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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Darkness Rise (PASSIVE)
Mordekaiser Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies

Hunter's Talisman : Even thought he doesn't use mana, this item heals him 25 health (5secs cooldown), so it helps a lot on the early jungle clearing.

Refillable Potion : You can either go this or

Warding Totem : Once you get the

Hunter's Potion : I don't pick that much but if you want, you can. It allows you to stay more in the jungle and avoid some recalls.
Early Game Items:
Tracker's Knife : Since I mostly go full utility on Mordekaiser jungle, I get this with
Sweeping Lens, to better vision and clearing the enemy's vision.
Jaurim's Fist : Get it to stack your Health bonus, also helps with damage.
Boots : Get a boot as fast as you can, Mordekaiser is really slow, so it is better if you upgrade your boot to
Boots of Swiftness or
Mobility Boots.
• Get
Giant's Belt or
Bami's Cinder, you get Bami's in case you really wants to finish the
Enchantment: Cinderhulk already, but it's not really necessary if you have gold to start
Rylai's Crystal Scepter.

Tracker's Knife : Since I mostly go full utility on Mordekaiser jungle, I get this with

Jaurim's Fist : Get it to stack your Health bonus, also helps with damage.

Boots : Get a boot as fast as you can, Mordekaiser is really slow, so it is better if you upgrade your boot to

• Get


• Well, it's up to you to decide you want to get more Tank or more Damage dealer on the early game. Since Mord have a really good early game damage with no damage items at all,

• You may lack Health if you decide for the second option, but instead, if you go

Sterak's Gage : You get Sterak's because of two reasons; the item's passive and the health. The damage is also good, but it's not what you really focus when you're building

• Having a shield after a huge damage can prevents Mordekaiser from dying quickly, even thought he will get really tank if you get

Rylai's Crystal Scepter : You get Rilay's not just because of the damage, you get mainly because of the Health provided and the Slow CC on every ability, plus the slow also procs with your W

At all, I can see only viable these three boots on Mordekaiser :
Boots of Swiftness : It gots to be the most recommended one because of his lack of Movement Speed, that's why is good to you to get mov. speed quints instead of any other.
Boots of Mobility : It's also good but doesn't give you Slow resist, as
Boots of Swiftness does. It's good for roaming tho.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity : Only helps with the cooldowns, since it doesn't give you as much mov. speed, but it can be good if you have a good follow up comp, such as
Nami or
Karma, for example.

Boots of Swiftness : It gots to be the most recommended one because of his lack of Movement Speed, that's why is good to you to get mov. speed quints instead of any other.

Boots of Mobility : It's also good but doesn't give you Slow resist, as

Ionian Boots of Lucidity : Only helps with the cooldowns, since it doesn't give you as much mov. speed, but it can be good if you have a good follow up comp, such as

For the Runes I would recommend:

• As I told, Mordekaiser really lacks movement speed, so it's good to you to have those, even if you go top lane.
• Other possible substitute, if you don't want to go mov. speed, is Ability Power Quints, but then it will lacks movement speed if you don't build any other mov. speed items despite the boots, such as:
Luden's Tempest (
Enchantment: Runic Echoes),
Lich Bane,
Trinity Force ...
• Flat attack speed helps the jungle clearing, if you think you can do without it, you can also try Greater Marks of Hybrid Penetration, or Magic Penetration instead.
• Flat health wouldn't work as well as Scaling Health, which gives you 215 health on Level 18, instead of quickly 72 at the early game. Much worth. A possible substitute could be flat health seals or Greater Seals of Armor (flat armor) if you don't have those.
• As this build wouldn't provide you any Cooldowns at all, getting this Glyphs will help a real lot, if you get
Trinity Force, for example, you get nearly 35% cdr at Level 18.

Quintessences :
• As I told, Mordekaiser really lacks movement speed, so it's good to you to have those, even if you go top lane.
• Other possible substitute, if you don't want to go mov. speed, is Ability Power Quints, but then it will lacks movement speed if you don't build any other mov. speed items despite the boots, such as:

Marks :
• Flat attack speed helps the jungle clearing, if you think you can do without it, you can also try Greater Marks of Hybrid Penetration, or Magic Penetration instead.
Seals :
• Flat health wouldn't work as well as Scaling Health, which gives you 215 health on Level 18, instead of quickly 72 at the early game. Much worth. A possible substitute could be flat health seals or Greater Seals of Armor (flat armor) if you don't have those.
Glyphs :
• As this build wouldn't provide you any Cooldowns at all, getting this Glyphs will help a real lot, if you get

• The actual season, and the previous one too, as well, have been focusing the

• To be honest, I almost always aim for the GA's after the main items, since it gives me a lot of armor and magic resistance, plus the

• I've been testing this build by the ending of the previous Season, Season 6. Based on the actual meta
Olaf build, since it works a lot the same way, the difference is that Olaf has more follow up.
• I've been playing him that way since then and testing new stuff within this build, but I got mostly stick to the mains items I provided, they work really well in most of the situations.
• Also, not only to
Mordekaiser jungle but many other junglers can make use of this rune page. So make sure you have this utility rune page on one of your pages.
• Any comments, questions or anything, please leave it bellow, or contact me @YoureeGhostly

• I've been playing him that way since then and testing new stuff within this build, but I got mostly stick to the mains items I provided, they work really well in most of the situations.
• Also, not only to

• Any comments, questions or anything, please leave it bellow, or contact me @YoureeGhostly
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