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Quinn Build Guide by TROLLing1999

AD Carry Phoenix Quinn: A Guide to Absolute Dominance of Land and Air

AD Carry Phoenix Quinn: A Guide to Absolute Dominance of Land and Air

Updated on June 24, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TROLLing1999 Build Guide By TROLLing1999 12 0 98,508 Views 29 Comments
12 0 98,508 Views 29 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TROLLing1999 Quinn Build Guide By TROLLing1999 Updated on June 24, 2014
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tag team
Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to my Quinn guide!
I am TROLLing1999, a marksman main since mid-season 2. This is more of a revamped version of my old Quinn guide, which was archived for historical reasons. In this essay, I will try to present you Quinn's ins and outs in all aspects of building and playing her.

Quinn is ranged marksman with a very uinque kit. She is not as strong as the top ADCs right now and she is rarely seen in the competetive scene. However, I think that she is a bit underestimated and if you manage to overcome her weaknesses and take advantage of her strenghts you can have particularly great results with her.
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Pros/ Cons

+ Good Burst
+ Great Duelist
+ Area Scout
+ Fast Waveclears
+ Mobile
Quinn's strenghts are closely related to good use of her skillset. Specifically, being able to land Blinding Assault along with at least 2 Harriers turns you into a great duelist with burst through all phases of the game. Additionally, Quinn is the only marksman along with Ashe who can scout an are. This in companion with the her fast waveclears turn her into a great splitpusher, while she is also quite mobile with Vault and the bonus MS from tag team.

+ Squishy
+ Item dependant
+ Low Range
+ High Skill Cap
+ Melee form
As I mentioned earlier Quinn has some major drawbacks. Her AA ranger (550) is below average and because of this you might have trouble against high range opponents and in teamfights. Additionally, she is really squishy, which means that good positioning is vital and she can fall off late game if she hasn't got enough gold for the core purchases. Finally, playing in the melee form can be quite risky in some situations and in general mastering Quinn needs some effort and time because of the very complex ability set.
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Summoner Spells

These three are the only viable summoners spells for Quinn. Flash is mandatory because it is an extra escaping mechanism and it can also help you secure kills. Heal is my second choice 90% of the time because it now scales better than Barrier into late game and also gives a temporary MS boost, while it can also remove Ignite and other healing reduction effects. Against Thresh, Leona, Ashe and other enemies in the lane with heavy CC, Cleanse is the obvious choice. There is no huge need to take cleanse if it comes to heavy CC jungler/mid/top because you can rush Quicksilver Sash during the laning phase and protect yourself from them.
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Greater Mark of Attack Damage
These are the marks most AD Champions use including adcs. You should take these to increase your damage output with AA and abilities. They will help you last hit better and trade effectively.

Greater Seal of Health
After the rune changes these now give more durability than Armor Seals. The HP increase also synergizes well with your masteries setup and Doran's Blade since now you will be starting at around 630 hp and will be hard to be forced out lane.

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
Supports do mostly magic damage. Without some Magic Resist the damage would be too much for you so Greater Glyph of Magic Resist is really worth the value, especially now when support Annie and other strong poke/killing supports get more and more popular.

Greater Quintessence of Armor
After the nerfs on Life Steal Quints, these are now the best choice on marksmen that are not heavily AS reliant. The will give you around 9 armor(as much as 9 armor seals) and will reduce the incoming physical damage making it hard for enemies to push you out of lane. And with only 525 range you will probably receive a lot of poke.

Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage
The bonus 2.25 Attack Damage(you should take only 1) might not look so awesome but it is indeed a great help regarding last hitting and especially in eraly levels and under turret. You take it more or less for the same reason you take AD Marks.
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As a Marks(wo)man your primary goal is to deal damage. As a sequence you should go deep into the offense tree and get all the points that will bootst your physical damage output and especially your sustained damage dealt by basic attacks. Because of this you ignore all the AP-masteries.
Some of you might be wondering why I am not taking Double-Edged Sword , Blade Weaving and Spell Weaving . Regarding the first one, I have the feeling that as an adc there are going to be situations where you really want to avoid taking that extra 1.5% damage while the bonus damage it gives you is minor. In terms of the other two now, they're more of AD-Caster masteries and I prefer the extra sustain from Feast and the dps from Frenzy. You can proceed and take them if you want, though.

