My perma-ban in mid. Everything in Diana's kit directly counters yours. She will poke you out and beat you in an all in. Play as safe as you can, rush Tiamat, and look for roams. You bring more value in late game teamfights if she's not fed, play to scale.
Sylas is your most dangerous counter throughout the game. He heals out of your execute range, out-trades you in all-ins and short trades, has very strong teamfight potential, and your ultimate is probably the best in the game for him to steal. Tiamat, Mobility Boots, and Prowler's Claw are good. Try to pick off squishy targets out of position and avoid Sylas at all costs. Build Executioner's Calling sometime after lane phase.
Fizz can dodge everything you have with his Q and E. Try to take very short trades (PokeQ-AA) and look for roams. Look to dodge his R with your E.
Pyke's hardest counter in bot lane and my perma-ban. Everything in her kit counters yours. Her Q will lock you down, her E will prevent your Q or E from landing, (but not your R,) her R is pretty much guaranteed to activate if you've already used your E, and she takes Perfect Timing, allowing her to deny your R. Look to dodge her roots and throw unexpected hooks so that she shields the wrong person. PokeQ-AA is your best option for damage if you can get close.
Take E first. Akali is super hard to deal with because of her insane mobility and damage. You won't ever beat her in lane, so rush Tiamat and look to roam. You can E right after she re-casts her's to guarantee a stun.
He can engage and lock you down or peel hard for his ADC making it very hard for you to have any impact. Unlike Leona, you cant dodge his engage; but if you have the reaction time, you can E when he jumps on you to stun him so he cant follow up.
She can dodge your E, Q, and R with her Tumble, deals true damage, can condemn you while you're in E or channeling your Q, and goes invisible, making skillshots almost impossible. Try to predict her tumble when hooking and if your ADC is strong early, try to get an early kill or two on her before she scales.
She can perma cc you very easily. If she is trying to play aggressive, peel your ADC with E.
2 blinks and an untargetable make it impossible to hit anything on a competent Zed player. Try to use your E just as he's coming out of his R and full combo him there as it's the only way to get guaranteed damage on him (He will always land directly opposite from where he cast it). Use your PokeQ-AA and watch out for him using his R to dodge yours.
Shaco can negate all of your cc with no effort. He can dodge your E and Q with his invis and can place a box right in front of him when your hook is charging, forcing you to hook the box. DO NOT try to kill the boxes in the early game, they deal 100-200 damage in a few seconds.
Rush Tiamat and build QSS later. Roam roam roam. Silence and suppress deny everything you have and you can't clear his minions quickly.
Kayle out trades, out sustains, and out ranges you throughout the game. Pre-6 she does more damage and will beat you in all ins. She also scales much harder. You have better waveclear with Tiamat though, so look for roams and watch out for her R in teamfights as she can deny yours.
His R can deny yours and the bonus move speed he gives makes it very hard to land your skillshots or chase. He also has good poke damage and cc with his bombs.
Chunks you down extremely quickly with huge pokes. Play around his Q stun and try to dodge his skillshots with your W move speed.
She can make herself or an ally practically invincible with her R and her polymorph can completely turn an all-in. If she Ults someone in a teamfight, try to perma cc them to lessen its effects and allow your team to burst them quickly.
Most of the time, getting hooked means death because of his guaranteed follow-up. He has very strong cc and burst damage with a teammate. Treat his hook as you would Urgot's ultimate. All of his abilities cost a ton of mana, so wait for him to run out and get a free kill on the enemy ADC.
You can kill her pre-6 but NEVER try to fight a lvl 6 Annie. Play around her stun and roam heavy after 6. Mobis or Merc Treads are good.
DO NOT fight her early, she will kite out your Q and E and 1 shot you with rend. Use PokeQ for the slow as her jump distance is based on move speed.
He can deny your mobility and one shot you easily. If you know you would die inside of the cage, you can R to a champion outside and you'll blink to them without being stunned as you're untargetable. W to become camouflaged so he cant cast his R at long range.
You can kill Yasuo in an all in given that you hit your Q and E, but he can dodge both with his dash and block them with wind wall. His R also shreds what little armor you have, making you even more squishy. Use your Q's poke instead of trying to land a hook and use your E to dodge his 3rd Q.
She can poke you out and can heal out of your execute range during all stages of the game. Her silence is a huge threat as well. Watch your feet, don't get rooted. If you manage to avoid her skillshots, she's a free kill.
She can kite you pretty hard and jump away from your Q and E. She can also save herself and teammates from your R with her's. Wait for her R to be down before ulting.
Her R can be used to dodge everything in your kit. Watch out for her Q's return as it deals true damage and heals her. Don't get charmed.
She can poke you out, kite you hard, and severely limit your movement. Engage with your E so she can't ground you mid-fight and hook her once she does to bring her back into melee range.
She can burst you pretty quickly when paired with lockdown champions like Alistar or Leona. Stand in your wave to avoid max Q damage.
She can poke you out or lock you down when her root is combined with a support's and she's faster in her E than you are in your W. Play around her root cooldown and if you do get rooted, use W so if she's at long range she can't attack you.
He can kill you in 5-6 autos and cancel your Q with his E. Peel your adc by stunning him. Many Dravens will try to tower dive early; punish them with your E and Q.
Tristana can burst you very quickly with her E+Q+Hail of Blades and can negate your E stun with her jump. If she puts her bomb on you, run away and try to W to become untargetable so she cant stack it. Also use your hook right after she jumps to cancel it.
