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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Void Stone (PASSIVE)
Kassadin Passive Ability
Starting Hunter's Talisman:Start Red-Wolves-Blue-Gromp-Skuddle-Top Pressure-Back
Mana regeneration is not a problem starting Talisman. Since W costs 0 mana and Talisman gives mana regeneration, blue is not needed straight away.
Starting Hunter's Machete:Start Blue-Gromp-Wolves-Red-Skuddle-Krugs-Raptors-Back
Hunter's Machete enables Kassadin to farm harder because of the life steal given.
Level 4-5 ganks from Kassadin are weak but could yield results. Don't be afraid to get atleast one gank. Whether you get a kill or not makes no difference. Ganking pre-lvl6 can make an enemy use flash or grants your laner time and space to farm.
The main purpose of hard farming early is to reach level 6 ASAP. Kassadin feels weak and useless without his ultimate.
Once Tear has been stacking and you've reached level 6 with a couple of damage items, Ganking is Fun.
Mana regeneration is not a problem starting Talisman. Since W costs 0 mana and Talisman gives mana regeneration, blue is not needed straight away.
Starting Hunter's Machete:Start Blue-Gromp-Wolves-Red-Skuddle-Krugs-Raptors-Back
Hunter's Machete enables Kassadin to farm harder because of the life steal given.
Level 4-5 ganks from Kassadin are weak but could yield results. Don't be afraid to get atleast one gank. Whether you get a kill or not makes no difference. Ganking pre-lvl6 can make an enemy use flash or grants your laner time and space to farm.
The main purpose of hard farming early is to reach level 6 ASAP. Kassadin feels weak and useless without his ultimate.
Once Tear has been stacking and you've reached level 6 with a couple of damage items, Ganking is Fun.
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