The best place to put the rest 9 points is the defense tree. Specifically, you should aim for masteries that can strenghten your lane presence. Block and Unyielding will help you a lot when trading while the bonus sustain from Recovery is truely remarkable. Finally, with the points in Veteran Scars and Juggernaut and the HP from Doran's Blade you will have over 600hp at level 1, so that you don't get forced out of lane.
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Item Sequence

Doran's Blade 450
Doran's Blade 450
B. F. Sword 1300
Vampiric Scepter 900
Boots 300

This is the ideal item setup you should have during the laning phase. Always start with Doran's Blade, Stealth Ward and a Health Potion. This way you'll have AD for trading and last hitting and a great combination of sustain and tankiness so that you don't gett forced out of lane. Also, the trinket gives too much vision to ignore. At your first back you should be opting for Boots and either B. F. Sword or Vampiric Scepter along with a second Doran's Blade. You need these items to be strong in trades thanks to the bunch of AD and lifesteal, while the boots might help you survive from an enemy gank. Later you should upgrade them into Berserker's Greaves for better trading and dueling potential.

Mid Game

Item Sequence

Bloodthirster 3400
Statikk Shiv 2900
Last Whisper 1450

Bloodthirster is always the best item to rush as Quinn because of the huge boost in damage output it gives. Quinn has huge AD scalings and Bloodthirster provides a huge amount of attack damage along with some sustain on-hit (aka life steal) for trading. Some would argue that the new BT is not as strong as the old one and shouldn't be rushed. However, this shield is really useful on short-range carries like Quinn that need to commit in all-in. Then I like to buy Statikk Shiv. It adds a lot to your waveclear and increases your burst during the middle stages of the game. With a bit of luck and good timing you can proc the SS passive together with Harrier for insane damage. Finally you should always buy Last Whisper. It is extremely cost efficient and it will help you counter the armor most enemies will already have built/will be building.

Defensive Items

Item Sequence

Randuin's Omen 2700
Banshee's Veil 3000
Mercurial Scimitar 3200
Guardian Angel 3200

In every game you need a defensive item so that you don't get melted in miliseconds by enemy bruisers or assasins. The item choice, however, is up to the situation/ state of the game. Randuin's Omen is great against fed enemy marksmen or AA reliant champion like Tryndamere, Master Yi, Fiora or even Udyr or Trundle. Banshee's Veil works particularly well against teams with some sort of unavoidable CC like Nautilus's or Vi's ultimates. Mercurial Scimitar is similar to Cleanse and is worth the value against high CC teams. You should generally buy an early Quicksilver Sash and upgrade it later. Guardian Angel is my purchase in most games as it gives enough Armor and Magic Resist and the passive can turn a fight if your team is well coordinated.

Last Purchases

Item Sequence

Infinity Edge 3600
Berserker's Greaves - Distortion 1550
Berserker's Greaves - Furor 1550
Berserker's Greaves - Homeguard 1550

In every game you need a defensive item so that you don't get melted in miliseconds by enemy bruisers or assasins. The item choice, however, is up to the situation/ state of the game. Randuin's Omen is great against fed enemy marksmen or AA reliant champion like Tryndamere, Master Yi, Fiora or even Udyr or Trundle. Banshee's Veil works particularly well against teams with some sort of unavoidable CC like Nautilus's or Vi's ultimates. Mercurial Scimitar is similar to Cleanse and is worth the value against high CC teams. You should generally buy an early Quicksilver Sash and upgrade it later. Guardian Angel is my purchase in most games as it gives enough Armor and Magic Resist and the passive can turn a fight if your team is well coordinated.
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tag team> > >

You want to max Blinding Assault first because it is your main damage source among abilities and it scales nicely into late game. Then comes Vault for the bonus damage and the reduced Cooldown. Heightened Senses shouldn't be maxed before level 18 as it is an ultility spell and wards can more or less do the same job as the active, while the AS steroid is not so impressive. Get tag team whenever possible(6, 11, 16).
Why Vault at level 1?
Because it's a more sure damage source. If you need to participate in a trade very early it is much easier to hit Vault than Blinding Assault and the damage is almost the same.

Why Heightened Senses at level 4?
Because this spell is not really essential earlier. Level 3 ganks at bot are not very common and even if the enemy comes, you have wards to avoid being caught. At level 4, though, when you might be getting out of wards, Heightened Senses can be useful.

Quite good for an adc passive, Harrier adds a lot of burst. Harriers priorities when it comes to marking somebody is as following:
  • Most recent target
  • Closest Champion (low hp > high hp)
  • Low hp minions
Attacking a marked target will do quite a lot of damage but do not overextend in order to perform this action.

