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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Master Yi
Your W doesnt do anything against him, I've decided to permaban him because that and for the fact that he is super strong at lower elos. Wait for him to use his Q and while he is using that, run towards a wall and wait him to pop out from his Q and stun him. Really hard matchup still.
Yuumi can slow the enemies down for you and then you can just stun them and EZ kill. Non-charged ultimate combo'd with Yuumi's in a team fight usually means Ace!
Yuumi can slow the enemies down for you and then you can just stun them and EZ kill. Non-charged ultimate combo'd with Yuumi's in a team fight usually means Ace!
Pros: + High early game damage. + Good jungle sustain. + Straightforward ganks. + Dominates if even a tiny lead. |
Cons: - Hard catch up if behind - Loses to champs with blinks - Easy to counterjungle since low mobility |
Use this page when your team has +3 squishies or enemy team has +3 tank champs such as Nautilus, Rek'Sai and Garen. And why is it this page you should go for? Well Aftershock activates after you use your E on a champion, which gives you bunch of sustain and lets you dive under turrets if necessary. Shield Bash once again, works with passive so well that you don't even need to think for other runes for that part. Although if your team lacks healing go for Font of Life. Bone Plating for sustain, nothing more to say about that. Revitalize just gives u some jungle sustain and gank power. For the secondary runepath, Zombie Ward and Relentless Hunter for vision and jungling.
Goes for damage, helps with early ganks, and just helps you in scaling. |
Helps with one-shotting squishies, helps with vision deny, overall good item for Poppy. |
Damage, mana, attack speed? Hell yeah I'm going to pay 3733 gold for that! Such a good item for Poppy and her sustain, just remember to build Sheen first. |
Movement speed and lethality, do i have to tell you more? After you get this item, its byebye enemy Jinx. |
Gain some magic resist and a bunch of tenacity. Helps a lot against CC compositions. |
2800 gold for getting a second chance? Lets go then. |
Helps with jungle clear, gives a ton of health. Overall a good item for Poppy |
Sustain, slow and you can have a ranged proc for the passive, go for this instead of Trinity Force but don't go for this in the Electrocute build. |
Same goes for this item, sustain and a ranged passive activation since Poppy's passive. Really good for third item. |
You want to soak as much damage as possible with this build. Go for Mercury's Treads if against a heavy CC composition. |
I like to go for this even if enemy team doesn't have much AP champions like Veigar, Akali or Neeko since it gives you 30% increased healing recieve. This with 1 or 2 Ocean Drakes and you cannot die if played well. |
Gain a bunch of armor, some movement speed and a tiny bit of damage. good item since you can move faster between lanes. |
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