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Recommended Items
Runes: Go-to Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Q>W>E
Glory in Death (PASSIVE)
Sion Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Master Yi
He will go in alpha if you charge Q gg.
Bard ult=guaranteed q
Bard ult=guaranteed q
Champion Build Guide
-Still feels useful if you int
-Satisfying to land charged Q's
-Can peel, engage, and CC for team
-You can play this champion when you're high, have no sleep, or are intoxicated
-Sion is a truck
Q : -Try to release it right before enemy walks out of hitbox. It does more damage the longer you charge it. For example, charging the Q for 1.8 seconds more damage than 1 second even though they only do the basic knockup.
-Try to get a glacial auto or an E before you Q to guarantee the hit.
-People can't see the Q indicator if you are out of vision.
W : -Use W before getting hit by something, not at beginning of fight
-You can press W while charging Q to do more burst.
-Use W before ult so it explodes once you reach them if you want to burst them.
E : -Use it to slow people for ult and Q.
- You can use it for vision.
-You can autocancel with it.
R : -If you ult right after landing an E, hitting the ult is almost guaranteed.
-Try to ult from an unusual angle. The enemy will always expect an ult down mid.
-Land ult between nexus towers at or after level 16 to completely obliterate them.
-You can turn at a tighter angle near walls for some reason.
-Take a quick peek of enemy before ulting because you can't unlock your camera during it.
-If you want to ult around sharp angles (like from mid to dragon pit), you have to take a wide turn like the frickin truck you are
Bonus tip:-In teamfights, don't be afraid to die. Your passive does a lot of damage and the enemy team can't ignore you. If they do ignore you, you will get a triple kill ggez
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