This is a very strong and unique ability. It can be used to harass in lane of before a teamfight, to waveclear and of course it is one of the reasons why Quinn is such a strong duelist against AA reliant champions. When being in bird form, this is not a skillshot anymore but it impacts a close area around you. This means that it should be used after you have reached the enemy to outdamage him.

If you're skilled enough you can use this spell for your teams and your own good. If your allies have called "MIA" and you lack vision you can activate this to check the are a round you. It is also useful if you want to know whether the enemies are doing baron/dragon. The passive is an extra reason to attack Harrier-marked targets and helps you kite a bit. In bird form the active is the same but AS steroid is passive.

This skill is amazing and it has many diffent uses. For example you can Vault to an enemy to start a mini trade in lane or to kite or even to escape from them. It deals quite a lot of damage and it can help you pro 2+ Harriers to the same enemy. It can also be used as a repositioning tool and as an escaping mechanism. In bird form this is turned into a dash only, which means that it can't be used as an escaping tool anymore.

tag team When you activate tag team you're turned into a bird, Valor, with a slightly different skillset. If an ability is on cooldown when you change form it will stay on cooldown. tag team is very powerful in 1v1 situations or to chase/escape late game and in lane trades but not that good in teamfight because of the short range. You can reactivate tag team to perform Skystrike which is a great finishing moove as it scales with the enemies missing health. Then you gain the human form again.
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Quinn can be quite strong in lane but also very average. However, as Quinn you benefit both from kill lanes with a lots of trades and from farm lanes. You should be the one to determine this type according to your mathcup. In general, as Quinn it is vital to know when to be aggressive and when to hold back. The tips below are useful for any lane so it's adviseable for you to read on!

➶Farming and Wave Control

When playing as Quinn it's essential to know how to farm effectively and keep the minion wave at a favourable for you place. Follow the tips below and with some practice you'll be fine.

➶Hitting Level 2 Quickly

It's really important to get level 2 before your opponent does. This way you can get an early advantage and force a mini-trade where you have more chances to win. How to do this?
  • Get to lane quicky. There is no need to make more than 1 AA when leashing.
  • Start pushing a bit more than usual but be careful not to overextend.
  • Bot ganks at levels 1-2 are not very common. So you can carry on pushing until you reach level 2.
  • After having become level 2, fall back! Force a mini trade if it's possible but don't overdo it.
  • Have a safe position and good vision. Otherwise you might die
If you feel scared that you might die do not use this and just last hit normally from the beginning.
➶Last Hitting

One of your primary goals when laning as Quinn is to farm as much as possible. Thus you'll earn gold for your core item purchases. The best and safest way to do this is last hitting. Last hitting is the action of waiting untill the enemy minion falls at low health and then dealing only the killing blow to get the gold and experience. Thus the lane won't be pushed and you won't be susceptible to ganks. This is something that you should be doing during almost the whole laning phase to secure a lot of gold for yourself.

When having to last hit under turret remember that:
  • melee minions need 3 turret hits to die
  • caster minions need 2 hits to die
Balance your attacks before and after the turret hit to make the killing blow.

➶Lane Freeze

Freezing a lane means that you keep the minions near to your turret but outside of the turret's radious. This is done by last hitting at the very last moment and keeping this way less allied minions and more enemy ones. This is another way to secure easy farm and deny it to the enemy. You should always try to keep the balance because if you start last hitting slightly faster you will push the lane and if you loose some creeps then you will pull your wave withing the turret's range. "Lane freezing" can be done to balance things after you have pushed a little bit for more experience or if you have destroyed the enemy outer turret/the enemies have destroyed your outer turret. "Lane freezing" requires some practice and is quite hard to enforce perfectly.

Zoning is the result of winning in trades, taking control of the bush and having good vision. It means that you take control of the enemy's safe zone and limit their moves. It can be achived by:
  • Winning trades
  • Denying vision of the enemy team
  • Taking control of the bushes in lane
  • Having jungler gank multiple times
After zoning your enemy start last hitting minions from the back denying the farm they would gain from minions getting killed. The best opportunity for you to zone an enemy is when the support/adc is left alone. Then you can take control of the bushes and do all your damage without overextending.

➶Trading in Lane

Quinn has huge potential in trades especially at level 3-4 and post level 6. Most marksmen use AA followed by an ability when trading. As Quinn you should always be getting for something more.

When enemies start a trade I like to Vault on them, AA and then use Blinding Assault. Generally, the enemy should have backed off by now. If this is not the case just carry on auto attacking till you proc a second Harrier. However, if you see that the fight is not in your favour just back off.

