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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Normal Summs
Ability Order
Pit Grit (PASSIVE)
Sett Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Hardcore Sett Counter, always ban
"To be the boss, you gotta beat the boss. I don't see you bein' the boss."
"To be the boss, you gotta beat the boss. I don't see you bein' the boss."
Champion Build Guide
Hi, Im paccu, and welcome to my lethality Sett mid build.
This build is a 100% suboptimal, total meme sett of runes and items purely made for the enjoyment of making Sett a body-slamming assassin that blows up any mage/adc/assassin in unmatched style and flair.
This build is very strong into ad/ap melee mid matchups, and immobile mages with little CC. Your short trading power is insane, at the cost of prolonged fights losing their luster like a normal Sett
As a (currently) 314k M7 Sett, I got rather bored of him top lane, and thought, well, how do I spice things up? By cheese obliterating people mid of course! (seems to be a common trend among my builds.)
This is where you power begins
ALWAYS START E (Face Breaker) and play between the melee and caster minions lvl 1 into other melee champs, the MOMENT they step within E range, get the stun and use HoB to chunk them hella hardLevel 2 is when you kill
, once you hit level 2, take Q and immediately either use Q's movement speed to get the E stun and HoB ignite will usually kill if you got the first tradeHere's an example of an Akali that took the first trade level 1:
After lvl 2 on, just make sure to take quick burst trades and never burn W unless it will either kill, or is needed to save yourself
Finally, lvl 6, use your ult in 1 of 5 ways
1. After Prowlers Claw to insec
2. To dodge enemy hard cc
3. To win gank 1v2's
4. As a (nearly) inescapable finisher (especially with Collector ;)
5. Use E then Galeforce to insec
Now, I bet your wondering: How does HoB Sett even work?
To put it simply, Your first 2 punches=woah fast, then Q for auto reset that doesn't count for HoB, the 3rd and 4th come out quick from auto reset and HoB on 4th for a killing sett of blows
Some of these will be obvious, I know, but this is a guide for all
1. Prowlers Claw->R is almost always a guaranteed insec and can be used to bring people into your team
2. Your 1v1's are ****ing godly, most cant 1v1 a full lethality Sett unless they are a tank, even then, try it
3. Prioritize ulting the large targets, then proceed to punch the back line for max utility
4. Use Ghost Blade with your Q for great chase
5. Galeforce can be used after E to get behind them, or use Galeforce to get between 2 people to hit stun E
Warnings/ Outro
1. You are NOT AS TANKY AS NORMAL SETT, you are a squishy assassin with your plot-armor W, play for trades, not drawn out fights
2. You aren't very fast, this is just an inherent quality of Sett, you will most likely be using your Q to catch people
3. Ganks Pre-6 are not the best for you, good luck getting away
4. As stated, this build is suboptimal, and only works effectively into slow, or melee heavy teams that are relatively squishy
Thank you for reading through this build and I hope you enjoy it/find success with it. Go check out my other serious and not-so serious other guides I have on champs like Voli, Mordekaiser, Malphite, Jhin and more soon to come!
2. You aren't very fast, this is just an inherent quality of Sett, you will most likely be using your Q to catch people
3. Ganks Pre-6 are not the best for you, good luck getting away
4. As stated, this build is suboptimal, and only works effectively into slow, or melee heavy teams that are relatively squishy
Thank you for reading through this build and I hope you enjoy it/find success with it. Go check out my other serious and not-so serious other guides I have on champs like Voli, Mordekaiser, Malphite, Jhin and more soon to come!
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