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Kha'Zix Build Guide by Roveend

Assassin Kha'zix jungle the best build of all time Patch 6,1

Assassin Kha'zix jungle the best build of all time Patch 6,1

Updated on January 14, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Roveend Build Guide By Roveend 10,034 Views 0 Comments
10,034 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Roveend Kha'Zix Build Guide By Roveend Updated on January 14, 2016
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ME hue hue

ok lets get started im Roveend my nick in game is Roveend15 and i main khazix i play lol for like 3 years and i mained a lot of diffeerent champions now its khazix jungle/top
(i will make top biuld later). So i decided to make a guide because i saw a lot of khazix players that dont know what to build what to do. so here is my guide. (sorry for my bad english)
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Pros / Cons

Hight 1v1 dmg when no one is nearby
fun kit
not so hard to master
good in chasing
when someone is around sometimes no dmg at all
low clear early easy to counter jungle
squishy early
not so useful in team fights
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Unique Skills

kha'zix can evolve 3 of his skills adn its really important to evolve the right so firts evolve your Q Taste Their Fear you will get so much damage that after few kills u can oneshot adc adn your ganks will be more succesfli as long as u hit W then your E Leap that will give you a great engage and dissegage because when you kill soumeone cooldown on youe E is reset and you can jump away so you have great escape and you can walk away with a kill after that i really want to evolve ULT Void Assault because it saved my *** so many times and got me kill so many times that i just must bot some people evolve W Void Spike istead for better teamfigthting and split damage in TF i cant tell you wich one is better just pick one YOU like more
Evolving ULT vs W:
Void Assault Ult will make you more durable in team fight
Void Spike will give you better poke and u just cant miss W
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Roveend
Roveend Kha'Zix Guide
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Kha'zix jungle the best build of all time Patch 6,1

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