As Quinn you can also intitiate for a trade(at least in kill lanes). If you see an enemy marked with Harrier attempt to proc it without going too far because the enemy support/adc can attack in return. If you do manage to attack, Vault on them and throw everything you have. In farm lanes, go in only when you have a clear advantage or your jungler/support have started a fight that is likely to end positively. If you have your ultimate, use it when the enemies are low and/or about to flee away.

Except for this tactics which are centered around Quinn's kit you should be aware of the following techniques of harassing that must be used by any marksman player:
  • When the enemy is about to last hit a minion then you can Auto Attack him. He will either decide to attack you( and loose cs) or to kill the minion and loose the trade.
  • If the bush is not warded and there are no enemy creeps left, then you can use Auto Attack the enemy and then run in the bush quickly so that he can't see you and return the damage.

➶Mid Game

➶Splitpushing vs. Grouping Up

During the middle stages of the game it is high time you opted for objectives. You must secure as many dragons and turrets possible to earn global gold and be stronger in late game. This can be achieved either via grouping up with your team or due to individual play. Quinn is not much of a teamfighter so it is wise to avoid teamfighting for as long as possible.

On the other hand, Quinn has very fast waveclears with the combination of Blinding Assault and Statikk Shiv's passive. Additionally, with Bloodthirster and Statikk Shiv in your inventory you can duel with almost anyone but for hypertanks like Shyvana or Renekton. Because of these elements it is adviseable to split push. Split pushing means means to push as fast and as much as possible a lane in order to secure farm and get objectives for your team. When spli-pushing you should not last hit the minions but auto-attack, always trying to get the gold, though. Whenever you see a new minion wave throw Blinding Assault in order to hit many minions and auto attack the low HP targets.

While spilt pushing, keep your eyes open for enemies missing in action. Provided your team has warded dragon and the river, you only need to put a Stealth Ward in the tribush or at the pathway to blue buff if you have gone too far. Do not forget to use Heightened Senses if you lack vision and the enemies are missing. It might save your life.

Finally remember that if your team is not causing pressure and is not able to take objectives( in other words when you're behind or your team is playing passively), split pushing is a bad idea. If you try to split push a lane under these circumstances then it really possible that more than 1 or 2 enemies will gank you. If your team is having the attitude explained above, then you'd better stay with them and defend your own objectives rather than try to force things.


While splitpushing or even when being with your team you will find yourself in 1vs1 fights. The process of fighting 1vs1 is called dueling. Quinn is an excellent duelist in most cases but you have to evaluate first whether and how are you going to approach the fight.

Against melee targets it's much better to stay in ranged form and kite them from safety. Kiting means attacking them and then slightly backing off to safety. This should be repeated many times. If they try to jump on you, throw Blinding Assault to reduce the incoming damage and use Vault on them to disengage. Keep kiting until they fall under 40% HP and you can finish them off with tag team, some AA and Skystrike. Even if it seems this is going to last forever it takes very short time due to your high damage.

Against ranged targets, who are squishy in their majority, it's better to fight with tag team. Of course, it is better to wait first for a Harrier on them and proc it. If this isn't coming any time soon then Vault, AA and then switch to bird and apply your combo. In some cases however it's even better to switch immediately into Valor. When facing Varus for example or Ashe you want to close the gap as fast as possible and avoid their long range poke and CC. It's also worth to use tag team quickly when being against a Twitch because the bonus MS will help you dodge the skillshot-like AA from his ultimate. Once you approach the enemy, your first priority is to blind him with Blinding Assault and then to use Skystrike to finish him off when he falls low on hp. In the meanwhile, use AA.


➶Before the fight

You can't know exactly when a fight is going to start but you do know that something is going to happen sometime if there are 8+ people in a close area. As Quinn you're really easy to cathc'n kill if you're not careful. So stay behind the tanks and near your support and wait until somebody initiates. If it's possible try to kit the enemy frontline. Kiting means to poke the enemy(mainly with auto attacks) and then go immediately back into safety. It's particularly effective vs melees. Of course if you see a squishy enemy out of position you can take advantage of your burst, Vault on him, apply Harrier, kill him and make it a 5vs4. However, this is a bit risky and shouldn't be done if you're not 100% sure.


