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Kindred General Guide by SlateCord

Other Lamb AND a Wolf

Other Lamb AND a Wolf

Updated on November 15, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SlateCord Build Guide By SlateCord 2,648 Views 0 Comments
2,648 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SlateCord Kindred Build Guide By SlateCord Updated on November 15, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Kindred is an amazing Character both gameplay and lore.

Gameplay she is squishy but is very quick and powerful, and even with small practice is so entertaining to play. Their voice actors have done an amazing job with the effects on them too hit the spot of WHAT Kindred is...The Grim Reaper.....s. of Runeterra.

Lore their are the Grim Reaper and Lamb being the Kind hearted grants a quick death to those who accept death, where as Wolf will Case down the people who try to run from them.
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Attack Speed is very important for Kindred so have 3x Greater Quints on Attack Speed.
Mana Regeneration will help you keep using those abilities. 9x Mana Regen.
So working the Attack Speed 4x Armour Penetration ;) & 3x Crit Damage Marks.
Boost the Attack Speed with 6x Attack Speed Seals & 3xScaling Attack Damage.
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Anyhthing to combat monsters and give teh damage back to them.
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With items it's pretty standard of what you should go with. A hunter's Machete is a must with every jungle & a few health potions too wouldn't hurt either. take a ward...well because its a ward, boots and a doran's blade.

Your Core items you need to rush (Trinity you can take your time with). Rush the jungle item first then your Ruined King's Blade. Boots will be next if you wish.

Banshee's veil is next then the Hurricane.

The other items all depend on my team and if they need help or not, also useful if you want to concentrate on champion stacks above your jungle one's.
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Skill Sequence

Always go for Wolf's Frenzy first, Wolf can help early game in the Jungle and is a must with it's passive. When it's passive is full used it on the Riff Crawler he won't fight back and you can easily get your health topped.

Dance of arrows is next and will push you to get kills quickly with its quick cooldown with Wolf's Frenzy.

Mounting dread I only use on bulky monsters, needing a quick kill or even if I'm nearly dead with Kindreds Ult's isn't available.
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Now I always use Flash its very handy in any build.

Where you should with this build is Smite, without Smite you are not a jungler especially as Kindred, She needs this item to quickly get her stack up to a usable level without fear of getting killed quickly.

Otherwise it will feel like years for the stack to level up.
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Pros / Cons

Passive Stack will rip through the enemy team.
Good range keeping you behind the frontlines.
Quick cooldownds to dish out abilities.
Very aggressive gameplay.
Handy healing passive.

Very Squishy
Very reliant on her Passive
Needs to farm targets.
Champions can kill Kindreds targets before her. stopping her stack.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SlateCord
SlateCord Kindred Guide
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Lamb AND a Wolf

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