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Runes: With Blood Razor VS Tanks
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Challenging Smite
Threats & Synergies
His kit makes it a very hard 1v1 and he can just ult you when you E him. Its my personal ban when going JG quinn.
Champion Build Guide
Not the best Quinn player but not the worst either.
I mostly play support but like to jungle a lot as well.
Quinn is my favorite champion as her global presence and awesome chasing power makes her a lot off fun to play in any role.
She is also a very strong dueler lvl 2 and can win most 1v1s on Scuttle Crab fights cause of Q blind and E repositioning power.
Be carefull not to get tower agro on that play, since you may end up dieing or being too low on heath that the enemy jungle can just invade and kill you afterwards.
Depending on the enemy jungle I often go straight to bot or top do the other Scuttle Crab (if not done) and gank again, cause Quinn lvl 2 gank is so strong, it often catches people by surprise. And you might get another flash off.
Then you should focus on tracking enemy jungler using your W and map awareness to farm and counter jg as much as possible until lvl 6 where your gank becomes much better. Probably with your Bloodrazor already finished.
Its hard to solo drakes before Bloodrazor and boots so remember to ask bot lane for help if you see enemy jg is top side and bot lane has pressure to help secure drake.
Try to place a early game pink inside the Rift Herald pit, try to do it around 10 minute mark, when the enemy jungler ganks bot side and is not able to reach top fast enough, that can help you get early tower mid or Top probably and give you more map to roam around getting pick offs on the enemy team.
Learn to use W + E to wall hop using JG camps to avoid unwanted 1v1s in jungle or escape chases. Also makes your clear a little faster if you jump over a few walls when doing clears.
You want to come in and clear a fight, not get hard CCed and die because your so fast your team cant keep up and help.
Always scout using W to avoid getting picked off yourself and focus on doing objectives drakes and baron.
IĀ“ll improve on the guide as I can, comments and questions are welcome.
IĀ“ll try to add a gameplay video later on.
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