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Recommended Items
Runes: Option #1 (Recommended)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Normal Path
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Morgana's Q and E messes you up, either ban her or stay safe during laning phase.
Your E and R is more than enough to let her pull out her whole combo.
Your E and R is more than enough to let her pull out her whole combo.
Champion Build Guide
As Poppy is a tanky character with a high CC kit, it is a pretty good character to play on support. Your E ( ) stuns, your Q ( ) slows and your R ( ) gets your enemies airborne.
Now, let's see how you can 'protect' your ADC, tank your team and control your enemies with your abilities.
First, we shall get through our abilities, eh?
Passive - Iron Ambassador
Q - Hammer Shock
Poppy smashes the selected area with her hammer dealing damage, that area becomes unstable which slows down the enemies and then explodes to deal damage again. |
W - Steadfast Presence
E - Heroic Charge
Poppy charges to an enemy pushing them and dealing damage, if Poppy collides with a surface while carrying the enemy, she stuns the enemy and deals damage again. |
Ulti (R) - Keeper's Verdict
If you ever played Poppy, you know that your combo is pretty basic.
> > >
You want to pull that out while your ADC can attack the enemy or you can do that to scare and push the enemies back.
Protecting your ally:
Case #1
Photo URL (imgur): Picture of Case #1
In this case, you want Q ( ) your opponent and activate your W ( ).
Your Q ( ) slows down your enemy and deals damage while W ( ) does not let the enemy to dash towards your ally.
Case #2
Photo URL (imgur): Picture of Case #2
In this case, you want to pull out your basic combo (without R [ ] ), if there is no wall to stun your enemy, engage with E and Q ( ) then get out with W ( ).
You combo will scare the enemy away if you pull it, because it is a very powerful combo, dealing a lot of damage and stunning your opponent. The little no-wall engage is to keep your enemy away.
How to correctly use your ulti then?
Depending on the current situation, you have to choose. If there is a teamfight and there is a Yasuo on your team, you can combo with him with your no charged (not channeled) ulti with his ulti ( ).
Or if there is a teamfight and their most fed/valuable player is separate from them, you can channel ulti him to remove him/her from the teamfight for easier wins.
C'ya, have a good time and stay safe :)
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