Play very safe and wait for your opportunity to get fed in the mid/late game. You will never beat him in lane because he out trades you hard with turrets. Farm hard and try to scale. Tiamat is good.
Take E first. Try to all in her lvl 1 with e to get early prio and maybe kill. Watch out for her daggers. You can cancel her R with your E or Q. Use your poke Q for the slow, as she heavily relies on mobility and watch out for her blinking behind you while you're charging your hook.
Miss Fortune
She can poke you out hard with Q when you go for minions and slow you with her E when you try to engage. Perma cc her and look to stun or pull her to cancel her R.
Don't get 4'd. Watch out for his poke when walking up for cs, his single shot damage is one of the highest of any ADC. His R makes him a sitting duck and he isn't mobile until late game. Look to perma cc him so he cant fight back with his insane damage
If you get on top of Zoe lvl 1, you can burst her to 1/4 HP. Watch out for her sleep and her summoner spells, specifically Cleanse, Heal, and Flash. Don't underestimate her passive auto damage.
He can burst you pretty quickly in lane but is vulnerable to all-ins when his E is down. Watch out for him cancelling your hook with his E, and if he does, take advantage of the long cooldown.
General rule is you beat him in short trades but he beats you in all-ins, especially if he's in his E. It's much easier to hit skillshots on him compared to Yasuo because he has no wind wall or extreme mobility, but he makes up for it with his W shield, split damage, and healing. Take trades early but be weary of his power spikes.
Can take E first. She's very vulnerable in lane, but her mid/late game utility and damage make her a threat once she gets some items. Look to pressure her off of cs by threatening with your Q. Dodge the ball.
There's not much Braum can do against you except block your Q and E. Play around his shield cooldown.
Rushing Boots of Swiftness makes her slow meaningless until she builds crit, leaving her with no cc and no damage in lane. Don't try to fight her before getting Swift boots unless you can guarantee a kill with E-Flash.
Rush any boots. She can poke you out but not super effectively and if you get on top of her she's dead. Try to predict when she will R and E through her to dodge it and stun.
You shred him early but he shreds you late. Watch out for the insane burst damage on his ultimate and look to pressure with hook early as he has no means of dodging it.
He will out-roam you most of the time because of his passive movement speed, but can't beat you in lane. Take advantage of him being out of lane by killing the ADC. You can also try to counter roam him as you bring more value in a 2v2 than he does. Be careful of him kiting you out with his tunnels and slow, he does a surprising amount of damage. Youmuu's is good.
His poke and cc are annoying, but he is extremely killable early. Use your W to get away from his passive once he's dead.
Rush any boots. Dodge his skillshots. Without his stun he's a free kill, but a good Xerath can poke you out very effectively. Watch out for him placing his W on top of himself after you E.
She doesn't do enough damage to poke you out when she's not fed and she's a free kill if hooked. Use your E or W to dodge her root.
There's not much Vladimir can do against you. Maintain permanent prio and threaten him with Hail of Blades. If he has his 3rd Q ready, charge your hook to threaten an all in. If he's not behind his wave, he'll have to back up or get hooked. Always engage with your E to bait his pool and hook him when he comes out of it to extend the all-in. Don't constantly tank his Qs. Executioner's Calling is good in the mid game, but he doesn't heal enough in all ins to justify it in lane.
Can take E first. You kill him extremely quickly in midlane. Only thing you need to watch out for is him placing a bomb at his feet when you E. In support, he is much more problematic with his strong poke but he's just as easy to kill.
You get each other fed so quickly that you snowball for midgame. The ideal lane partner.
Leona allows you to deal insane damage with Lethal Tempo with her lockdown and you can alternate cooldowns with her to perma-cc anyone.
Her spell shield helps you a lot in teamfights and in lane and she's great at keeping people in execute range with her W.
Similar to Draven, you get each other fed very quickly.
This synergy depends on your ability to peel Caitlyn throughout the game and her affinity with traps. Aftershock is good.
Peel for her in lane and be patient. Don't force all-ins when she has no damage/items. Aftershock is good.
Ashe has very little follow up to your cc with low damage.
Peel for him early.
Great follow up cc and damage.
He will always manage to execute that *one* ult reset you need to close out a teamfight. Urgot sucks.
Can canel your ult. Annoying.
Point-and-click knockup makes it very easy to hit skillshots.
You get each other fed so quickly that you snowball for midgame. The ideal lane partner.
Leona allows you to deal insane damage with Lethal Tempo with her lockdown and you can alternate cooldowns with her to perma-cc anyone.
Her spell shield helps you a lot in teamfights and in lane and she's great at keeping people in execute range with her W.
Similar to Draven, you get each other fed very quickly.
This synergy depends on your ability to peel Caitlyn throughout the game and her affinity with traps. Aftershock is good.
Peel for her in lane and be patient. Don't force all-ins when she has no damage/items. Aftershock is good.
Ashe has very little follow up to your cc with low damage.
Peel for him early.
Great follow up cc and damage.
He will always manage to execute that *one* ult reset you need to close out a teamfight. Urgot sucks.
Can canel your ult. Annoying.
Point-and-click knockup makes it very easy to hit skillshots.
Runes: Jungle
Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter
Future's Market
Perfect Timing
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Standard start. Always take shield on ADC. TIP: Always wait for the shield healing to finish before healing your grey health as it's based on missing health.
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