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Ezreal Build Guide by Jungle Udyr

AP Carry [NEW META] - Ezreal + Smite (5.12)

AP Carry [NEW META] - Ezreal + Smite (5.12)

Updated on July 10, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jungle Udyr Build Guide By Jungle Udyr 9,783 Views 0 Comments
9,783 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jungle Udyr Ezreal Build Guide By Jungle Udyr Updated on July 10, 2015
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Hi Guys, I'm Udyr Bot, Diamond at Brazilian server, and I'm here to teach you how to play AP Ezreal with smite!
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Simple runes, you can change Scaling Health Seals to Armor Seals, and MR Glyphs to Cooldown Reduction or Scaling MR, pretty simple :)
AP Quints for more damage, Scaling Health because you are squishy during the game, Magic Pen to deal more damage and MR Glyphs to play against AP Laners (against AD Laners, as I said, you can change to cdr or more ap)
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Cooldown Reduction for late game it's essencial. You can change Furor to Homeguard if needed.

With this new item, Ezreal is a beast, he deals AP AOE Damage, and his Q will have only 1.5 seconds cooldown. So you can spam, AOE damage. And the Red Smite, so you can do true damage, and receive less damage.

Synergy with your jungle item, and procs Q on hit effect.

Necessary for any AP. Increase your damage a lot.

Nice shield, nice ap scale with your mana, and mana regen.


If the enemy team, is not building MR, you can build Zhonya's.
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It's better for poking, easier to hit, higher range, procs Smite True Damage and the new passive of the jungle item... Next, I prefer evolving E than W, W doesn't do a lot of damage with this build in early/mid game, that's why I evolve it later.
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Pros & Cons

- Q only have 1.5 cooldown late game.
- Good burst.
- Ultimate can secure objectives.
- Scape with your W
- Late game, no mana problems.
- Hybrid damage.
- He loves Taric KappaPride
- Smite can garantee a lot of objectives.
- Squishy early game.
- Low damage in early/early mid game.
- A lot of skillshots.

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Summoner Spell

NECESSARY! You will need your jungle item, so you need to get Smite! It's good to steal buffs, garantee objectives, and farm -champions-!

If you can use your Essence Flux smartly, you can change your flash to Ignite our Exhaust (against Assasins -Zed, Talon...-) But I still prefer Flash.

As I said before, it's good if you can control your Essence Flux...
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jungle Udyr
Jungle Udyr Ezreal Guide
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[NEW META] - Ezreal + Smite (5.12)

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