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Recommended Items
Runes: PTA- aggressive
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
lvl 2 all in
Ability Order
Echoing Flames (PASSIVE)
Urgot Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Counters your ult and your E with her blackshield.
Every aggressive-adc is ideal.
Every aggressive-adc is ideal.
Champion Build Guide
This is my first guide, if you have any tips, have any questions or want to know anything, just let me know!
IĀ“ve been playing offmeta-builds for some years now and tried many many builds and Support-Urgot works just like every early-aggressive supporter, but with the 1v1 or even 1v2 potential if your adc should be not a human being in solo-queue :D
IĀ“ve been playing offmeta-builds for some years now and tried many many builds and Support-Urgot works just like every early-aggressive supporter, but with the 1v1 or even 1v2 potential if your adc should be not a human being in solo-queue :D
Why Urgot Support?
So you may ask yourself: Why would someone play Urgot support?
The answer: How many times have you fought and the enemy got away with one hp? Happened many many times to me.
But not since IĀ“m playing Urgot Support.
Enemy adc gets out with 1 hp and he will just get chained by your ultimate. And that will only be the case if he gets away of your e-flip.
The answer: How many times have you fought and the enemy got away with one hp? Happened many many times to me.
But not since IĀ“m playing Urgot Support.
Enemy adc gets out with 1 hp and he will just get chained by your ultimate. And that will only be the case if he gets away of your e-flip.
early game as urgot support
Level 1:
You can Level 1 invade with your e, you will always get a kill or at least their flash if your team follows.
Same applies for the moment you are getting invaded of course.
In Lane:
You can always flash your "e", press "e" and then flash to get a safe kill with your adcĀ“s followup.
Always play for bush-control. You will need it because you are a melee supporter with a very short engage (your e).
Use your q to slow and engage better with your e-ability.
You can Level 1 invade with your e, you will always get a kill or at least their flash if your team follows.
Same applies for the moment you are getting invaded of course.
In Lane:
You can always flash your "e", press "e" and then flash to get a safe kill with your adcĀ“s followup.
Always play for bush-control. You will need it because you are a melee supporter with a very short engage (your e).
Use your q to slow and engage better with your e-ability.
Teamfight as Urgot-Support
You are the perfect protector for your adc if he gets engaged, you can just flip him off your carry and your team can just take him out.
The same goes for fights around objectives. Every time you flip an enemy, your team has enough time to finish him off. Urgot is very strong at zoning enemies off the objective your team is doing.
Always execute enemies with your ult while standing in the enemy team, the fear can carry the whole teamfight. I like flashing into enemies just while the enemy is on the way into the meatgrinder. :)
The same goes for fights around objectives. Every time you flip an enemy, your team has enough time to finish him off. Urgot is very strong at zoning enemies off the objective your team is doing.
Always execute enemies with your ult while standing in the enemy team, the fear can carry the whole teamfight. I like flashing into enemies just while the enemy is on the way into the meatgrinder. :)
UrgotĀ“s Abilities
All the infomation i wrote down in this chapter, i took straight from the client, just so I can be sure there is no wrong information in here.
Passive: Echoing Flames
Urgot has a cannon on each of his 6 legs.
Basic-Attacks and "Purge" will fire the leg-cannon that is facing his target for 40% Attack-Damage + 2%-6%(goes up with levels) max health physical damage.
This effect has a 30-2.5 second (goes down with level) cooldown.
Q : Corrosive Charge
Urgot fires an explosive charge, dealing 25-205 + 70% AD physical damage and slowing by 45-60% for 1.25 seconds.
W: Purge
Passive: UrgotĀ“s other abilities mark the last champion hit for 5 seconds.
Active: Urgot begins firing his chain gun at the closest enemy, prioritizing marked enemies. He attacks them 3 times a second dealing 12 + 20%-34% physical damage per shot.
Urgot can move while firing and has 40% slow-resistance but loses 125 movement speed.
At max level this ability lasts indefinitely and can be toggled on or off.
The shots apply on-hit effects at 50% damage. They cannot critically strike.
Shots deal a minimum of 50 damage to jungle monsters and minions.
Urgot can move through minions and non-epic jungle-monsters while firing.
E: Disdain
Urgot charges forwards, gaining 55-135 (+135% Bonus-AD + 13.5% Bonus HP) shield for 4 seconds. The first champion hit is stunned for 1.5 seconds and thrown behind urgot. All enemies Urgot collides with, take 90-210 (+ 100% Bonus-AD)physical damage.
Cannot cross terrain.
R: Fear Beyond Death
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