As a marksman your main role in a teamfight is to deal as much sustained damage as possible while keeping yourself alive since a dead ADC can't deal any damage. This is quite difficult to manage since you'll be a priority target for the enemies but it can be done with good positioning. The ideal position is behind your tanks, close to your support and able to deal as much damage as possible to the enemies. You should never be caught in bad positioning cuz assasins will burst you down in a matter of seconds. You should not try to reach the enemy carries, there is no such thing as "bad focus" and stuff, at least for marksmen. Attack the closest, kill the closest(might need to switch targets) and make sure you stay alive at any cost. If nevertheless somebody manages to reach you, use Blinding Assault on him immediately and then Vault on him to create distance between him and you. Then try to kite him as much as possible and kill him. Generally, I like to keep my spells for similar cases. In addition to this, it is adviseable not to fight in bird form because the short range involves high risk with so little tankiness. Activate tag team to catch fleeing enemies after the fight or to escape if the fight is lost.

➶After the Fight

Note that Quinn is one of the best at clearing fights thanks to her burst damage in both forms but mainly because of her chasing potential with tag team. So once the major part of the teamfight is over and you're not in danger it might be worth to chase down the low HP fleeing enemies especially if they are carries. Be careful not to overextend, though, and have in mind that it's not always the best option to chase down an enemy especially if it's a low priority target(i.e. tank, support).

If you won the teamfight you generally can:
  • Push and get turrets
  • Take dragon and/or baron
  • Defend your base for a while if you're loosing and push again when inhibitors respawn.
  • Recall for items, only if you have low HP.

If you lost then:
  • Buy Enchantment: Homeguard if you haven't done so already.
  • Hope that they're recalling and they don't push or take dragon/baron.
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Quinn's capabilities in teamfights are limited. So in order to broaden the impact she can have late game you need a multi-tasky composition. You need a team that can scale fairly well and peel for you by zoning the enemy team and creating chaos in order for you and assasins to capitalize on positioning mistakes.

Shyvana is a very strong pick right now that can absorb a lot of damage and limit the actions of the enemies' allowing you and your allies to use their combos on them. Gragas has great burst through all phases of the game and his ultimate can easily punish enemies that are out of position, while Kha'Zix is a pure assasin with potential to snowball really hard.

As for supports, Quinn can benefit from almost every killing support and from poke supports in some situations. In my honest opinion, Leona, Thresh and Annie are by far the best pick though because Quinn can follow up their burst and CC with her spells and AA getting thus easy kills in lane and in teamfights.
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Hard-> Long Range Poke Matchups
The marksmen presented here have a clear advantage over you sice they can easily poke you down and zone you thanks to their long range AA and spells. As Quinn you should try to avoid being poke by staying behind minions, moving constantly and trying to last hit at max range. Still good players will always achieve minimum 2 hits if you last hit close to them. However, they don't trade so efficiently in all-out fights so work together with your support to punish any positioning errors. Another solution is a poke support to return the damage.

Challenging-> Even Damage Matchups
The marksmen presented here have damage output in lane comparable to yours and might challenge you in trades. Even though most adcs struggle against them you shouldn't really have much trouble since Blinding Assault can block lots of incoming damage from AA, which is crucial especially against Draven and Lucian. Other than that try not to be hit by their great damage sources and don't force an all-in fight if you don't have a clear advantage. Try to farm safely and you could easily outscale some of these guys and of course try to force fights which are apparently in your fover but do not overextend. These guys can easily punish you.

Countering Kit-> Easy Matchups
Quinn has some easy matchups that involve the marksmen presented here. The main reasoning behind this is that their kit is centered around basic attacks and you can easily outtrade them by hitting Blinding Assault. Of course they still have some other tricks( i.e Kog'Maw's magic damage) but you can easily prevent them from using them by causing much pressure or by simply moving around and dodging skillshots and stuff. Take full advantage of these matchups and do not hesitate to pick Quinn if you see one of these guys.

Skill based
The marksmen presented here are not something special in lane. They have their tools but you have yours. For instance Corki can bring lots of damage to the table and has good harass but you can easily dodge both of them by moving constantly and staying behind minions. Same yields for Ezreal. Urgot can only cause you problem if he lands Noxian Corrosive Charge which you can avoid of course and you can also force him out of lane with basic attacks. Tristana has some damage, mainly magic but if you hit your blind she can't follow up to finish you and you can beat her in lane trades. All in all, you shouldn't have problems if you play right.
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So this is it! I hope I helped you improve as Quinn or introduced you to her awesomeness.

Before I end I would like to credit specially the following people:
  • Uproar for the text in the banners
  • -NA- Veng Lmfao for the base of the chapter banners
  • TheNamelessBard for the line dividers

Thank you all!
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