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- Lux Mid Guide
- Lux Support Build
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Illumination (PASSIVE)
Lux Passive Ability
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Yasuo is just a ridiculously broken character. Do your best to space him out but be prepared to snare when he goes in.
Lux has many tools to help her out in the laning phase. Her passive,Illumination, is definitely a great tool for getting CS and doing early poke to enemies. When an enemy is hit with a spell from Lux, illumination triggers. If lux hits them with a basic attack or Final Spark, the illumination is consumed and does 20 - 190 damage based on your level PLUS %20 of your AP. This is a great way to get someone to back off while you are farming because depending on your AP you could do a lot of damage from just an E and an auto attack. Lux's Q is Light Binding. It releases a sphere of light in a straight line that deals magic damage and roots the first 2 enemies it hits. This is a great tool because it sets up for your ult combo. A great thing about Lux's Q is that it can go through 2 enemies. This can be great for mix ups because an enemy may not expect the root to go through a minion or another enemy and will end up stuck. Lux's W is Prismatic Barrier. Lux Shields herself and throws her wand in a straight line to shield any allies it passes through. It then returns to her and shields anyone it passes through on the way back at well as herself. This is a spell you will be using more as a support than a mid laner but it still can help in a pinch. Lux's E is probably her most important spell besides for her ultimate. It sends a circle of light into its target area. Enemies in the circle are slowed and the circle can grant sight. After 5 seconds, the light detonates dealing magic damage to all enemies in it. You can also activate it again to detonate it. This is good because not only does it do an insane amount of magic damage already, it can be paired with illumination to easily get a champ down to below half health early game. Finally Lux's Ult is Final Spark. Lux charges for 1 second and fires a huge lase in a line that deals INSANE magic damage and briefly reveals the surrounding area. The best thing is that if Final Spark kills an enemy (Which it usually does) it refunds some of its cooldown. Seeing that it already has a very low cooldown, this is a great way to take out a lot of the team late game and lead your team to victory.
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