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Lucian Build Guide by 420BlazeYolo

Jungle Lucian Jungle 8.3/8.4 [Updated]

Jungle Lucian Jungle 8.3/8.4 [Updated]

Updated on February 22, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 420BlazeYolo Build Guide By 420BlazeYolo 17 2 62,577 Views 0 Comments
17 2 62,577 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 420BlazeYolo Lucian Build Guide By 420BlazeYolo Updated on February 22, 2018
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Fleet Footwork
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Gathering Storm


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Thank for clicking! I am mid elo Lucian main who also happens to be a jungle main. In previous patches I found Lucian jungle to be very underwhelming and force you into bloodrazor for clear. However, with his recent passive buffs he can clear well, and packs a serious early game punch.
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Fleet Footwork -

You really need this to clear through the jungle, plus it is currently just a very strong rune all around.

Overheal -

Overheal is nice in the late game when you get your lifesteal item, but is'nt necessary. It could be traded out for triumph.

Legend:Alacrity -

As is pretty standard on ADCs, Alacrity is the way to go. The extra AS helps your mid/early clear a ton.

Coup De Grace -

Again, pretty standard. You could take Cut Down, but Coup De Grace has been unanimously decided as better.


Celerity -

I personally take Celerity every game. The move speed is super nice, and the damage is always helpful. With your W speed boost as well you'll gain even more AD.

Gathering Storm -

For this one you could really go anything. Water walking, Manaflow, transcendence, etc. I just like Gathering Storm in case the game goes late.
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As you can see, I have three full builds listed in this guide. I recommend the standard build, but there are situations for all of them.

Standard -

The standard build is as follows: Skirmishers, Essence, Boots, Phantom or Statikk, I.E., Bloodthirster or BORK, Lord Doms or Mortal Reminder. The few variations I added there should really be all you need in a typical game.

Essence Reaver:

Standard Lucian item, gives CDR, crit, and damage.

Statikk or Phantom:

Both crit items give you the attack speed and extra crit you need to push out some serious damage. Phantom dancer is typically better because it provides a better 1v1, and can often save you from that 10/0/8 Zed. Statikk on the other hand does give you wave clear, and a bit more burst. It also synergizes with Fleet Footwork.

Infinity Edge:

Pretty standard AD item. Gives a ton more damage at this point in the game.

Bloodthirster or Bork:

Again, typically I would go with bloodthirster. The shield gives you a much larger chance of getting engaged on, and the extra AD can shred squishies. On the other hand, if the enemy team has a lot of health stacking champs like Mundo Or Cho BORK is your best friend.

Lord Doms Or Mortal Reminder:

Lord Doms is always the go to for damage due to giant slayer, but mortal reminder can be essential against champs that heal a lot. Against a Vlad, Mundo, anything of the sort, executioners calling is your best friend.

Which Boots?

Typically you will want Ninja Tabi to help with skirmishing, but if their team has very little AD, Berserker's Greaves can provide a little extra damage. Finally Merc Treads can be good if against a heavy AP comp or if you're faced with a fed Kat, Kass, Etc.

Why Not Finish Your Jungle Item?

Good question. The only real reason is that it just doesn't provide the stats you need. Lucian jungle needs damage early. The CDR from essence, the high damage, and the crit chance make you a serious threat. The red smite is only really good for dueling (Lucians specialty) or stopping yourself from getting one shot.

When to go Skirmisher -

Typically you will only want to go the Skirmishing build if the enemy has a lot of bruisers. Against Rivens, Gangplanks, Graves, ASol, and more it can provide you with the stats to live, and win a 1v1.
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Jungling and Ganking

Jungling -

Clear -

You're going to want to always start bot side. The better leash allows you to either full clear (typically excluding Krugs) and gank top. On the otherhand you can go buff, raptors, buff and gank early or even attempt an invade depending who you are against.

Gank Strategy -

Typically you will want to run from behind the laner and start with W. The speed boost will allow you to run down the enemy. Save your E for if they flash or outrun you. That's all there is to it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 420BlazeYolo
420BlazeYolo Lucian Guide
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Lucian Jungle 8.3/8.4 [Updated]

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