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Runes: Blue Kayn /General Rune
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Gustwalker Smite
Threats & Synergies
VI is very strong and big threat for kayn, why? she have big early lead. She can easily invade. She have high gank potential. - In my opinion, avoid her and try to take objectives and counter gank her.
Yummi sitting on Kayn after he's gotten either form (Red or Blue), he will extremely strong and a massive threat all around the map! Super fast, a lot of healing and CC!!!
Yummi sitting on Kayn after he's gotten either form (Red or Blue), he will extremely strong and a massive threat all around the map! Super fast, a lot of healing and CC!!!
Playing kayn, helped me learn how should i play jungle. In my opinion hes a pretty good pick to start playing jungle with. Why? Right now he have pretty good statement at the game. He got like EVERYTHING you would imagine and like. I can tell you you need to give him a shot.
Don't forget, kayn is really easy to pick up, but hard to master. You will need a lot of time to get to know him and his maximums. What you can do and what you can't. YOU CAN'T SPEED UP THE PROCESS OF MASTERING KAYN
Heres my OP.GG, feel free to check out!
- Currently unavailable
When does the guide update?
- Guide will be updated 3-4 days after new patch releases. That's atleast what im aiming for.
Where is kayn clear section, when it will be updated?
- Currently im working on and testing out all of the clears that there are in the game, and looking for the best one. Kayn clear will come as soon as i find currently best clear there is.
Where can i find your op.gg?
- For now there is no way to check my op.gg.
Got more questions or you don't see your question here? Don't be scared and leave a comment. I will try to respond as fast as i can.
x Kayn Positives
> High Damage
> Amazing mobility [Q, E]
> Can do it all: Dive backline or shred frontline
> Very uniqe, 2 forms DARKIN + ASSASIN
> High gank potentional
x Kayn Negatives
> Very weak early game
> On Rhaast, can get kited pretty hard
> Easy to pick, hard to master
> You need to undestand him
> His Blue Form/Shadow Assassin is weak late game
Before playing kayn, its good to know his negative and postivie sides. It will help you a lot in understanding him.
Its very important to pick a right form. Why? if we do wrong decision it can debate about your whole game. But if you choose correct you have higher potential to win game. Thats why i will try to help you understand which form to pick and when. So lets get right into it!
Theres still one thing that most of people don't know about kayns forms. Kayn got 2 types of orbs, RED ORBS which you can obtain by damaging MELEE CHAMPIONS, and BLUE ORBS which you can obatin by damaging RANGE CHAMPIONS
, remember that because theres a lot of kayn players that still don't know it.
Red Kayn (RHAAST)
- First thing and easiest to understand, is to pick RHAAST mostly when enemy team has 2 OR MORE bruisers/tanks in their team. Rhaast isn't as strong as it was right now (14.22), but he still has really good dmg and huge amount of healing.
Blue Kayn (ASSASIN)
- First thing and easiest to understand, is to pick ASSASIN when enemy team has atlest 3 squishy champs EX. xerath, velkoz ETC. Hes the best thing to pick agains squishy comps because he can easily pick up off-lane enemies that do the most of damage, mostly ADC's. As a blue kayn YOU ALWAYS want to focus BACKLINE of enemy team. DON'T FORGET that Blue Kayn (ASSASIN) falls behind in late game (30-35 Mins +)
Hybrid Kayn (Purple Kayn)
- Purple kayn is a hybrid choice. What is is? You should pick it play it when your not sure what to play. Its kinda difficult to tell when to play him. But mostly play it when your not sure what to play. Currently im working on a special section dedicated just for hybrid kayn (Purple Kayn). Feel free to check it out when your not sure what to build on hybrid kayn.
Blue Kayn (ASSASIN)
Kayn is very good at snowballing. Make your lead through constant flow of cs. No need to scrimmage if there isn't form to get and noone is dying. Sometimes everything u need to do is to Trust yourself.
You have the perfect tool for survival. Play like it. Never die with ult. If you dont have any abilities left press R. No need to just stand there.
Red Kayn (RHAAST)
When playing Darkin get your form and start hunting. You can dive almost any situation with the Combo W-Q-AA-R-Q. After that get out wait for cooldowns and re-engage.
Early and Mid game is where Darkin is best and easiest. The late game is difficult unless you are turbo ahead. So focus on early objectives and snowballing your other lanes because the longer the game last the bigger the chances of you loosing. END FAST.
Get both heralds and snowball other lanes. If that isn't possible, go kill the carries and ignore the frontline. Oneshot the most fed enemy and try you best to take a few with you to the grave. You will mostly not survive without flash unless their positioning is very bad.
How to Use R.
When playing against people with Zhonya's, prioritize people without. Theres no problem if they do have Zhonya. After ulting them a couple of times you will know when to use your R.
Some people get scared of Kayn and spam zhonyas. Just wait out the zhonyas and then R out again. Your ult has a longer time than Zhonyas no stress.
Ult isn't just a healing tool. With R you can DODGE BIG CC ABILITIES even when full HP. If you are scared that you will die. Don't risk it. Press R. A Kayn without R is better than no Kayn. You can't forget that the most powerful asset that kayn has to offer is his R.
If you are still scared of getting caught. Try to go/stay near walls (SHORT WALLS). All the short walls are bypassable by your Q. Use your E for the big walls.
Stealing Objectives
Go to the website http://smiterino.com and practice. When you have done that you should be ready. Kayn is great at stealing objectives. You fly into dragon/baronpit and then R someone. Wait for drake to be low and smite. YES you can smite while untargetable.
For now there are few things i want to focus on.
1. Adding new matchups (Threats and Synergies) and updating old ones.
2. Adding whole new REMADE builds for HYBRID KAYN (Purple Kayn)
3. Remaking whole KAYN CLEAR guide section.[/color]
4. Adding more, and more precise and simple informations to my guide, easy to understand for new people trying to get to know with kayn.
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