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Ability Order
Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
Who am I
This guide is only made to teach people the "Proxy Singed".
The sense behind the proxy is that singed will get every farm and pressures the top lane, that means the jng will camp u and ur team has much time to push or do objectives.
Singed is a Tank and not a DPS champ so u will go on
Strength of the Ages
instead of
Deathfire Touch
. U wont go for much AP and the mastery dont work against minions so its a pure waste.
First be sure the jungle is starting bot lane. U walk threw the jungle and go between the second and third turret and proxy 3 waves there, execute get corrupting potion and tp to lane. If the Top come u can ghost and kite him around before u run away, if the jungle come go execute.
U run threw the Wave and try to push in and proxy. U farm between the first and second tower and run between the second and third tower. Be sure noone is in Base (recall or death) and run into the enemys base. Run between top and midlane and farm the wave, after that u recall. If u see noone is coming to u cancel the recall and go for another wave, if u see them recalling or running to u execute instantly.
If u get ur ZZrot and u feel really fed u can proxy into the enemy Base and place ur zzrot on the top lane inhibitor then u proxy bot and mid lane and run to proxy the top lane (the zzrot stops the wave) after u execute. If someone comes to kill u run around the enemy base and try to waste as much time as possible (use ult and ghost).
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