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ITs a winnable lane, but dude its so hard. The will outdmg you in long trades, so your best call is harass him with Q so he feels uncomfortable. If he has less than half hp you can oneshot him with passive and some help from your supp.
Be wary tho, he will have the upper hand in all your trades, and he can easily fuck your ult with his E.
This champion is designed to fuck MF. Its absolutely bad when its your support, but its even worse when she is NOT your support. She wont have enough cc and pressure to play offensive as MF should play, but if shes on the other side she will make the other adc unkillable.
Ban her. Her Shield will block your Q, so you wont be able to trigger Press the attack. Also she can easily outdmg you with her Q and her own auto reset.
And if this wasnt enough, she can put her entire team out of your ult with her R.
Really, ban this witch.
Shes not as dangerous as Draven and does not counter you like Sivir, but she can put you in trouble.
Her Jump is a pain for your supp, and she can interrumpt your ult with her own, leaving you a kilometer away and with a bomb in your head.
Try to kill her early, you are stronger in short trades before lvl 6. Be wary tho, she can turn short trades into long fights thanks to her jump.
A pain in the ass. She will poke you all the lane phase and cover pretty good her adc at the same time. Try to avoid her R attacks and punish her with Q whenever you can.
He will win all the trades until lvl 11 or so. He has more dueling power, more pushing power and a dash. Good thing? You smash him in late game, so hard that he wont even remember lane phase anymore. Just play passive until he fucks up or your jungler comes to lend a hand.
6 flashes every minion wave and a wall who blocks all your dmg. He will fuck all your tf power and render you useless most of times. I recommend going for the critical build if hes in the enemy team. You wont land a single ult anyway, so...
Lots of CC and aggresive playstyle. She and MF are so good together. Ban Morgana and enjoy a won lane.
My favourite supp so far for MF. CC, good peeling, AoE CC ult... They are made for each otherl.
Same thing than Leona, he is just not as reliable. In lane, he is weaker cause his Q doesnt go through minions.
Anyway his lvl 6 is a garanteed kill for your team.
Pretty much the same thing as Morgana. He provides a strong peeling while still being able to start fights, wich is just what MF needs.
He has damage, heals for you and good CC. The only con is he will be roaming a lot, and MF has no dashes, so you will have to wait him underturret.
Pretty good synergy. MF has a lot of poke power, and poke is the second name of Velkoz. Their combo will make lane a living hell for enemy adc.
Hes... ok. He has some CC and some peeling, but he doesnt deal any dmg and his Q is easy to dodge. The only good thing is his R, it makes your ult shine.
Won game.
You can just dodge the game, or be prepared to suffer 15 minutes of absolute boredom. She will only heal you and poke with her little missile who deals 0 dmg. MF doesnt need heals, she needs cc. MF doesnt need power in long fights, she needs to play blitzkrieg, she needs to burst and run, burst and run... and Yuumi is not designed for that.
Good if hes good, terrible if hes bad.
Lots of CC and aggresive playstyle. She and MF are so good together. Ban Morgana and enjoy a won lane.
My favourite supp so far for MF. CC, good peeling, AoE CC ult... They are made for each otherl.
Same thing than Leona, he is just not as reliable. In lane, he is weaker cause his Q doesnt go through minions.
Anyway his lvl 6 is a garanteed kill for your team.
Pretty much the same thing as Morgana. He provides a strong peeling while still being able to start fights, wich is just what MF needs.
He has damage, heals for you and good CC. The only con is he will be roaming a lot, and MF has no dashes, so you will have to wait him underturret.
Pretty good synergy. MF has a lot of poke power, and poke is the second name of Velkoz. Their combo will make lane a living hell for enemy adc.
Hes... ok. He has some CC and some peeling, but he doesnt deal any dmg and his Q is easy to dodge. The only good thing is his R, it makes your ult shine.
Won game.
You can just dodge the game, or be prepared to suffer 15 minutes of absolute boredom. She will only heal you and poke with her little missile who deals 0 dmg. MF doesnt need heals, she needs cc. MF doesnt need power in long fights, she needs to play blitzkrieg, she needs to burst and run, burst and run... and Yuumi is not designed for that.
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