
+High mobility/utility
+Never banned in SoloQ
+Low pick rate in SoloQ


-Very weak to CC
-Weak vs peel comp (Janna, Lulu etc.)
-Lacks hard CC
-Relatively squishy
Evolve Order

Evolve order is Q > W > E or Q > E > W depending on if you are feed or not :)

Evolve Q first (good for 1v1´s)

Evolve E second if you are feed (Gives you reset after kill someone so you can go deep and still get out)

Evolve W second if you are even or behind (gives utility, so your team can do some work)

If you evolved E at lvl 11 evolve W at lvl 16 and the opposite way around

Only Evolve R if you are insanely feed and you are the carry on your team, then evolve R insted of W at lvl 16 :)
Blue vs Red Smite

Blue or Red Smite? Who is better?

Skirmisher's Sabre (red smite) is an item you take when facing bruisers or tanks, because it allows you to deal more damage.

You take Stalker's Blade (blue smite) when you want to chase enemies with more mobility, or ranged enemies. This includes ranged ADC's and APC's (Ability power carries) with high mobility
Jungle Path

Jungle path after scuttle crab changes:

1. Red
2. Krugs
3. Raptors
4. Wolves
5. Scuttle ****
6. Gank or go to blue
7. If gank then reset if blue then clear gromp and then reset

After reset go to Krugs and afterwards raptors

You always wanna go for ganks if they are free over clearing a jungle camp

You can also do the korean jungle path:

1. Red
2. Raptors
3. Krugs
4. Gank
5. Enemy blue
6. Enemy gromp
7. Enemy wolves
8. Reset
Go to your own blue side jungle afterwards to check or go to raptors then krugs for power farming
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NightmareBug
NightmareBug Kha'Zix Guide
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Kha'Zix Jungle Guide | Free Wins

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