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Pantheon Build Guide by Lorb14



Updated on May 5, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lorb14 Build Guide By Lorb14 1,654 Views 0 Comments
1,654 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lorb14 Pantheon Build Guide By Lorb14 Updated on May 5, 2013
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Global Ultimate
High damage dealing combo
Ranged poke
Great turret diver due to his passive
Great 1v1 due to his stun combo and heart seeker strike passive

Runs out of mana quickly if you do not use you're moves wisely
Not too tanky early game
Not very mobile (slow)
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Unique Skils

Pantheon has two passives. One is called Aegis Protection which allows Pantheon to block the next normal attack that deals 40 or more damage to him. His second passive is enabled when you put the first point in heart seeker strike. It give Pantheon a 100% critical strike chance against targets beneath 15% of their maximum health. Using these abilities wisely can help you round up the kills and even pull off some crazy damage that you never thought you could.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lorb14
Lorb14 Pantheon Guide
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