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Ashe Build Guide by EksSkellybur



Updated on July 8, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EksSkellybur Build Guide By EksSkellybur 3,160 Views 0 Comments
3,160 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author EksSkellybur Ashe Build Guide By EksSkellybur Updated on July 8, 2016
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Intro: Ashe: Attack Speed Hybrid Ashe is Scrapped?

Sup' Guys, Skellybur here with a somewhat new-ish build for Ashe. With some tweaking about, and Not rushing for Infinity Edge First Item, (Because that just sounds stupid, in my opinion.) this new build of fresh air will still give Ashe the 2Fast2Furious Attack Speed that she wants, to turn her bow into a Iceborn Machinegun, while still giving her that spicy Attack Damage she needs to actually does a thing. And yes, I did Typo my 'does'.

Oh. And before you say anything, I tried to make Hybrid Ashe OP and it failed miserably. Rageblade is too Expensive and you don't gain enough damage to rev it up to it's 6th stack potential, so I scrapped it. Besides, who needs a bit of AP love for your Ultimate, when you can have Fervor of Battle instead?

For your Spells: Take Heal and Flash, although Ghost, Clanse and Exhuast are also pretty nice for Ashe.
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About the Build:

I don't know about you, but I Loooove what they did with the new Trinity Force. Yeah, sure this does mean "Rip in Peace 100% Crit Chance Tri Force Ashe Build", But while looking at that isn't so much of a Proplem, as People are buying Ashe Infnity Edges and Runaan's Hurricane; giving her 50% Crit Chance instead. Which means that My Jimmies aren't rustled for my Build! Hooray! ...Sorry. I got a little carried away. With the Obvious pick of Berseker's Greaves, You should then go for Runaan's Hurricane, and then Building your Infinity Edge, to Save your Slot and Money for Ashe. Rapidfire Cannon for the Extra Attack Speed, Crit, and giving the extra range poke will give proc with the Sheen and your Passive, making your Kiting just that much bit easier. And Finally, give Ashe a Blade of the Ruined Vayne, and let her rip through the health of anyone who wants to mess with the Kiting Queen herself.
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Ashe's OP Skins

For those who want to look fancy, Heartseeker Ashe and Amethyst Ashe are Pretty OP by their standards, while Choosing Mauderer Ashe or Sherwood Forest Ashe as OP Skins gives her the Oldschool Runescape or World of Warcraft nostalgia.
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Final Verdict: 91/100

Ashe's Secret Rival in Summoner's Rift is Sivir. While Ashe cares about giving her Allies', by giving them vision with her Hawkshots, Sivir focuses more on pressuring and pushing the lanes and killing a bunch of dudes and dudettes for some easy snowballing cash; which is why I say that Sivir can beat Ashe overall.

Ashe can still be a terrifying ADC regardless if you let her farm, so always try the pressure her whenever possible, and don't let her kite you if you're a Melee Champion. She likes gaining Kills as much as she doesn't mind a few Assists, due to Ashe secretly being a Support too when giving her a complete different Build. (Which I might do, if you guys really want it.)

They're isn't much to say about Ashe other then her playstyle feeling more Defensive then Aggressive.

Next up, it's Everyone's favorite Stacking Weeaboo: Jax.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EksSkellybur
EksSkellybur Ashe Guide
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