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Choose Champion Build:
- The Undertaker of Top
- Digging up the Jungle
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Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Because you rely heavily on your summons for combat, Cho'Graph's silence is a nightmare, plus his knockup can wipe out your summons easily. Be wary of this one.
The Gravedigger
The Eeyore of the Shadow Isles is picked even less often than some absolutely useless champs ( Gangplank, we're all looking at you), which makes no sense because Yorick is not only an awesome champion, but by playing him, you force your opponent to face a beast they might not have EVER played against before.
All in all, picking up Yorick lets you take advantage of his strong kit, and pick on kids who think they're cool 'cause they only play meta champions. After all, nothing's better than shoveling someone in the face every now and then.
My goal is to make this guide as comprehensive as possible, covering multiple positions and roles and provide you with as much help as possible. Please share any and all comments or criticism!
This is an excellent item on Yorick for countless reasons, and while in lane, you always want to rush Manamune ASAP so you can start stacking that mana! Spamming your summons will stack it rather quickly, it provides loads of mana, and the extra damage is lovely.
Okay, so this one is a bit weird, but lemme explain. The Reaver isn't a popular item, but it synchronizes really well with Manamune and Muramana, because it gives you a percent of your mana based on the damage you deal, which in turn scales off of your maximum mana. It's a nice little circle, which increases your damage output and stops you from every finding yourself without mana. Plus 80 AD isn't too shabby.
The Cleaver is just an all-around strong item; the CDR helps Yorick toss more of his spooky pets around, and the bonus movement speed for landing hits helps chase down targets and run like heck from that dang Katarina. What really sets this item apart is that its armor-shredding passive is also procced by your ghouls, so by having some summons around, you can absolutely ERASE people's defenses.
This is an excellent item on Yorick for countless reasons, and while in lane, you always want to rush Manamune ASAP so you can start stacking that mana! Spamming your summons will stack it rather quickly, it provides loads of mana, and the extra damage is lovely.
Okay, so this one is a bit weird, but lemme explain. The Reaver isn't a popular item, but it synchronizes really well with Manamune and Muramana, because it gives you a percent of your mana based on the damage you deal, which in turn scales off of your maximum mana. It's a nice little circle, which increases your damage output and stops you from every finding yourself without mana. Plus 80 AD isn't too shabby.
The Cleaver is just an all-around strong item; the CDR helps Yorick toss more of his spooky pets around, and the bonus movement speed for landing hits helps chase down targets and run like heck from that dang Katarina. What really sets this item apart is that its armor-shredding passive is also procced by your ghouls, so by having some summons around, you can absolutely ERASE people's defenses.
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